УДК 80/81 (063)
ЗКАТУ имени Жангир хана, г. Уральск, Казахстан
происходящие в современном мире, затронули не только социально-
экономические, социально-политические, но и социально-культурные сферы
деятельности человека. Глобализация мира в сфере культуры и образования, в
настоящее время, характеризуется интенсивным сближением стран и народов,
усилением их взаимодействия и взаимовлияния. В этих условиях
актуализируется проблема модернизации образования, в том числе проблема
языкового образования.
Одним из важнейших аспектов происходящей в казахстанском обществе
экономической и социальной модернизации выступает политика в области
языка. Термины «полиязычие», «многоязычие», «глобализация» стали наиболее
часто встречаться в подходе к изучению иностранного языка. В странах
Европейского союза широкое распространение получил принцип полиязычности.
Европейцы придерживаются такого правила: «Каждый из нас говорит на своем
родном языке, но мы понимаем друг друга». В качестве примера можно привести
следующие страны: Финляндия, где в качестве второго официального языка
принят шведский, на котором говорит 6% населения всей страны; Южный
Тироль, здесь на равных правах существуют три языка: немецкий, итальянский и
государственный французский [1].
В ежегодном Послании Президента народу Казахстана отмечена
актуальность полиязычного обучения, поскольку «одной из важных ценностей и
главным преимуществом нашей страны являются многонациональность и
многоязычие». Программа полиязычного обучения предусматривает создание
конкурентоспособного в условиях глобализации поколения, владеющего
языковой культурой. Знание казахского, английского и русского языков даст
молодежи ключ к мировым рынкам, науке и новым технологиям, создаст
условия для формирования мировоззренческой установки на конструктивное
сотрудничество на основе приобщения к этнической, казахстанской и мировой
культурам [2].
«Казахстан должен восприниматься во всем мире как высокообразованная
страна, — неоднократно подчѐркивал Президент, — население которой
пользуется тремя языками. Это: казахский язык — государственный язык,
русский язык — как язык межнационального общения и английский язык —
язык успешной интеграции в глобальную экономику» [3].
Для казахстанцев идея триединства языков особенно важна, поскольку
сформулирована была Главой государства как ответ на вызов времени, как
интегрирующегося в глобальный мир. Интеграция Казахстана в мировое
сообщество зависит сегодня от осознания и реализации простой истины: мир
открыт тому, кто сможет овладеть новыми знаниями через овладение домини-
рующими языками.
сообществом определена как базовая компетенция образования и одно из
Поликультурное образование в Республике Казахстан является одним из
приоритетных направлений в системе образования, в том числе и высшего
профессионального образования; является важной частью современного
образования, способствующей приобретению знаний о духовных и культурных
ценностях, традициях других народов. Именно образование является важнейшим
этапом в процессе формирования и развития поликультурной, толерантной
личности, уважающей не только свою, но и культуру других народов; этапом,
когда осознанно и целенаправленно формируются ценностные ориентиры,
жизненные принципы и приоритеты молодого поколения.
от ответа
Рисунок 1 – Результаты социального опроса
Приобщение к иноязычной культуре, постижение еѐ самобытности,
осмысление еѐ культурного вклада в общий фонд духовных ценностей
становится сегодня краеугольным камнем духовно-нравственного воспитания.
Знание сразу трѐх языков даѐт преподавателям и студентам возможность
получать систематические сведения о мире, ибо в языке заложено видение мира,
его осмысление и оценка, то есть отношение к нему.
Нами было проведено анкетирование среди молодежи, где поднимался
вопрос о необходимости полиязычия нашему обществу. Результаты социального
опроса выглядят следующим образом: За – 80%, против – 18%, воздержавшиеся
от ответа – 2%.
Из всего сказанного можно сделать вывод, что для формирования
конкурентоспособного специалиста, коммуникабельной позитивной личности,
способной к активной и эффективной жизнедеятельности в многонациональной
и поликультурной среде, обладающей развитым пониманием и чувством
уважения других культур, умением жить в мире и согласии необходимо
поликультурное и полиязычное образование.
К вопросу о составлении сопоставительных словарей педагогических
терминов и понятий // Языки в современном мире: проблемы и перспективы:
Материалы респуб.науч.-практ.конф. (26-27 апреля 2002г.). – Караганда: Изд-во
КарГУ, 2002. – С.7-12.
Назарбаев Н.А. Социальная модернизация Казахстана: Двадцать шагов к
Обществу Всеобщего Труда // Казахстанская правда. – 2012. – № 218-219. – 10
UDC: 811.512.122 (=111)
S. Amanzholov East-Kazakhstan State University, Ust-Kamenogorsk,
Notions and concepts are set as synthetic generalities, knowledge and world‘s
characteristics in the language, not in all types of language and speech formations and
units, but only in two types: in a word and in idiomatic units, respectively, in the
vocabulary and phraseology. Other types of language and speech entities – the
phonemes, morphemes, free phrases, sentences, texts and discourses do not contain
term and concepts as generalized units of consciousness and thinking, but other entities
and functional purposes. Unities of nominative system include along with the words
free phrases, which contain and represent concepts, not generalized, but situational and
contextual-single, specific concepts, that express not class, gender, category of world‘s
phenomena, but quite particular conditions in the data of that or another material or
communicative situation. [1,183]
Phraseological component is an essential constituent of any language. Between
the maturity of language and phraseological system there is a direct relationship.
Phraseological component of language is one of the most difficult elements in the
study of foreign languages and language acquisition. Mostly it is connected with the
complexity of phraseological units linguistic nature. Its most typical and categorical
features are: multi-component, separately statefulness, phrase form, imagery, semantic
integrity, phraseological stability in all aspects of its linguistic nature, belonging to the
language and linguistic system, therefore, taking them out from of memory or
dictionary ready. The typical characteristic features of phraseology are their attribution
not to the primary, but to the secondary language system, that is, their genetic
unoriginality and structural derivatives. Primary linguistic systems make the language,
on the one hand, the universal mean of communication and cognition, knowledge
storage, identification and differentiation of real phenomena and expression of
different relations between them, and, on the other hand, for the speech organization,
communication and more complex language and speech formation. [1,189]
In this sense the primary systems are, first of all, such two language systems as
the lexical and syntactic. They are sufficient for the realization of the next main needs
of person: nominative, communicative, pragmatic and diversion. These systems
include two major necessities for the implementation of these needs: a) the word; b)
the rules and the possibility of organizing new units of speech and language – phrases,
words, sentences, texts and thus, the very speech and communication. The word is the
most simple, convenient, succinct and effective language formula for all these types of
human needs and activities. This is due to the following features of the linguistic nature
and words structure: simplicity and generality of word‘s form and content,
implementation convenience of the operations and activities. The word is adapted
especially for the distinctive feature of human thinking, learning, reflection and
representation of the real world, its events, connections and relationships between
them. This feature is that during learning and reflection man creates, first of all, ideal
entities, and in one quality form, namely in the form of generalizations. These are
concepts, with the help of which man organizes judgments, inferences, that is, thought,
thinking activity, speech and communication. Generalization is a necessity in cognitive
and mental activity of man, otherwise it would have died in the individual and separate
particulars, also in the isolated from each other events and would not have an idea
about the integrity and coherence of the world and its phenomena, about its categorical
nature, that is, its class system, that the world consists not so much from the individual,
separate events, as from the classes, genera, species, groups, subgroups of various
objects and the world‘s phenomena. The world consists of communities, categories of
different order, generalizations of objective order of various subject areas as material
world phenomena and their cognitive-reflective categorical existence, not in the real
world already, which, as such, exists always, but in the human mind. The most
common and regular form of consolidation of knowledge about the world is a concept,
which encompasses the essential features and functions of the objects and phenomena
of the real world in a summarized form. The notion, in turn, is fixed, as usually, in the
language in such the most widespread and regular language unit as word. [2, 145] The
notion is usually the objective world in its natural quality, as it is in reality. For this the
concept and the notional system in cognitive, conceptual system of a nation are
responsible. The subjective, human predetermined or nationally and culturally
predefined knowledge, reflection and representation of the world meet another ideal,
conceptual, epistemological essence, another unit of consciousness, namely the
concept. The notion and concept as a generalization of essence and knowledge units,
epistemology and conscious are the own basis of human thought, thinking, nominative,
speech, communicative, pragmatic and the derivation activity and largely due to their
proper use for such purposes as speech, communicative, textual and discussion
In contrast, the set expressions are not units of speech, they are units of language,
without which there are no rules of speech and communication organization, and also
there is no verbal communication. On the nominative, communicative and language
levels language includes the words, idioms, that is set phrases, rules, patterns of
speech organizations and communication.
In the communication between people in their native or foreign languages it is
essential to ensure mutual understanding between communication partners. It is
achieved by the fact that the last ones have a good command of language and all its
systems, units, including idioms. An important role in the understanding of people with
each other during the communication in a foreign language play such factors as the
similarity of human languages, some of their systems and units. In this sense idioms do
not make an exception. Between idioms of different languages there are not only
differences, but also similarities with varying degrees. [2, 148] For this reason, a
comparative structural-typological phraseology is methodologically objective
necessity, because out of research approach these patterns cannot be identified and
summarized. In a comparative study of related and unrelated languages, including their
phraseology systems, there are three types of comparative linguistics, and hence the
phraseology: a) comparative; b) contrastive; c) typological. The first or comparative is
directed to find a community or even kind ship of languages, the second focuses only
differences, contrasts, and the third, on the similarities and differences at the same
time. Phraseology of different languages can be studied in the line of methodology and
theory of these three comparative linguistics. Comparative structural-typological study
of phraseology can effectively implement and provide interesting, valuable and useful
scientific results under certain research conditions: the use of unified theory of
methodology, a unified conceptual-terminological apparatus. Characterization and
comparison of phraseology of different languages are carried out under different
conditions, with different coverage of linguistic system. Among the most important
research tasks of comparative phraseology are, above all, such as the identification of
deep-rooted intra-language and extra-linguistic factors and causes of the similarities
and differences of phraseology systems.
Marion G.Neue methodische Ansätze im DaF-Unterricht mit Beiträgen
deutscher und usbekischer WissenschaftlerInnen.G.Marion, Neue methodische
Ansaetze. 2011,55,58 (in Germ)
Jakobson R. Implications of language universals for linguistics. R.Jakobson,
Universals of language. 2006, 11, 107,111 ( in Engl)
UDС 81‘1‘373.611
S.Amansholov East-Kazakhstan State University ,Ust-kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
Interlanguage phraseological equivalents and phraseological semantic in
phraseological system consistency of different languages specifically question the
turned into an axiom statement that the phraseology of each language is a unique,
inimitable system mostly of idiomatic images, derivational bases, internal form of
phraseological units.
Phraseological fund and phraseological composition of any language form
independent level, independent and important language system in structural and
functional approach. It is, generally known, to be very close to the lexical system, and
for the reason that the words and phraseological units are the only in the language of
education, by which language provides a generalized nomination and reflects the main
distinguishing feature of the human mind - its categorical nature.
Phraseology is known as the language system, which is typical of such things as
irregularity, originality and uniqueness.
But the results of studies in recent decades have refuted many of the axioms of
this kind in the phraseology and showed convincingly that there are regularity,
analogies, similarities and versatility in a language system. New approaches, concepts,
theories and methods developed in the last decade in the total, private and comparative
theories of phraseology played an important role in this respect.
Among them structural-typological approach to the study of phraseology of
related and unrelated languages of different systems, the use of the basic theory of
nomination, language modeling, field approach, descriptive linguistics, linguistic
derivation of motivation theory in the internal form of phraseology should be named.
Such an important linguistic fact of phraseology as development of own methods of
phraseological units and phraseological material in a single and multiple languages
study was the most conductive to it.
As with any languages and language systems, phraseology, phraseological
composition of a language, phraseological units of different languages reveal the
reality and relevance of a universal linguistic patterns: similarities and differences
between languages and their individual systems. Similarities are based on such general
laws and regularities that the question is of one single kind of phenomena, the
objective reality of the facts, namely, the human tongue.
Man, as we know, is single biologically, physiologically, psychologically,
socially, socially, culturally, in ontogeny and phylogeny outside his racial, national,
state belonging. Human and material objective world in which a man lives is also
single in general. An image, forms of human life and vital functions are single overall.
All these affect a certain unity of the structural and functional basis of human
languages, one of the main attributes and differences of people.
The rapid development of this science was in postclassic period of phraseology
and it continues to grow today. This is evidenced by the extensive literature existing in
this area of phraseology and a lot of studies on the comparative study of phraseological
units of various types, idiomatic systems in different languages (Kopylenko M. M.,
Reichstein A. D., Gvozdaryev J. A., Mokienko V. M., Solodukho E. M., Solodub Y.
P., Dobrovolsky O. D., Isabekov S. E., Sabitova M. T., Burger H., Eckert,
Haeusermann, Eismann W., Foeldes G., Korkonen J., Kunin A. V., Emirova A.).
Comparative phraseology is not united internally by its focus and subject of study.
Object and purpose of the study can be similarities of phraseological units and
phraseological systems similarities and differences at the same time. Comparative
phraseology studies and describes problems of the first kind of phraseology, structural-
typological phraseology – of the second kind and contrastive phraseology - of the third
kind. The present study was carried out in the categories and concepts of structural and
typological linguistics, universal linguistic and typological linguistics.
The relevance of the study is that interlanguage phraseological equivalents and
compliance are the most fertile material for contemporary comparative phraseology to
make a comparative study of the structural and typological phraseological systems of
different languages and reveal common, universal features and phraseological identity
of phraseological world view of creative thinking, phraseological conceptualization of
the world different languages.
Relevance of research provides a considerable degree of involvement in the orbit
of the comparative, structural and typological study of the Kazakh language as the
language of the independent nation and the state.
More than 1000 interlanguage phraseological equivalents (IPE) of the four
degrees of intimacy of four languages represent the material of the study.
Scientific novelty of the study is that the phraseological units of "fear" semantic
field is firstly to be studied and especially in key of structural typology and in terms of
interlanguage phraseological equivalents varying degrees of intimacy, such as
interlanguage phraseological equivalents of degree of similarity (IPE-1), interlanguage
phraseological equivalents of second degree of similarity (IPE-II), interlanguage
phraseological equivalents of the third degree of similarity (IPE-III) and interlanguage
phraseological equivalents fourth degree of similarity (IPE-IV). New in this study is
that it uses the basic categories, concepts, methods and techniques of research, not only
from a comparative, structural and typological phraseology, phraseological theory of
semantics, but also cognitive phraseology ethnolinguistics, linguistics, linguistic
universals, typological linguistics, psycholinguistics .
The reflection – is a universal property of a matter. It is caused by two properties
of a matter: a) by the interaction, the interference of subjects and the reality phenomena
at each other and b) by the presence of living beings, organisms in a material world.
The material world is the world of physical, chemical, energetic, biological elements,
that is material subjects and the phenomena. They possess these or those physical
properties, on the basis of which there is their self-expression, impact on world around,
on other subjects and the phenomena, with which they are interacting.
The feelings are connected with understanding of the outside world, its reflection,
in particular, with character and the type of influence of the outside world on a live
organism. Compare: "Feeling – ability of the living being to feel, perceive, reflect
external influences; to realize, endure, understand something on the basis of the data
received in feeling and perception; the psychophysical feelings felt by the person in the
course of communication with the surrounding natural and the social environment; the
internal mental state of the person, his sincere experiences; sensitivity – an
impressionability; when this ability at certain people considerably becomes aggravated,
it is shown in tendency to answer any experience by surplus of feelings of pleasure,
grief and agitation.
First of all, the syntactic structure of phraseological units. It not any syntactic
structures of language, but regular, all known and familiar syntactic structures of this
or that language, in particular, two -, three -, four -, five -, six - and more component
syntactic structures of phrases of this or that language of non-predicative or predicative
character. Such syntactic structures thereby are already put and fixed in memory,
language consciousness of native speakers. The syntactic structure of phraseological
units thereby appears as the ready, steady language formations, entering in their
corresponding form into language consciousness of the speaking. Phraseological unit
represent as one of types of its property. The syntactic structure of phraseological unit
isn't created speaking, but only it is only reproduced and used in such form in what it is
This structural-typological species of IPE (interlingual phraseological
equivalents) requires full compliance of derivation base, SC-prototypes correlated of
phraseological equivalents in different languages at the lexical, grammatical levels, and
there is full compliance of their shaped base. In phraseological field of the word "fear",
there is founded the structural-typological species of IPE in four compared languages.
In quantitative terms, they are few; they have shaped a common framework that is
particularly branching.
In other words, formative and shaped components of the SC prototype‘s
diversion bases on the IPE content type, not as thematically diverse and in making
phrases not as productive. The total number of IPE types of study in four languages -
about 60 PE (phraseological equivalents). As shaped base in favor types of IPE lexical
components that represent, as a rule, the reaction of the human organism to fear or
consequences caused by fear. Because the physiology and biology of the human body
is the same in all people regardless of the race and language, and a phrase
conceptualization consequences of fear in the human body has a high similarity and
analogy, and most of all are reflected and expressed in the derivation basis.
Lexical semantic components in the form of IPE I differ somewhat, meaning
those that reflect the quality of the language under the influence of fear. In the German
version, the emphasis is on the paralyzed tongue, causing it loses the natural mobility.
Do not paralyze the language, and its weakening and failure is indicated in the English
version. In Russian and Kazakh version of the IPE observed practically the same points
in the physiology and functional nature of language. In other words, the IPE all four
target languages exhibit similar internal form (WF), and so here we have the IPE I.
This structural-typological species IPE is characterized, as is well known, the lack
of full compliance derivation base PE or SC prototype multilingual FE at the lexical
level. In the literature, there is the question that this type of structural-typological
correspondence in the phraseology and in the IPE different languages is quite rare, as
even minor discrepancies derivation base FE, SC-FE prototypes at the lexical level
usually reflects the difference themselves phraseology images. The system semantics
IPE II "fear" studied four languages of the different types of their
Comparative structural-typological analysis of phraseological systems of different
languages is aimed more at identifying not the characteristics and subtleties of
phraseological semantics, but, above all, at structural-typological species of IPE of
different degree of similarity and their regularity. For research purposes the results of
such studies have an important role, because they help to explain the proximity of
phraseological systems of different languages. The IPE-I are highly regular in the
phraseological system of German and English, German and Russian, Russian and
Kazakh languages. This suggests that between the phraseological systems of these
languages there is a high similarity, though the reason for such similarity can be
common and different (similarity of culture, religion, form of life, close historical,
international communication, independent, self-emergence, adoption and tracing of
phraseological units.
The IPE-II are typical for German, English and Russian languages, and the IPE-
III and IPE-IV are close to Kazakh language for all of the first three languages.
1.Makkai A. Idiomaticy as a language universal.Universals of human
language.Ed.by J.H.Greenberg.Standford, 1998.
2.Greenberg J.H. Language universals: a research frontier. In: Greenberg J.
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3. Lakoff G.Linguistik gestalts.In:Papers from the ХIII Regional Meeting of
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4. Jakobson R. Implications of language universals for linguistics. In: Universals
of language. Ed. By J.H. Greenberg, Second edition. Cambridge (Mass.) – London,
ҼОЖ 811.512.122: 37.09
Ҿскемен қаласы ҽкімдігінің «№13 орта мектебі»коммуналдық мемлекеттік
мекемесі, Ҿскемен қ., Қазақстан
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