Рабочая учебная программа по дисциплине: английский язык для специальностей

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English 1st

Have I worked?
Has he worked?
Has she worked?
Has it worked?
Have we worked?
Have you worked?
Have they worked?

I’ve worked He’s worked I haven’t worked He hasn’t worked

  • The Present Perfect is always connected with the present. It denotes a completed action connected with the present. I am a little frightened for I have lost my way.

  • The Present Perfect is frequently used with the adverbs ever, never ,just, already, yet, lately, recently, this morning/evening, today, this week and with the prepositions for, since. What historical places have you seen ?

Ex.6.Read the situation and then write a suitable sentence. Use the verb given in brackets.
Example: Hugh is listening to some music. It is a new cassette (buy). Hugh has bought a new cassette.

  1. Andrew is sleeping soundly. It is late morning (oversleep)..... 2. You are going to sit down to dinner and discover there is no bread in the house. (run out of). We .... last weekend Gen went mountain-walking. Now she is in bed. (to catch a bad cold) 4.Your neighbours were playing their VCR very loud. Now it's quiet. (switch off)

Ex.7. Answer the questions using the words given.
Example: Could you lend me your dictionary? (sorry, I /just /give/it/to Mike) I Sorry. I've just given it to Mike.
1.Has Mother come from the market? (yes/she/just/come/from the market) 2.Have you phoned Jack yet? (yes /I/just /phone/him) 3.Would you like some coffee? (no thanks/I/just/have/a cup)
Ex.8. Put in been or gone.
Example: Where's Paul? - He has gone to the library.
We've been to the country today. Look, we've brought some flowers.
1.Where have you spent your holidays? - I've ... to Italy.
2.Are you going to the shops? - No, I've just ... to the shops.
3.Is Alex home? No, he's ... to the park.
4.Are they both out? - Yes, they've both ... to the market,

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