Решением Ученого совета крму /Қоху ғылыми Кеңесінің шешімімен /By the decision of krіu academic Council

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КЭД 2018-2019 по ИС

Course prerequisites: history, geography, self-knowledge

Course requisitions: sociology, axiology, law basics

Purpose: political socialization of students of the Institute, ensuring the political aspect of training highly qualified specialists on the basis of modern world and political thought

Content: Political science as a science. Politics is a social phenomenon. Politics and Economics. Politics and law. Politics and morality. Objects and subjects of politics. Political leadership and political elite. Concept of power. Legitimacy of power. The state is the main institution of the political system of society. Forms of government. Forms of state structure.

Competences: to give the future specialists the primary political knowledge that will serve as a theoretical basis for comprehending socio-political processes, for the formation of a political culture

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