№ 1(134)/2021
Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетінің ХАБАРШЫСЫ.
Педагогика. Психология. Әлеуметтану сериясы
ISSN: 2616-6895, eISSN: 2663-2497
Use of audiovisual tools in the field of English language teaching
society are naturally accompanied by changes in
reference points. In the field of education, they are
related to humanization and humanistic trends
in the development of learning technologies
and the organization of the educational process.
The humanistic paradigm is based on the need
to develop a fundamental human characteristic,
which consists in the desire to independently
build and improve their life activity, to be its true
subject. It is this need and, at the same time, the
ability of a person to create reliable prerequisites
for their life self-determination, inclusion in
various activities, and building their relationships
with other people. These relationships cannot be
carried out without communicative actions that
are directly related to both the native and foreign
traditional grammar teaching. Whereas, in
the previous time, learning a new language
meant learning to read the literature of that
language, now the necessity of learning a new
language has become a communicative need.
People learn another language for maintaining
communication with the people of other
communities speaking a different language.
As a result, a language is learnt as a means of
communication, not as a subject. That is why
with the changing necessity of learning language;
the teaching methods and approaches have also
been adapted. Language teachers are trying
to bring new innovations in their teaching to
make their language teaching effective. Teaching
language is not an easy task, and it needs to be
interesting enough to remove the anxiety of the
learners. For this reason, language teachers tend
to adapt different techniques to teach language
more effectively and more interestingly. With
the rapid growth and availability of technology,
language teachers are incorporating different
additional aids along with textbooks to teach
language. Different electronic boards, overhead
transparency, multimedia projector, computer,
audio, and video equipment are making the
language teachers’ tasks easier and dynamic.
Language teachers are using these audio-visual
materials to deliver their lectures and teach
the target language to the learners making the
class interesting and contextualized. However,
the question is whether the use of audio-visual
aids in classroom ensures effective language
teaching and learning? Is it always helpful for the
language teachers and learners? The increasing
use of audio-visual aids in language teaching
has made the researchers dwell on the issues and
subsequently, on this research.
This article aims at the quarries as to how a
language class can be dynamic and effective
with the use of audio- and video-materials. This
research explores how the language teachers, as
well as learners, benefit from the audio-visual
aids in language teaching and learning. This
research gives a clear view of the reason of using
audio-visual aids in language teaching and its
advantages from both teachers’ and learners’
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