Р. Г. Стронгина. Ниж- ний Новгород: Изд-во Нижегородского университета, 2002, 217 с

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Seminar 1

1.  Fayynd U.M., Piateskv-Shapiro G., Smyth P. From Data Mining to 
Knowledge Discovery: an Overview. In Advances in Knowledge Dis-
covery and Data Mining, pp. 1–34, AAAI MIT Press, 1996. 
2.  Berry, M. J.A., Linoff G. Data Mining Techniques for Marketing, 
Sales, and Customer Support, Wiley Computer Publishing (1997) 
3.  Freitas A. A., Lavington S. H. Mining Very Large Database with Par-
allel Processing, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1998). 
4.  Skillicorn, D. Strategies for Parallel Data Mining, IEEE Concurrency, 
7, december (1999). 
5.  Aldenderfer M.S., Blashfield R.K. Cluster Analisys. SAGE Publica-
tions, Inc., Beverly Hills, California. 
6.  Chen M.S., Han J., Yu P.S. Data Mining: An Overview from a Data-
base Perspective. In IEEE Trans. on Knoweldge Discovery and Data 
Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 6, pages 866–883, 1996. 
7.  Stoffel K., Belkoniene A. Parallel K-Means Clustering for Large Data 
Sets. In Proc. of Euro-Par '99, LNCS 1685, pp. 1451–1454, 1999. 
8.  Cheeseman P., Stutz J. Bayesian Classification (AutoClass). Theory 
and Results. In Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 
pages 153–180, 1996. 
9.  Hunter L., States D.J. Bayesian Classification of Protein Structure. 
IEEE Expert, 7(4):67–75, 1992. 
10.  Foti D., Lipari D., Pizzuti C., Talia D. Scalable Parallel Clustering for 
Data Mining on Multicomputer. In Proc. of the 3rd Int. Workshop on 
High Performance Data Mining HPDM00-IPDPS, pages 390–398, 
May 2000. 
11.  Foster I., Kesselman C. The Grid : Blueprint for a New Computing In-
frastructure, Morgan Kaufmann Publ. (1999). 
12.  Foster I., Kesselman C. Globus : a metacomputing infrastructure tool-
kit.  International Journal of Supercomputing Applications 11 (1997) 
pp. 115–128. 

13.  Cannataro M., Talia D. Parallel and Distributed Knowledge Discovery 
on the Grid: A Reference Architecture, Proc. of the 4th International 
Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Computing 
(ICA3PP)Hong Kong, World Scientific Publ., pp. 662–673, 2000. 
14.  Cannataro M., Talia D., Trunfio P. The Knowledge Grid: Towards an 
Architecture for Knowledge Discovery on the Grid, First EuroGlobus 
Workshop, Lecce, 2001. 
15.  Pizzuti C., Folino G., Spezzano G. CAGE: A Tool for Parallel Genetic 
Programming Applications , Proc. of the 4th European Conf. on Ge-
netic Programming EuroGP2001, Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2038, pp. 
64–73, 2001. 
16. Michlewicz Z. Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Pro-
grams, Springer-Verlag, Second Edition, Berlin, 1994. 
17.  Andre D., Koza J.R. Exploiting the fruits of parallelism: An implemen-
tation of parallel genetic programming that achieves super-linear per-
formance. Information Science Journal, Elsevier, 1997. 
18. Cantú-Paz E. A summary of research on parallel genetic algorithms, 
Technical Report 950076, Illinois Genetic Algorithm Laboratory. Uni-
versity of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Urbana. July 1995. 
19.  Koza J. R. Genetic Programming: On the Programming of Computers 
by means of Natural Selection, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1992. 
20. Koza J.R., Andre D. Parallel genetic programming on a network of 
transputers. Technical Report CS-TR-95–1542, Computer Science De-
partment, Stanford University, 1995. 
21.  Martin W.N., Lienig J., Cohoon J.P. Island (migration) models: evolu-
tionary algorithms based on punctuated equilibria, in T. Back, D.B. Fo-
gel, Z. Michalewicz (eds.), Handbook of evolutionary Computation. 
IOP Publishing and Oxford University Press, 1997. 
22.  Niwa T., Iba H. Distributed Genetic Programming -Empirical Study 
and Analyses - Genetic Programming 1996, Proceedings of the First 
Annual Conference, MIT Press. Stanford University. July 1996. 
23. Pettey C.C. Diffusion (cellular) models, in T. Back, D.B. Fogel, Z. 
Michalewicz (eds.), Handbook of evolutionary Computation, IOP Pub-
lishing and Oxford University Press, 1997. 
24.  Punch W. F. How Effective are Multiple Populations in Genetic Pro-
gramming. Genetic Programming '98, Proceedings of the Third Annual 
Conference, MIT Press, University of Winsconsin. July 1998. 

25.  Tackett W.A., Carmi A. Simple Genetic Programming in C, Available 
through the genetic programming archive at ftp::/ftp.io.com/pub/ ge-
26.  Telford S., Smith G., Baracca C., Longo A., Ornelli P., Spezzano G., 
Talia D. COLOMBO WP3: Design for Portable, Parallel CA Software 
EnvironmentDeliverable D6, May 1998. 
27.  Cannataro M., Di Gregorio S., Kongo R., Spataro W., Spezzano G., and 
Talia D. A Parallel Cellular Automata Environment on Multicomputers 
for Computational Science, Parallel Computing 21, 803–824, 1995. 
28.  Spezzano G., Talia D. A High-Level Cellular Programming Model for 
Massively Parallel Processing, Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on High-Level 
Programming Models and Supportive Environments - HIPS97. IEEE 
Computer Society Press, pp. 55–63, 1997. 
29.  Di Gregorio S., Rongo R., Spataro W., Spezzano G., Talia D. A Paral-
lel Cellular Tool for Interactive Modeling and Simulation, IEEE Com-
putational Science & Engineering, 3(3), 33–43, 1996. 
30.  Di Gregorio S., Festa D.C., Kongo R., Spataro W., Spezzano G., Talia 
D. A Microscopic Freeway Traffic Simulator on a Highly Parallel Sys-
tem, in Parallel Computing: State-of-the-Art and Perspectives, E. 
D'Hollander et al, eds., pp. 69–76, Elsevier, 1996. 
31.  Spezzano G. Simulating Parallel Models of Landslides by a Computa-
tional Steering Environment, Proc. of the 18th International Confer-
ence on Applied Informatics AI'2000, IASTED Press, Austria, 2000. 
32.  Spezzano G., Talia D. Designing Parallel Models of Soil Contamina-
tion by the Carpet Language, Future Generation Computer Systems, 
13(4–5), 291–302, 1998. 
33. Talia D. Solving Problems on Parallel Computers by Cellular Pro-
gramming, Proc. of the 3rd Int. Workshop on Bio-Inspired Solutions to 
Parallel Processing Problems BioSP3–IPDPS. LNCS 1800, Springer-
Verlag, 2000. 
34.  Spezzano G., Talia D. CAMELot: A Parallel Cellular Environment for 
Modelling Complexity, AI*IA Notizie, 2001 (to appear). 


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