Р. Г. Стронгина. Ниж- ний Новгород: Изд-во Нижегородского университета, 2002, 217 с

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1. Introduction 
This work was started by Gustavson and Toledo described in [8, 16]. 
These papers describe the application of recursion to the numerical dense 
linear algebra algorithms. Recursion leads to automatic variable blocking 
for the dense linear-algebra algorithms. This leads to modifications of the 
LAPACK [2] algorithms. LAPACK's level-2 version routines are trans-
formed into level-3 codes by using recursion. 
Fortran 90 allows recursion (see [15]). The programs are very concise 
and the recursion part is automatic as it is handled by the compiler. The 
intermediate subroutines obey the Fortran 90 standard too (see [5]). 
Section 2 shows the recursive Cholesky factorization algorithm. Section 
3 formulates the recursive algorithm of Gaussian elimination without pivot-
ing and LU factorization with partial pivoting. Section 4 explains two recur-
sive BLAS: RTRSM and RSYRK. Section 5 demonstrates the factorization 
algorithm using the pivoting strategy introduced by Bunch-Kaufman for 
symmetric indefinite matrices (see [6, pp. 161–170]). 

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