Конструкциялық материалдар және термоөңдеу Конструкционные материалы и термообработка Constructional materials and heat treatment Учебное пособие для специальности: 5В071200– «Машиностроение»

Wear resistance constructional steel

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Wear resistance constructional steel
It possess the high resistance to wear for what enter alloying additives or apply 
special methods of processing depending on service conditions. 
Ball-bearing steel on components and to structure carry to a class of the tool. 
The content of carbon in them - about 1%. For increase in a hardness penetration 
into composition of steel enter alloying elements (Cr, Si, Mn) which contents 
depends on the sizes of details. For example, steel of the ShH6 brand apply to 
details with the maximum size to 10мм, and ShH15GS-from above 30мм. 
High-manganese steel of the G13L brand is applied to the details operated at 
influence of shock loadings, causing their superficial cold work. Wear resistance 
of this steel after cold work increases. G13L steel is badly processed by cutting 
therefore products from it receive by forging or molding. Apply G13L steel to 
production crushing -grinding equipment, details of excavators, cater pillars. 

Graphitized steel is applied to production of the details operated in the 
conditions of friction, sliding. This steel receive from high carbon steel (1,5-2% 
C) with the raised content of silicon which promotes graphitization. 
Corrosion-resistant steel
To the corrosion-resistant steel carry the metal materials which aren't 
collapsing under the influence of corrosion environments. Corrosion-resistant 
steel subdivide into two main classes: chromic and chromium –nickel. 
Chromic steel possess high corrosion resistance which increases after heat 
treatment and giving of high purity of a surface of products (grinding, 
Steel of brand 3Х13, 4Х13 use for production of surgical tools. X17, H25T-of 
the equipment of chemical plants. X25T, H28-of the details operated in high-
hostile environment. 
Chrome-nickel steel, alloyed by chrome and nickel, possess higher resistance 
to corrosion in comparison with the chromic. Steel of this class are technological 
when processing by pressure, well cook, however have low indicators of 
foundry properties and a workability cutting. 
At violation of modes of heat treatment, and also at operation of details at 
increased temperatures (400-800zs) corrosion resistance chrome-nickel steel 
sharply decreases. For elimination of this lack of steel in addition alloy the titan 
and niobium. 

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