Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике

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IV. Choose the correct answer.
1. What was the story-teller's attitude towards the old shepherd?
a) He liked him a lot.
b) He was afraid o f the old shepherd.
c) They didn't know each other.
d) He didn't respect him.
2. Why had it been an exhausting hour for the two boys?
a) They had been playing football in the afternoon sun.
b) They had been waiting for the old shepherd.
c) They had been trying to dig a large green lizard out o f its hole in a stone wall.
d) They had been looking for old shepherd's brown olive-wood stick.
3. Why had the boys chosen the place beneath the cypress-trees?
a) They were not allowed to choose any other place.
b) There were no other trees but the cypress-trees.
c) Those five little cypress-trees cast a neat square o f shadow on the sun-bleached grass.
d) They could hide from the old shepherd.
4. What idea did the country-people have about the English?
a) They considered the English to be reserved.
b) They thought all English people were lords.
c) They thought all English were hostile.
d) They considered the English to be hospitable.
5. Why did the shepherd roar at the goat?
a) He was very angry and it was not the first time when he did it.
b) He wanted the boys to wake up.
c) The goat didn't want to turn back to the flock.
d) The goat went away and was tearing at a young olive.
6. What did the superstitious old man tell the boys about cypresses?
a) Those cypress-trees had been planted by his ancestors.
b) Those cypress-trees were the highest in the world.
c) The cypress-trees cast a good shadow and it was nice to sleep beneath them.
d) People must never sleep beneath the cypress-trees.
Text 9
Saunders had h alf fallen asleep. A voice at his side woke him. «The fog's getting thick, sir.» 
It was already dense, with the first light touching it with dusty yellow. He said, «Pass the 
word round to move in.»
«Are we going to rush the place, sir?»
«No, there's the girl there. We can't have any shooting. W ait till he comes out.» But the 
policeman hadn't left his side when he noticed, «The door's opening.»
Saunders put his whistle in his mouth and lowered his safety catch. The light was bad and 
the fog deceptive, but he recognized the dark coat o f the man they were after as it slipped quickly to 
the right into the shelter o f the coal trucks. He blew his whistle and was after it. The black coat had 
half a minute's start and was moving quickly into the fog. It was impossible to see at all more than 
twenty feet ahead. But Saunders kept doggedly just in sight, blowing his whistle continuously.
As he hoped, a whistle blew in front. It confused the fugitive, he hesitated for a moment, and 
Saunders gained on him. They had him cornered, and this Saunders knew was the dangerous 
moment. He blew his whistle urgently three times into the fog to bring the police round in a 
complete circle, and the whistle was taken up in the yellow obscurity, passing in a wide invisible 
circle. But he had lost pace; the fugitive spurted forward and was lost. Saunders blew two blasts, 
«Advance slowly and keep in touch.»
To the right and in front a single long whistle announced that the man had been seen, and the 
police converged on the sound. Each kept in touch with a policeman on either hand. It was

impossible, as long the circle was kept closed, for the man to escape. But the circle drew in, and 
there was no sign o f him. The short, single, explanatory blasts sounded petulant and lost.
At last Saunders, gazing ahead saw the faint form o f a policeman come out o f the fog a 
dozen yards away. He halted them all with a whistled signal; the fugitive must be somewhere just 
ahead in the tangle o f tracks in the centre. Revolver in hand, Saunders advanced, and a policeman 
took his place and closed the circle.

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