В. А. Шляхова, О. Н. Герасина, Ю. А. Герасина английский язык для экономистов english for economists

TEXT Прочтите и постарайтесь понять содержание текста. The Business Partnership

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Шляхова В.А. Английский язык для экономистов

Прочтите и постарайтесь понять содержание текста.
The Business Partnership
When a proprietor wants to expand a business, one way to 
do so is to form a partnership, a business formed for profit by two 
or more co-owners. The rights and duties of a partnership are 
regulated by laws of the state where it is formed and by a legal 
agreement made by the co-owners. Usually an agreement specifies 
the amount of money, each is investing and duties each partner 
assumes. A partnership agreement also may provide for a «silent 
partner» who does not take part in the management, but who 
invests money in the business.
The partnership has the advantage of pooling managerial 
talent. One partner may be qualified in production, another in 
marketing. The partnership has a favourable tax position when 
compared with the corporation. Federal taxes are paid by individual 
partners on their share of earnings, beyond that the business is 
not taxed.
A major disadvantage of the partnership is that each member 
is liable for all debts of the partnership; the act of any partner 
is legally binding upon the others. For example, if one partner 
takes a large sum of money from the business and wastes it, the 
others must pay the debt. Partnership has another disadvantage: 
decision-making is shared. If partners have serious disagreements, 
the business is failed. Nevertheless, the partnership remains a vital 
part of the whole business economy.
Послетекстовые упражнения 
(The exercises to be done after reading the text)
Упражнение 8. Переведите в письменной форме абзацы 1, 3.

 Упражнение 9. Подберите из правой колонки русские экви-
валенты английским словам в левой колонке.
expand a business 
партнерское соглашение
duties of a partnership
вкладывать деньги
управленческий талант
существенный, важный

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