Практикум по культуре речевого общения (английский язык как второй иностранный) Учебное пособие

Ex. 3. Imagine, your friend doesn’t know the notions given below. Explain them in your own words

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Ex. 3. Imagine, your friend doesn’t know the notions given below. Explain them in your own words:
токсичные отходы; глобальное потепление; парниковый эффект; безотходная технология; экосистема; бытовые отходы; ареал; природные ресурсы.

Ex. 4. Fill the gaps in the sentences using these key words from the text.
vulnerable bushmeat habitat extinct unprecedented
bleak fragment turmoil primate thriving

  1. If something that happens is ________________, this means that it has never happened before.

  2. If a business or trade is described as ________________, it is very successful.

  3. A ________________ species is one that is easy to hurt or attack.

  4. ________________ is a state of excitement or uncontrolled activity.

  5. A ________________ is a small piece of a larger object.

  6. ________________ is the meat of wild animals killed for food or commerce in tropical countries.

  7. A ________________ is any animal belonging to the same group as humans, including monkeys and apes.

  8. An ________________ animal, plant or language no longer exists.

  9. An animal’s ________________ is the type of place that it normally lives in.

  10. A ________________ outlook or prospect is one that does not offer people any reasons to feel happy or hopeful.

Ex. 5. Work with the text. Each of these statements contains a factual error. Look in the text, find the relevant information and correct the error.
1. IUCN stands for the International Union for the Consolidation of Nature.
2. The highest threat category is ‘vulnerable’.
3. In south-east Asia, 17% of all Asian primates are listed as threatened.
4. The mountain gorilla lives in central Asia.
5. The situation is less severe than scientists imagine.
6. The black lion tamarin is critically endangered.

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