Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике

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E x e r c ise 6. 
u s in g
the Gerund:
Can we find out anything about the Universe 
if we simply talk about it?
You say: 
Can we find out anything about the Universe 
simply by talking about it?
1. She used 
to buy 
Christmas presents 
early, hide them away 
forget all about them.
(She had a habit o f ___ ). 2. 
To cram for a test 
to prepare oneself for it 
hard and
quick study, 
( b y ___ hard and quickly). 3. People 
would like to learn 
today what sort o f life they
will be leading tomorrow. (___ are interested i n ___ ). 4. What really matters is 
whether you
natural and social phenomena prospectively. (___ are interested i n ____). 5. Robert insisted
that everybody call his apartment “cell”. 
(___ on calling ___ ). 6. A scientist can expose a
paradox or inconsistency within accepted theories 
even if he never lifts a test tube. (
e v e r___ ). 7. I get pleasure 
when I receive and read 
your letters. 
e n jo y ___ ). 8. John really
makes me bored 
because he is constantly talking about his career. 
(John makes be bored by his 
so much
Exercise 7. Complete the utterances focusing on 
“to help to d o ”/ ”help d o ”/ ”can ’t help/couldn’t
help doing
We say: 
“help to do
” and 
“help do
” (infinitive with and without 
My adviser helped 
me to choose a selective. Or He helped me choose a selective.
Can’t/couldn’t help doing something 
=' can’t/couldn’t stop oneself from doing it: Sorry I can’t 
help overhearing. You were talking so loud.
1. The candidate made a speech emphasizing the need for collaboration. We couldn't help
___• 2. The boss is very supportive o f the idea. He just can’t h e lp ___
, I 
am afraid. 3. Part o f your
job as a President’s secretary is t o ___ organize conferences and keep him informed. 4. Being a
seasoned traveler, Michael was fully prepared for the long delay at the airport. I couldn’t h e lp ___.
5. Books on the philosophy o f scie n c e ___ us think like scientists. 6. I can’t h e lp ____when you
have to deal with that charming incompetent fellow in their office.

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