THE THORACIC PART OF AORTA (pars thoracica aortae) , or
thoracic aorta (aorta thoracica) is the part of descending aorta
from the level of the 4th thoracic vertebra to the aortic hiatus
(level of the 9th – 10th thoracic vertebrae).
It is located along the anterior surface of thoracic vertebra.
There is mediastinal pleura and left sympathetic trunk from
the left. There is the root of sympathetic trunk anteriorly,
esophagus and nn. vagi anteriorly and to the right, thoracic
duct posteriorly and to the right, azygos vein on the right,
hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos veins posteriorly.
To the organs and walls of thoracic cavity the thoracic aorta
gives the following branches:
1) rr. bronchiales;
2) rr. oesophagei;
3) rr. pericardiaci;
4) rr. mediastinales;
5) aa. phrenicae superiores;
6) aa. intercostales posteriores.
58 Appendix A Figure A.1 – Topography of vessels and nerves of the infraclavicular region:
1 – nodi lymphatici axillares;
2 – m. latissimus dorsi;