«Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептері» ДББҰ
АОО «Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы»
18 Which paragraph answers the question “What is the Internet?”?
A paragraph 1
B paragraph 2
C paragraph 3
D paragraph 4
Text 2
London Zoo Penguins Get into the Olympic Spirit
1 Stimulated by the Olympic Committee's 'Inspired by 2012' award, zoo authorities were looking for
a way to celebrate Olympic Games and decided to begin with the penguins because they love
displaying their athletic skills. Since the birds had already learned their penguin stroke and flipper-
crawl, the zoo keeper decided to give them _20_, by installing a diving board on the deep end of
their pool.
2 Sure enough, the penguins have taken to the diving board like professionals and are constantly
seen practising their skills. What makes it even more fun, is that the board is right above the
underwater viewing area, so visitors can see the birds catching their food as they dive in.
However, the penguins will soon have to share their spotlight, since the zoo keeper is planning to
introduce additional animal athlete programs. We wonder what's next – monkeys on balance
beams perhaps?
19 What is the function of the text in paragraph 1?
The author wants...
A to describe an event
B to make readers laugh
C to present a research
20 What word is missing in paragraph 1?
A a new challenge
B an old stadium
C a tasty food
21 Why were the penguins enthusiastic about practising their new skills?
A because they liked showing off their abilities
B because they participated in the Olympics
C because they were very hungry