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Орталық Азия Инновациялық университетінің Әдістемелік Кеңесімен бекітілген, 2021ж., «Магистратурада қорытынды аттестаттауды ұйымдастыру мен өткізу ережесі».
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Қазақстан Республикасында білім беруді және ғылымды дамытудың 2020-2025 жылдарға арналған мемлекеттік бағдарламасы. Астана, 2019.
In this master's work, the following terms with appropriate definitions are used:
Innovation is derived from the Latin words "novis" innovation and "іп" introduction, and its Kazakh translation means "renewal, innovation, change".
Interactive-comes from the English word «interaction».
Interactive teaching methods–meet the modern educational paradigm "focused on personal development”, based on interpersonal communication. At the same time, it not only forms cognitive activity and search independence, but also develops it further.
Pedagogical technology - a real pedagogical system implemented in practice
Learning technologies are an integral procedural part of didactics.
Motivation - (Engl. motivation is a concept widely used in modern culture and Humanities, which is close to the meaning of the Kazakh words «intent», «motive», «initiation», «encouragement».
Coursera is an online mass education project that collaborates with universities that publish and conduct courses in various fields of knowledge in the system.
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