«Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык»

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Degree – 3 (16points)

1. Technology and innovation.

2. The role of scientific and technological progress in the development of the chemical industry.

3. Inorganic chemistry definition, examples, applications

4. What advantages have the people who know foreign languages?

5. Wastes of chemical production

6. Problems and objectives of the production of mineral acids

7. Optimization of the production of sulfuric acid from various types of raw materials and waste.

8. Basic processes and apparatuses in chemical technology.

9. The value of mineral fertilizers. Enterprises for the production of mineral fertilizers in Kazakhstan.

10. The role multilingual education in Kazakhstan

11. Synthetic ammonia. Physical and chemical properties.The use of synthetic ammonia.

12. The meaning and field of application sulfuric acid.Raw materials for the production of sulfuric acid

13. Sulfuric acid properties.Natural compounds and sulfur production

14. Physical and chemical properties of sulfur.Use of hydrochloric acid

15. Phosphorus. Features of the chemistry of phosphorus.Physical and chemical properties of phosphorus

16. Phosphorus compounds.Acid-containing acids of phosphorus

17. Thermal phosphoric acid. Properties.The use of thermal phosphoric acid.

18. Extraction phosphoric acid, properties. The use of extraction phosphoric acid.

19. Characterization of phosphorus fertilizer.Types of mineral fertilizers.

20. Characterization of nitrogen fertilizer.

21. Nitrogen fertilizer application

22. Characterization of phosphate fertilizers.Аpplication of phosphate fertilizers.

23. English speaking countries

24. Use of production waste as secondary material resources

25. Fluorine compounds. Physicochemical properties. Application.

26. The value of sulfuric acid and the scale of its production. Application.

27. Sulfur and its compounds

28. Sulfur Gas Production Technology

29. Basic engineering processes

30. Metals and metalworking

31. Material science and technology

32. Famous people of science and engineering

33. Oxygen history and occurrence

34. Superphosphate properties and composition of superphosphate

35. Ammonium nitrate properties and application

36. Characterization of mineral fertilizers. Types of mineral fertilizers

37. Ammophos obtaining technology

38. Production of sodium tripolyphosphate

39. The study of processes and methods for producing phosphorus

40. Production of yellow phosphorus

41. Production of thermal acid from phosphorus

42. Methods of processing phosphogypsum

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