числе: фактор, модель, ставка, процент, дисконт, риск и т. п.
Научный инструментарий финансового анализа – это совокупность общенаучных и
конкретнонаучных способов исследования финансовой деятельности хозяйствующих субъектов.
Принципы финансового анализа регулируют процедурную сторону его методологии и
методики. К ним относятся: системность, комплексность, регулярность, преемственность и др.
Существуют различные классификации методов анализа.
Представим данную классификацию в виде рис. 1.2: [1].
Рис. 1.2. Методы анализа
Неформализованные методы – основаны на описании аналитических процедур на логическом
уровне, а не на строгих аналитических зависимостях. Это методы экспертных оценок, сценариев,
Классические методы АХД
Традиционные методы
экономической статистики
методы изучения связей
Методы экономической
кибернетики и оптимального
Экономические методы
Методы исследования
операций и теории принятия
Метод экспертных оценок
Метод сравнения
Морфологический метод
Метод сценариев
морфологические, сравнения и др. Применение этих методов характеризуется определенным
субъективизмом, поскольку большое значение имеют интуиция, опыт и знания аналитика.
Формализованные методы – в их основе лежат достаточно строгие формализованные
аналитические зависимости. Известны десятки этих методов. Перечислим некоторые из них.
Классические методы анализа хозяйственной деятельности и финансового анализа: цепных
подстановок, арифметических разниц, балансовый, выделения изолированного влияния факторов,
процентных чисел, дифференциальный, логарифмический, интегральный, простых и сложных
процентов, дисконтирования.
Традиционные методы экономической статистики: средних и относительных величин,
группировки, графический, индексный, элементарные методы обработки рядов динамики.
регрессионный анализ, дисперсионный анализ, факторный анализ, метод главных компонент,
ковариационный анализ, метод объектопериодов, кластерный анализ и другие методы.
Экономические методы: матричные методы, гармонический анализ, спектральный анализ,
методы теории производственных функций, методы теории межотраслевого баланса.
Методы экономической кибернетики и оптимального программирования: методы системного
анализа, метод машинной имитации, линейное программирование, нелинейное программирование,
динамическое программирование, выпуклое программирование и др.
Методы исследования операций и теории принятия решений: методы теории графов, метод
деревьев, методы байесовского анализа, теория игр, теория массового обслуживания, методы
сетевого планирования и управления.
Безусловно, не все из перечисленных методов могут найти непосредственное применение в
рамках финансового анализа, поскольку основные результаты эффективного анализа и управления
финансами достигаются с помощью специальных финансовых инструментов, тем не менее,
некоторые их элементы уже используются.
Для принятия решений по управлению предприятием нужна постоянная деловая
осведомленность по соответствующим вопросам, которая является результатом отбора, анализа,
оценки и конкретизации исходной информации. Поэтому необходимо аналитическое прочтение
исходных данных.
Основным принципом аналитического чтения финансовых отчетов является дедуктивный
метод, т.е. от общего к частному. В ходе такого анализа производится логическая
последовательность хозяйственных факторов и событий, их направленность и сила влияния на
результаты деятельности.
Практика финансового анализа уже выработала основные методы анализа финансовых
отчетов. Выделяют шесть основных методов:
1. Горизонтальный (временной) анализ – сравнение каждой позиции отчетности с
предыдущим временным периодом.
2. Вертикальный (структурный) анализ – определение структуры итоговых финансовых
показателей с выявлением влияния каждой позиции отчетности на конечный результат.
3. Сравнительный (пространственный) анализ – это анализ, включающий в себя
внутрихозяйственный анализ свободных показателей отчетности по отдельным показателям
фирмы, дочерних фирм, подразделений, цехов, и межхозяйственный анализ показателей
анализируемой фирмы с показателями фирм конкурентов, со среднеотраслевыми и средне
хозяйственными данными.
4. Факторный анализ – это анализ влияния отдельных факторов на результативный
показатель с помощью детерминированных приемов исследования. Факторный анализ может быть
как прямым, когда результативный показатель дробят на составные части, так и обратным, когда
отдельные элементы соединяют в общий результативный показатель.
5. Трендовый анализ – сравнение каждой позиции отчетности с рядом предшествующих
периодов и определения тренда, т.е. основной тенденции динамики показателя, очищенной от
случайных влияний и индивидуальных особенностей отдельных периодов. С помощью тренда
прогнозируются возможные значения показателей в будущем, а соответственно, ведется
перспективный прогноз анализа.
6. Анализ относительных показателей (коэффициентов) – это расчет отношения между
отдельными позициями отчета или позициям разных форм отчетности, определение взаимосвязей
показателей. [2]
Финансовый анализ проводят с помощью различного типа моделей, позволяющих
структурировать и идентифицировать взаимосвязи между основными показателями. Можно
выделить три основных типа моделей:
Дескриптивные модели – известны так же, как модели описательного характера, являются
основными для оценки финансового состояния предприятия. К ним относятся: построение
системы отчетных балансов, представление финансовой отчетности в различных аналитических
коэффициентов, аналитические записки к отчетности.
Предикативные модели – это модели предсказательного, прогностического характера. Они
используются для прогнозирования доходов предприятия и его будущего финансового состояния.
Наиболее распространенными из них являются: расчет точки критического объема продаж,
построение прогностических финансовых отчетов, модели динамического анализа (жестко
детерминированные факторные модели и регрессионные модели), модели ситуационного анализа.
Нормативные модели модели этого типа позволяют сравнить фактические результаты
деятельности предприятий с ожидаемыми, рассчитанными по бюджету. Эти модели используются
в основном во внутреннем финансовом анализе. Их сущность сводится к установлению
нормативов по каждой статье расходов по технологическим процессам, видам изделий, центрам
ответственности и т. п. и к анализу отклонений фактических данных от этих нормативов. [3]
1) Шеремет А. Д., Сайфулин Р. С., Негашев Е. В. Методика финансового анализа – М.:
«ИнфраМ», 2000
2) http://www.grandars.ru/student/finm/finansovyyanaliz.html
3) http://odiplom.ru/finansyikredit/metodyimodelifinansovogoanaliza
1/3 – СЕКЦИЯ
Khalilova Emina Kamandarovna, Suleyman Demirel University
Since independence, relations between Kazakhstan and Russia went through several stages of
development, starting with the identification of the new legal ties to the realization of strategic partnership
programme. For today the development of KazakhstaniRussian contacts is provided by a thirteen year
legal base consisting of almost 400 bilateral documents.
The initial period of the KazakhstaniRussian relations (December 1991 May 1992) is
characterized by the establishment of legal relations between the two countries based on centuriesold
traditions of friendship and mutual assistance of the brotherly nations which have long lived in the vast
Eurasian space. A characteristic feature was that the development of bilateral relations between the newly
independent states in the early stages of gaining independence was unfolding on the foundation of an
active process of international recognition of these countries by the international community, and
especially by the major powers. The issues of bilateral relations between Kazakhstan and Russia as the
two most powerful states in the postSoviet space, historical, cultural, geopolitical and even genetic
relationships which go deep into the centuries, demanded a new legal definition. Having appeared in an
unusual environment, the newly independent states (NIS) initially moved by careful searches of the
necessary contacts, which allowed to establish normal relations between them. The situation required
sequential solutions, primarily, economic problems associated with the collapse of a single economic
complex of the former Soviet Union, implementing measures of becoming of independent economies,
market reforms and social protection. During 1992 year, several meetings took place at various levels,
which resulted in the signing of several documents forming the new interstate relations between
Kazakhstan and Russia. A fundamental political document of the first phase was the Treaty of Friendship,
Cooperation and Mutual Assistance, which reflected the major changes that occurred after the collapse of
the USSR.
The next stage (May 1992 March 1994.) can be conditionally called a search for a model of the
interstate economic and political cooperation. A significant event of the second phase was the
establishment in October 1992 of official diplomatic relations between the two countries. At the same
time an agreement was signed between the two governments on the mutual establishment of trade
missions. This period was marked by an important economic and historic event the collapse of a single
ruble zone and the introduction of the national currency in Kazakhstan. During 1992 1994 years a
national independence of Kazakhstan was gradually filled with a real content. Completion of the second
phase coincides with the first official visit of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Russia, which
took place in March 1994, during which 22 largescale documents were signed. Among them, it is
necessary to highlight the Treaty on the further deepening of economic cooperation and integration
between Kazakhstan and Russia, the Memorandum on the basic principles of addressing issues related to
citizenship and legal status of the two countries' citizens, permanently residing in the territory of each
other, the Agreement on basic principles and conditions of use of the Baikonur cosmodrome.
The third stage (March 1994 September 1997) is characterized by the expansion and deepening of
integration in economic and other spheres. Since 1995 the models of integration development began to be
implemented in practice, both within the CIS and at the regional level. It left its mark on the character and
content of bilateral relations between our countries that have moved to the level of closer integration in the
economic, military, political, scientific and technological, cultural and humanitarian fields.
The fourth stage (September 1997 2001.) was marked by the hardening of strategic partnership and
Declaration of Eternal Friendship. A legal basis of two states, a real KazakhRussian cooperation allowed
during the visit of the President of Kazakhstan to Russia to sign in July 6, 1998 a unique political
document Declaration on eternal friendship and alliance between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the
Russian Federation. This document has a truly historic importance, establishing for Kazakhstan and
Russia, which consistently move towards intensification of trust and equal partnership and alliance, the
guides of relations in the new century. The principles of Declaration fully comply with the fundamental
interests of the multinational population of the two states.
The current stage of cooperation (2002 2006 years) is characterized by joint efforts of our countries
in joining the ranks of the most competitive countries in the world, as well as in strengthening security in
Central Asia. During this period there was a determination of the KazakhRussian border. From the
perspective of the present day, we can say that despite a certain inconsistency of political and socio
economic processes occurring in 19911993 both in Russia and Kazakhstan, to a greater extent between
them dominated a constructive dialogue, and always maintained a good and friendly nature of bilateral
relations. According to Nursultan Nazarbayev, "many things unite Kazakhstan and Russia in the political
sphere. Here, first of all, it should be emphasized that both countries are committed to the integration of
the former Soviet Union space; they have the same perspective on the issues of security and regional
stability. That degree of political trust, which our countries reached, allows us to consider them as
inviolable allies not only in the near future, but also in the long term. "
It is also obvious that Kazakhstan and Russia have all the necessary resources and the objective
prerequisites for intensive development of mutually beneficial bilateral relations. First, the trend towards
convergence is determined by historical and geopolitical aspects. Kazakhstan and Russia occupy a vast
area of the Eurasian region. Both countries by this indicator are among the ten biggest countries in the
world, while having the longest common border in the world over seven thousand kilometers. The
geopolitical position of our two countries allows us to consider them as a special cultural and historical
link, the kind of civilizational bridge between the two subcontinents. A surprisingly harmonious synthesis
of a variety of cultures formed a special Eurasian mentality of the population, based on the traditions of
friendship and good neighborliness.
Secondly, in the world there are probably not many states, a geopolitical position of which so rigidly
determines the main orientations of their foreign policy. The history and geography have objectively
predetermined for Kazakhstan a priority nature of its relations with Russia. Unfortunately, we have to
admit that for the sake of someone's interests and ambitions in this relationship there were sometimes
moments, full of dramatic conflicts and contradictions. Nevertheless, there were much more calm and
creative periods of friendly contacts, characterized by a rich inner content and the variety of forms which
gave rise to many examples of unity in a common struggle against external dangers and threats. We can
say that the efforts of Kazakhstan and Russia on the development and deepening of the integration
between our two countries are predetermined by the history and reflect the essential problems of our
Thirdly, the two leaders are well aware the significance of close cooperation in terms of strategic
security. The challenges and threats of the modern era are equally hung over all states, regardless of their
influence and position in the world. In this regard, on the one hand, Russia has every reason for
considering the Republic of Kazakhstan as its main strategic ally in Central Asia. In addition, Moscow is
interested in maintaining and strengthening its influence in the strategically important region, from
stability of which depends very much on the Eurasian continent. The loss of its influence among the
Eastern European countries, which have already joined or preparing to join NATO, Russia is trying to
compensate by the strengthening of its political and economic position in Central Asia.
On the other hand, needless to say how significant the role of Russia for Kazakhstan, having still
some drawbacks of its geopolitical position:
the proximity to the centers of international terrorism and religious extremism;
Being around countries of the "third world", seeking to produce nuclear weapons;
the unpredictability of southern neighbors’ positions.
In addition, a lack of direct access to the oceans and the actual isolation from the Western states affects
the position of Kazakhstan. All this causes the priority of cooperation in the foreign policy and in the
militarystrategic directions with such a powerful neighbor like Russia.
The fourth necessary prerequisite for the development of mutually beneficial cooperation between
Kazakhstan and Russia is the presence of huge resource potential of both countries. First of all, it concerns
the richest deposits of energy resources. The share of the two countries accounts for almost 93% of oil,
65% natural gas and 82% of coal in the CIS. Both countries have a common strategy in areas such as
export of hydrocarbons to world markets. Kazakhstan and Russia also occupy a leading position in the
world by the stocks of ferrous and nonferrous metals.
On the other hand, the citizens of our countries are associated by numerous relative connections.
Around one million of Kazakhs live in Russia today, and there are more than 4 million Russians in
Kazakhstan. This close relationship has a special role in the formation of positive moral and psychological
atmosphere of public support for policies of both countries to strengthen bilateral relations.
1. Mansurov T. Relationship between Kazakhstan and Russia. – Almaty: Baspasoz, 1998. – p.178
2. Mansurov T. Kazakhstan and Russia: Sovereignization, Integration, Experience in strategic
partnership. Moscow: Russky Raritet Publishers, 1998.
p. 280
3. Mikhailov A. Russia and Kazakhstan.
Novgorod: Russian Raritet Publishers, 2001.
Kalamysheva Togzhan IR-2
Terrorism, closely associated with violence, is very complex to study. It can be observed form
viewpoints of both politicalsocial sciences and psychological. Psychological reasons are one of the
important factors that have played significant role in justifying terrorism in both individual and group
First of all, let’s stop on the definition of terrorism. Actually, there is no adequate definition that
can embrace entirely the concept of terrorism. The main characteristics of terrorism are the use of illegal
force, political motives, attacks against civilian, acts aimed at deliberately affecting audience. Moreover,
we should not confuse terrorism with other political, ethnonationalist, religious conflicts. Besides this,
definition of terrorism may be written from perspective of two different minds: one who sees terrorism as
an action of violence and the other who sees it as a freedom fighting process. Overall, the nature of
terrorism is very complex as acts, actors and motivations are very different from one another. Thus, it
must be investigated by not only governmental, traditional approaches but also with the help of other
disciplines like psychiatry and psychology.
Psychologists’ research differ among each other, some look into personal characteristics, others at
group and at the end psychologists observe societal causes like social injustice, economic deprivation.
Certainly, terrorism may be analyzed by political, historical and social sciences but their results may come
out identical. However, psychological research results are separate for each case. Despite being observed
on group or individual level, terrorism occurs because i)it is choice between violent and less violent
alternatives, ii)technique for group unity, iii) it is an esteem for oppressed people and attention itself to
that action is selfsatisfaction. Generally, terrorists do not care about audience; they choose symbolic
buildings like Twin Towers that are signs of oppressive systems. If observed from individual level, there
is little discrepancy from ordinary people, but on the group level there is some distinction. Terroristic
groups are unanimous, intolerant to dissents and they do not compromise and prefer maximalist positions.
Another aspect to consider is mental illness. We may think that actions like suicide bombings may
be committed only by insane people. But evidentially, many of terrorists did not have any mental
disorders, so it can hardly be used as defence. Conversely, terroristic group leaders attempt to exclude
insane people because they are not favorable to rely on. These are the minor causes if compared with
brainwashing and thought reform. Any lawabiding, gentle person can in a moment turn into a violent
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