16. Match situations 1-5 with questions a)-e): 1. Making a request
2. Asking for permission
3. Offering help
4. Offering something
5. Inviting somebody
a) Would you like a coffee?
b) Would you like me to carry your coffee for you?
c) Would you like to come with us for a coffee?
d) Could you get me a cup of coffee from the can-
e) Can I have some sugar?
Now match situations 6-12 with replies f)-l). You can look back at the ques- tions in the previous part to help you. 6. Agreeing to a request
7. Refusing a request
8. Expressing a preference
9. Accepting an offer of help
10. Accepting a suggestion
f) Actually, I think I’d rather have water if
you don’t mind.
g) Of course, no problem.
h) Actually, I’m really busy at the moment.
i) OK, let’s do that.
11. Rejecting an offer of help
j) Thanks, I’d really appreciate that.
k) Thanks, but I can manage.