Болезнь (заболевание) — 1. Состояние, воз-
никающее в результате воздействия на орга-
низм внешнего или внутреннего вредоносно-
го фактора и характеризующееся снижением
приспособляемости к окружающей среде и,
как следствие, способности к выживанию. 2.
Общее название конкретных нозологических
Disease — a condition marked by subjective
complaints, a specific history, and clinical
signs, symptoms, and laboratory or radio-
graphic findings. The concepts of disease
and illness differ in that disease is usually
tangible or measurable, whereas illness
(and associated pain, suffering, or distress)
is highly individual and personal. Thus, a
person may have a serious but symptom-
free disease (e.g., hypertension) without
any illness. Conversely, a person may
be extremely ill (e.g., with posttraumatic
stress disorder) but have no obvious evi-
dence of disease
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