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техногенна безпека України: регіональний вимір загроз і ризиків: монографія / С.П.
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Державне регулювання економіки: Підручник / Гриньова В.М., Новікова М.М. –
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Андрієнко М.В. Державна політика України у сфері техногенної та природної безпеки (кінець XX –
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Кодекс цивільного захисту України від 02.10.2012 р. № 5403
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Про основні засади державного нагляду (контролю) у сфері господарської діяльності: Закон України від
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V із змінами // Урядовий кур’єр від 27.06.2007 р. №
«Проблеми та перспективи розвитку науки на початку третього тисячоліття у країнах Європи та Азії»
Муножат Асранбаева
(Наманган, Узбекистан)
Hozirgi kunda “S
axs” muammosi tabiiy va ijtimoiy gumanitar fanlarning umumiy tadqiqot ob`yektiga aylanib
bormoqda. Shular jumlasidan psixologiya ham inson sifatlarini, shaxsning individual xususiyatlarini va bu xususiyatlarning
shakllanishi masalalarini o’rganadi. Shaxsdagi bunday individual xususiyatlardan biri: inson o’zini anglashi va o’ziga bergan
bahosidir. Psixologiyada bu kabi mua
mmolarni tahlil qilish orqali shaxsni har tomonlama o’rganib chiqish imkoniyati paydo
Olimlarning ta`kidlashicha, shaxsdagi o’zini anglash va o’ziga baho berish tevarak
atrof bilan bo’lgan
munosabatlarda shakllanadi. Ushbu muammoni o’rganishda ko’
plab pedagog va psixolog olimlar-inson ongining rivojlanish
tarixi, hamda shaxsning ijtimoiylashuvi haqidagi ta`limotlarga asoslanib ish olib boradilar. Olimlar “o’z –
o’ziga baho berish
shaxsning o’zini anglashning mahsuli hamda muhim jihati” deb qaraydilar. O’zini baholash, o’zini anglash kabi feno»Men»lar
ijtimoiy xususiyatga va mezonlarga asoslangan bo’ladi.
Muammo yuzasidan rus psixologlari ham qator fikrlarni bildirib o’tganlar. B.G.Anan’evning ta`kidlashicha –
o’zi haqida bir fikrga kelishida,
jamoa hayotini hamda o’ziga baho berishni shakllantiruvchi baholash munosabatlarining to’g`ri
rivojlanishi muhimdir”. Shaxsda o’zini anglash va baholashning paydo bo’lish omili
-odamning individual xususiyati, faoliyat
sub`yektliligi, shaxs xususiyatlarini
ng tarkib topishi notekisdir. Olimning mulohazasiga ko’ra, o’zini anglash va baholash ushbu
xususiyatlarni o’zaro muvofiqlashtiradi va shu tariqa ongning individualligini ta`minlaydi.
Rus psixologi L.S.Vigotskiy fikricha, shaxsning o’ziga baho berishida muloqotnig o’rni juda ahamiyatlidir. Muloqot
psixikaning funda»Men»tal asosi bo’lganligi uchun ham shaxs shakllanishiga va uning xususiyatlariga ta`sir ko’rsatadi. Kishi
atrofdagilar bilan muloqot o’rnatish bilan birga o’zi bilan ham muloqot o’rnatadi. Bunday vaziyatlarda shaxsda o’ziga nisbatan
tanqidiy qarashlar kuchayadi, qolaversa, tahlil kuchayib o’ziga nisbatan shaxsda past baho berish vujudga keladi.
Psixologiya fanida o’zini anglash va o’ziga baho berish muammolari bir nechta yo’nalishlarda o’rganilga
n. Psixologik
adabiyotlarni analiz qilish natijasida biz o’z
o’ziga baho berish muammosini o’rganishning: shaxsiy, dinamik
faoliyatli, funktsional, psixoterapevtik, gumanistik yo’nalishlarini aniqladik. Biroq bu muammoni o’rganishda yagona
rminologik birlik mavjud emas. Ko’pchilik adabiyotlarida o’ziga baho berish va o’ziga bo’lgan munosabat haqida so’z
yuritilsa, g`arb adabiyotlarida esa «Men» –
kontseptsiyasi haqida fikr yuritiladi.
B.G.Anan’ev o’ziga baho berishning shakllanish muammosini
ontogenez jarayonida o’rganadi. U o’z ishlarida
bolaning o’z tashqi ko’rinishi va tanasiga bo’lgan munosabati asta
sekinlik bilan shakllanib boradi. O’zining ichki xususiyatlarini
anglash esa yanada murakkabroqdir. O’smirlik yoshida esa maktab o’quvchisining o’ziga adekvat baho berishi asosan
pedagogik bahoga bog`liq bo’ladi.
o’ziga baho berish o’ziga xos psixologik feno»Men» sifatida o’zini anglashning yakunlovchi mahsuli bo’lmish
“Men obrazi” va “Men kontseptsiya”sini shakllantiruvchi sharoit va vosi
ta hisoblanadi.
“Men” –
obrazi va o’zini
o’zi baholash. “Men” –
obrazi asosida har bir shaxsda o’z
o’ziga nisbatan baholar tizimi
shakllanadiki bu tizim ham obrazga mos tarzda har-
xil bo’lishi mumkin. O’z
o’ziga nisbatan baho turli sifatlar va shaxsning
ttirilgan tajribasi, shu tajriba asosida yotgan yutuqlariga bog`liq holda turlicha bo’lishi mumkin. Ya`ni, ayni biror ish, yu
yuzasidan ortib ketsa, boshqasi ta`sirida
aksincha, pastlab ketishi mumkin. Bu baho shaxsga, boshqalarning real
ga bog`liq bo’lsada, aslida u shaxs ongi tizimidagi mezonlarga, ya`ni, uning o’zi sub`yektiv tarzda shu
munosabatlarni qanchalik qadrlashiga bog`liq tarzda shakllanadi. Masalan, maktabda bir fan o’qituvchisining bolaga nisbatan
ijobiy munosabati, doimiy ma
qtovlari uning o’z
o’ziga bahosini oshirsa, boshqa bir o’qituvchining salbiy munosabati ham bu
bahoni pastlatmasligi mumkin. Ya`ni, bu baho ko’proq shaxsning o’ziga bog`liq bo’lib, u sub`yektiv xarakterga egadir. O’z
o’ziga baho nafaqat haqiqatga yaqin (adekvat), to’g`ri bo’ladi, balki u o’ta past yoki yuqori ham bo’lishi mumkin.
o’ziga bahoning past bo’lishi ko’pincha atrofdagilarning shaxsga nisbatan qo’yayotgan talablarining o’ta ortiqligi,
ularni uddalay olmaslik, turli xil e`tirozlarning doimiy tar
zda bildirilishi, ishda, o’qishda va muomala jarayonidagi
muvaffaqiyatsizliklar oqibatida hosil bo’lishi mumkin. Bunday o’smir yoki katta odam ham, doimo tushkunlik holatiga tushib
qolishi, atrofdagilardan chetroqda yurishga harakat qilishi, o’zining kuchi
va qobiliyatlariga ishonchsizlik kayfiyatida bo’lishi
bilan ajralib turadi va bora-bora shaxsda qator salbiy sifatlar va hatti-
harakatlarning paydo bo’lishiga olib keladi. Hattoki,
bunday holat suitsidal harakatlar, ya`ni o’z joniga qasd qilish, real borliqdan «qochishga» intilish psixologiyasini ham keltirib
chiqarishi mumkin.
o’ziga bahoning o’ta yuqori bo’lishi ham shaxs xulq
atvoriga yaxshi ta`sir ko’rsatmaydi. Chunki, u ham shaxs
yutuqlari yoki undagi sifatlarning boshqalar tomonidan sun`iy tarzda
bo’rttirilishi, noo’rin maqtovlar, turli qiyinchiliklarni chetlab
o’tishga intilish tufayli shakllanadi. Ana shunday sharoitda paydo bo’ladigan psixologik holat «noadekvatlilik effekti» deb a
uning oqibatida shaxs hattoki, mag`lubiyatga uchraganda y
oki o’zida nochorlik, uquvsizliklarni sezganda ham buning sababini
o’zgalarda deb biladi va shunga o’zini ishontiradi ham (masalan, «xalaqit berdida», «falonchi bo’lmaganida» kabi bahonalar
ko’payadi). Ya`ni, nimaiki bo’lmasin, aybdor o’zi emas, atrofdagil
ar, sharoit, taqdir aybdor. Bundaylar haqida bora-bora
odamlar «oyog`i yerdan uzilgan», «manmansiragan», «dimog`dor» kabi sifatlar bilan gapira boshlaydilar. Demak, o’z
baho realistik, adekvat, to’g`ri bo’lishi kerak.
Shunday qilib, o’z
o’ziga baho sof ijtimoiy hodisa bo’lib, uning mazmuni va mohiyati shaxsni o’rab turgan jamiyat
me’yorlariga, shu jamiyatda qabul qilingan va e`zozlanadigan qadriyatlarga bog`liq bo’ladi.
Yuqorida bildirilgan fikr-mulohazalarni umumlashtirgan holda ta]kidlash mumkinki,
o’zini to’g’ri anglash, adekvat
baho berish, ichki qadriyatlari mohiyatini tushunib yetish shaxsning psixologik taraqqiyotini harakarlantiruvchi kuch sifatida
namoyon bo’ladi.
1. Fayzullaev A.A. Motivatsionnaya samoregulyatsiya lichnosti.T: Fan, 1997.
2. Shaxsning psixik taraqqiyoti diagnostikasi.-
(metodik qo’llanma) T.: «Fan va texnologiyalar», 2010.
«Проблеми та перспективи розвитку науки на початку третього тисячоліття у країнах Європи та Азії»
Nataliya Martynenko
(Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Development of individua
lity is an important task of each person. The elective course “Health culture” can help
medical students to understand the main directions of contemporary processes. Modern person goes through a mutation
despite of age, race, or nationality. Mutation occup
ies physical, emotional and spiritual “bodies” of human being.
In perfection of physical body can help basic knowledge about healthy nourishment and formation of positive habits
of eating. It means that we have to eat “light” food without toxins and injuri
ous ingredients. We have to limit the consumption
of products, which can cause the problems in digestive system (they are individual for each person). People have to eat tasty
and useful food. We should not forget about the necessity of drinking 10 glasses of pure still water each day. People have to
remember that tobacoo, narcotics, and alcohol are ruining immune system, and as a result people have oncology, allergy and
other incurable diseases.
Mutation of spiritual and emotional
of human being includes the compulsory following moral laws and
principles. We have to take care about people around us, and we should not forget about ourselves. We should be pure both
in deeds and thoughts. We should not hate anybody or anything (hatred is drying a soul) as a result we will get the chance to
feel the gracious. We should be humble and follow God’s will doing everything for realization of our mission on the Earth. It
necessary to refuse from negative emotions, because they lead us for unhappy life.
Our feelings reflect the surrounding energies. We are like a mirror of them. But we are mentally developed mirror
with a right of choice, so we can set a task to reflect just positive things and ignore the negative ones.
All the feelings are subdivided into low and high. We can learn to control low feelings (anger, fear and sadness) and
clean our soul from them. High ones (joy, love, and indignation) are inherent human being at any level of individual growth.
They are very important, because high feelings can change the qualitative characteristics of a person. Full reservoirs of
negative emotions are dangerous not only for our character, but also for the health. Reservoirs of anger provoke the formation
of such negative features of character as susceptibility, touchiness, envy, and jealousy). Reservoirs of fear fix us on hesitation,
incredulity, timidity, and shame. Reservoirs of sadness generate inherent permanent disheartenment, objection to life, and
pessimism. We have to clean all these reservoirs of negative emotions, because in this case joy will have the chance to fill
the empty place. Full reservoirs of negative emotions all of the time will ruin the mutual relations, we will be dependent and
think by stereotypes, and finally, we will have the problems with health.
Let us analyze a fear. We should not afraid of it. We have to accept it. Thanks to fear human being started to build
the safety inhabitation, to use fire, cultivate wheat and vegetables. So, in fact, fear is a mover of progress.
It is necessary to understand about which things the fear is warning us. It is a real art. All the fears are subdivided
into useful and useless. Among the useful ones we have to mention the instinct of self-preservation. People, who can listen
to their “inner fear” feel th
e future negative events and have the time (from some hours or some minutes) for prevention of
disaster. This fear starts to become weaker in the case of right reaction (changing of the mind or plans). Phobias or useless
fears are permanent. There is a phobia of taking the incurable disease, so from the very beginning it would be nice to start
from the medical examinations. In the case of negative results doctor can prove the useless character of that fear. Sometimes,
fear can be formed by the similar situations. Fear of flying by planes can be strong deep phobia, or a specific feeling before
the definite flight. The last situation can be accompanied by awful heart-sinking, disinclination to fly, break, dislocation,
diarrhea or other events. It can be the warning about the future catastrophe.
We have to remember that the fear is not so awful like waiting for it. Recreant is dying a thousand times. Fear is one
of the most complicated human feelings. Fear affects not only the physical and emotional body of a person, but also the whole
surrounding atmosphere around him/her. Individual, affected by fear is hagridden and cannot be the active both in thoughts
and deeds. Thought can be fruitful when human being is active and in full balance and harmony. Fear does not give the
chance for spirit to open. The whole organism is affected by a fear. The main task is to get the victory over the fear and realize
the mission on the Earth.
Fear is such a stress that affects the kidneys and adrenals. It leads to aggressiveness and anger. So, we have to
understand, that just we can influence on the support and recreation of our health.
Another example is Let us analyze one of the big problems of many contemporary people
irritability. It is one of the
strongest points of dis-balance for human being. It wakes up inside a person fear, greediness, and encourages passions.
Furiosity, anger and the wish to injure somebody’s feelings accompany the irritability. All of them are the evidence of non
developed individual and emotional culture. The person cannot control his/her temper. In fact, strong anger is a kind of
midsummer madness. So, when you raging, you cannot control yourself and suffer of momentary madness. Displeasure
makes us weak. More than that, it causes high blood pressure, ulcer, rash, heart-beating, insomnia, tiredness, and even
cardio-vascular diseases. Irritability ruins love, impedes communication, forms feeling of guilt and depression, etc. Sometimes
it is better to give free swing to the temper, than to accumulate it inside and suppression of it, but the healthiest way is to not
give the chance for it. You can change the destructive emotions onto less disruptive ones. At first, annoyance, grievance or
sadness can be acceptable. Later, you have to select and work with negative emotions and do not give them the chance to
control you.
Psychosomatic aspects of gallbladder lesion:
Energy of gallbladder correlates to psychic status of human being and closely connected with the heart;
Aggressiveness and hot temper sometimes has no serious motives;
Anxiety, fear or shouting in the behavior of a person is a symptom of energy deficit in the gallbladder meridian.
In human organism energy of gallbladder is responsible for the decisiveness, the liability and braveness.
In conclusion we should underline that the main task of contemporary medicine is the increasing of energetic balance
of human being and help in overcoming of psychological disorders. The task of each person is spiritual evolution and self -
1. Kornfield Jack A Path with Heart.
Kyiv: Sophia Ltd., 1997.
304 p.(Rus);
«Проблеми та перспективи розвитку науки на початку третього тисячоліття у країнах Європи та Азії»
2. Gonikman Emma Psychosomatic in Oriental Medicine. Clinic. Acupuncture. Homeopathy.
Minsk: Santana, 2003.
p. (Rus.);
3. Steiner Rudolf Anthroposophie Eine Zusammenfassung nach einundzwanzig Jahren.
Yerevan: Longin, 2008.
208 p.
4. Gorashchuk Valerii Valeology.
Kyiv: Geneza, 1998.
144 p. (Ukr.);
5. Klizovskiy Alexander Basics in Understanding of New Epoch.
, 2004.
800 p. (Rus.);
6. Psychic Energy and Health.
Moscow: International Roerich Center, 1996.
200 p. (Rus.);
7. Vasiliev Edward Way of Life in the Age of Aquarius. Theory and Practice of Self-Cognition and Self-Improvement.
Moscow: Gumus, 1996.
240 p. (Rus.)
8. Luule Viilma Forgive Myself. In 2 Volumes.
Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2001 (Rus.).
9. The Spiritual Physick of Rhazes. London, 1950.
116 p.
Айгул Абдрахманова
(Тараз, Казахстан)
Жеткіншектер қарым
қатынасын екі жақты сипатта қарастырып, анықтама беруге болады. Бірінші, қарым
қатынас іс
әрекеттің жетекші түрі, жеке интимдік мінез; қарым
қатынас заты басқа адам
құрдас, ал мазмұны
қатынас құру және қолдау жасау. (Эльконин Д.Б., Драгунова Т.В.). Екінші, қарым
қатынас іс
әрекеттің жетекші түрі
және қоғамдық мінездемесі бар, оның үлкендермен, құрбыларымен өзара қатынасында түрлі жағдайларды меңгереді.
(Фельдштейн Д.И.).
қатынас процесінде индивид мотивке, мақсатқа, бағдарлмаға, қабылданған шешімге, ерекше
қозғалыстарды орындауға және оларды бақылауға, жалпы өзінің серіктесінің іс
әрекетіне ықпал жасай алады.
Л.И.Божович өз тәжірибелерінен жеткіншектерді қарым
қатынасқа итермелейтін бірнеше моивтерді анықтап берді:
Жеткіншектің дербестікке ұмтылуы.
өзі сыйлау, өзін құрметтеу және өзін таныту.
Тұлғаның өзіндік бейнесін көрсету.
Жеткіншек достары мен үлкендердің қолдауын және мақұлдауын қажет етеді.
Өз бетінше тәуелсіздікке ұмтылу.
Қоршаған адамдардың оны шеттетіп, жалғыздық сезіміне бөленуден қорқыныш мотивы
Жеткіншектік кезең –
балалық шақтан ересектікке өту. Осы кезеңдегі дене, ақыл
ой, адамгершілік, әлеуметтік
дамудың барлық жақтарының негізгі мазмұны мен өзіне тән ерекшелігі болып табылады. Барлық бағыттарда сапалық
жаңа құрылымдар қалыптасады. Организмнің, сана
сезімнің, үлкендермен және жолдастарымен қарым
олармен әлеуметтік өзара іс
әрекет әдістерінің, мүдделердің, танымдық және оқу
іс әрекетінің, мінез құлыққа, іс
әрекет пен қарым
қатынасқа арқау болатын адамгершілік
этикалық нормалар мазмұнының қайта құрылуы
нәтижесінде ересектік элементтері пайда болады. Осы жас кезеңде жағымды (өз бетінше әрекеттену, басқалармен
мағыналы қарым
қатынас, іс
әрекет түрінің кеңейуі) және жағымсыз (тұлға дамуында үйлесімділіктің нашарлауы,
қызығушылықтың шын
шытырмандығы, мінез
құлықта қырсықтықтың көріністері) мінез
құлық сапалары көрінеді. Осы
кезеңде тұлғаның болашақтағы жеке және қоғамдық өміріне себепші дене және психологиялық саулығына әсер ететін
мінез құлық кестесінің құрылымы аяқталады.
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