Рабочая учебная программа по дисциплине: английский язык для специальностей

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English 1st

Lexico-Grammar Test
Variant VIII

  1. My elder sister ... a music lesson now.

a) is having b) has c) have d) am having e) had
2. He usually ... something before going to bed.
a) reads b) am reading c) is reading d) read e) has read
3. Past Simple Tense немесе Past Continuous Tense (қолданыңыз). She ... to Italy five years ago.
a) went b) was going c) has gone d) were going e) is going
4. He ... as a journalist when the Second Warld War started.
a) worked b) was working c) working d) had worked e) has worked
5. He ... home soon? Will you, please, wait a little?
a) will be coming b) will come c) comes d) has come e) will coming
6. What game he ... at ten o’clock tomorrow?
a) will play b) will be playing c) plays d) shall be playing e) will playing
7. ... you dinner yet?
a) have had b) has had c) had d) has e) have
8. I ... my holidays here last year.
a) spend b) spent c) have spent d) has spent e) spending
9. Present Perfect Tense.
a) to be b) to do c) to have d) may e) can
10. Past Perfect Tense
a) I have already read this book b) I went to the theatre yesterday
c) She will have exams tomorrow d) I can play the piano e) I had translated the article by five o’clock.
11. They ... television at the moment.
a) watch b) will watch c) are watching d) having been watching e) is watching
12. Find the right sentence.
a) was waiting I for you last night at the theatre b) I was waiting for you at the theatre last night
c) For you was waiting at the theatre I last night d) I was last night was waiting for you at the theatre
e) I last night was waiting for you at the theatre
13. I (to ring) him up before I (to leave) the country.
a) am rining/am leaving b) was rung/was left c) had rung/will leave d) will ring/leaves e) shall ring/leave
14. The girls ... to the theatre tomorrow.
a) shall go b) goes c) went d) will go e) are going
15. Without … sleep, you will not be able to do well at the exam.
a) enough the b) enough of c) enough a d) enough e) enough at
16. Customs … one country to another.
a) differ b) differ than c) differ from d) different e) differ with
17. The prices here are … at a discount store.
a) high than b) higher than c) higher than those d) high e) highest
18. I will call you back as soon as my dinner… .
a) will finished b) will be finished c) finished d) is finished e) finish
19. Jane always helps my brother and … with our home assignments.
a) I b) me c) myself d) mine e) my
20. I would be glad to take a message for … .
a) she b) her c) hers d) herself e) his
21. This tea is … hot to drink.
a) so b) such c) much d) too e) as
22. Every student has to register, … ?
a) hasn’t he b) didn’t he c) isn’t he d) doesn’t he e) hadn’t he
23. The letter was short and we couldn’t get … news.
a) many b) much c) few d) little e) some
24. Peter is a kid of person … likes social events.
a) which b) who c) whom d) what e) why
25. If you want to leave a message, my secretary will take … .
a) it b) they c) them d) their e) I

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