Байланысты: ped and psy 2 nomer 2016.compressed (1)
Ключевые слова: обновленное содержание знания; рефлексия; аспекты рефлексии; профессионально-
деятельностный, коммуникативная и профессионально-личностная рефлекия; совершенствование; саморегу-
ляция; самоактивизация; самообразование, самооценка.
Summary The importance of reflection in the study of renovated contents of knowledge Ospanbekova M.N. – PhD students, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai
In the article are considered the role and importance of reflection in the study of renovated contents of knowledge,
definitions and aspects given by the scientists as well.
Pedagogical reflections of future primary school teachers, organisation of reflection in studying process, scientific
researches on the problem of development of schoolchildren's study reflection are analysed. Specific characteristic of
students' reflection is ggiven.
Revealed factors of reflection necessity in preparation of future specialists and pecularities of reflection in teachers'
work enabled to classify the following types: professional-work reflection (determining the aims and objectives,
assessment of study results, discussing arising problems, organisation and management of studying process:
communicative reflection (the level of emphathy, communicative style, communication with others); professional-
personality reflection (individual- psychological traits: creativity, the level of experience and personal traits).
Key words: renovated contents of knowledge, reflection, aspects of reflection, professional work; communicative
and personality reflection; improvement; selfregulation, selfactivation, selfeducation, selfassessment.