УДК 37.013 МРНТИ 14.35.01 Raisa Izmagambetova 1 , Raila Izmagambetova 2 1 Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Teacher Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology Kazakh state women's teacher training university, e-mail:izmagambetova1988@mail.ru, 2 2-year master of 6M010100-Pre-school education and upbringing Kazakh state women's teacher training university SCIENCE AND INNOVATION IS THE BASIS OF A NEW FORMATION Annotation The paper provides the essence of concept “innovation” and its basic social aspects in the field of
contemporary education. Experience in realization of pedagogical readings in Maikop is presented as an example of
revealing and generalization of innovational pedagogical initiatives. The problems of innovation in higher
educational establishments and innovative questions of activity are considered in this article. To do possibility for
raising level innovative knowledge. To do the system in industry of education and consider questions that
momentous businesses are done at introductions world space of knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to
present an analytical review of the educational innovation field in the Republic of Kazakhstan. It outlines
classification of innovations, discusses the hurdles to innovation, and offers ways to increase the scale and
rate of innovation-based transformations in the education system. Innovations in education are regarded,
along with the education system, within the context of a societal supersystem demonstrating their
interrelations and interdependencies at all levels. Raising the quality and scale of innovations in education
will positively affect education itself and benefit the whole society.
Key words: an innovation, conservative type, declarative type, varying type, progressive type, possessed
type. Аңдатпа Р.К.Измагамбетова 1 , Р.К.Измагамбетова 2 1 Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті Педагогика және психология факультеті
п.ғ.м., оқытушы Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті e-mail:izmagambetova1988@mail.ru 2 6М010100-«Мектепке дейінгі оқыту және тәрбиелеу» мамандығының 2-курс магистранты