Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике


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Exercise 1. Study the use of the Past and Future Continuous (Progressive) tenses. Remember:
Past Continuous (Progressive) is used to express an action, which was going on at a definite time in
the past; the Future Continuous (Progressive) can be used with a point in time to indicate that the
action will begin before this time and continue after it.
1. The scientists were talking about a new field o f research when I entered. 2. They were 
analyzing my work at this time yesterday. 3. When I was taking my driving test I made many 
mistakes. 4. Why didn’t you type the translation o f the article? - I was having difficulties with my 
computer. 5. They will be making the experiment the whole day long. 6. Rapid changes were taking 
place in the sphere o f communications last year. 7. Gradually scientists began to realize that they 
were talking about the same things. 8. I was studying a new article when my friend entered my 
room. 9. Next Friday w e’ll be doing the play “One Way Cafe” in the television studio where three 
cameras will be taping it. 10. Did you ask your husband what progress he was making at the 
institute? 12. At this time tomorrow I’ll be working at my report. 13. When you come your family 
will be having dinner. 14. At this time next week w e’ll be taking our exam. 15. At 10 o’clock 
tomorrow I’ll be giving my first lecture.
Exercise 2. Use the verbs in brackets in Past Simple or Past Continuous:
1. When I (to come) they still (to discuss) the problem. 2. What you (to do) at this time 
yesterday? - I (to work) on my report while my wife (to cook). 3. I (to make) all the calculations 
while you (to chatter). 4. When the clock (to strike) midnight we still (to consider) an important 
matter. 5. Telling me his story he (to stumble) nearly each word. In the end I (to lose) my patience.
6. When I (to look though) old newspapers I (to come across) the article on the problem under 
investigation. 7. Listening to him I couldn’t but feel that all he (to tell) us about his success (to be) a 
lie. 8. The delegation (to board) the plane when suddenly they (to see) a police car rushing towards 
the plane at a terrible speed. 9. He (to be) arrested when he (to pass) through passport control. 10. 
When we (to make) the experiment we (to come) across some difficulties. 11. The discussion o f the 
problem (to go on) from 2 till 3 o ’clock yesterday. 12. Professor X. (to deliver) a lecture when I (to 
approach) the lecture hall. 13. The graduate (to ask) an interesting question when the dean o f our 
faculty (to come) in.

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