№ 1(134)/2021
Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетінің ХАБАРШЫСЫ.
Педагогика. Психология. Әлеуметтану сериясы
ISSN: 2616-6895, eISSN: 2663-2497
whole history of humanity, the world has seen
a lot of scholars who have left their invaluable
experience, knowledge, skills and abilities.
Scientists have always been considered as
the driving force of society, due to which we can
use phones, electricity, recognize ourselves and
others, as well as infinitely self-improve.
Kazakhstan can be proud of its great scholars
who have contributed to the development of
various sciences, among them, an outstanding
scholar as A.R.Yermentaeva, being the author of
many unique works written in Kazakh language,
she brought new ideas to Psychological Science.
Due to her tireless and huge work, she was first
to open a specialization in Psychology, where
students were trained in the Kazakh language.
The works of Professor A.R. Yermentayeva are
characterized by deep analysis of psychological
phenomena, novelty of ideas, unique talent
in this area. Although the scientist studies
general psychological problems, her works
are distinguished by her reflections on Kazakh
psychology and methods of identifying
psychological phenomena, the path of
development from the ancient roots of science
to the present, comprehensive disclosure of
the achievement of modern globalization.
In particular, the widespread in the republic
concepts and technologies of a new formulation of
methods, tools and forms of psychological training
of students at the university A.R.Yermentayeva
has a great influence on science.
Scientific, public, and pedagogical activity of the Doctor of Psychological Sciences...
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