Байланысты: ped and psy 2 nomer 2016.compressed (1)
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №2 (50), 2016 г. 102
of self-cognition, reflection, self-discipline, personal responsibility, which make the learner be satisfied with
the process of self-perfection and self-cognition”. [2; 255]
We agree with N.A. Alexeev’s point of view that “internal motivation and possession of creative abilities
are the main components of organizing creatively the process of getting to know”. To possess creative
abilities means to think analytically and independently, to be easily adapted to new settings, to be able to see
and find the problem, matter on his/ her own, and the ability to seek the ways of resolving these problems
through critical thinking”. [1; 38]
While organizing the learner’s independent work, the teacher is facing the following tasks:
- to teach how to work on the textbook for the language of specialty: with speech patterns, types of
assignments, texts, pictures, graphic map manuals (if necessary)
- to teach students how to plan their independent work for out-class time;
- to form skills and abilities for independent reading strategies;
- to teach the main techniques of work on the text;
- to teach how to make brief and rational notes (transcripts, plans, theses, notes, synopsis; abbreviations
of words and phrases);
- to introduce the general ways of seeking information from various sources.
Now we will state the main aims of teaching the language of specialty on this stage of teaching (the
general language level of acquiring Russian –A2).
1. Development of practical skills and abilities of recognizing and using the structural and semantic
patterns characteristic of the scientific style of different janres in oral and written speech.
2. Formation of the mechanisms of constructing oral monologues, including the abilities of processing
and preserving the obtained language knowledge, and the efficient usage of the language and speech
materials in the given speech situations.
3. Development and perfection of skills of conducting dialogues on the suggested topic.
4. Consolidation of skills of oral speech in written form (by making notes, writing synopses, speeches,
reports, etc.)
The structure and the content of the types of scientific monologues, style and communicative peculiarities
of the exact type of the monologue, and language means characteristic of the oral janre of the scientific
speech are the main objects of the course study of the scientific style of speech.
Teaching the language of specialty to the future Master Degree students is of specific character, as
teaching is conducted not in their mother tongue but in a foreign language which is learnt by them
simultaneously. These learners are put in a certain professional area and have some national specific
experience in the educational and professional activity. The process of acquiring the new language picture of
the world is accompanied by a high level of motivation. The creation of the optimal psychological
conditions, the usage of the appropriate methods of teaching, and taking into account the individual potential
of learners will enable to form the basis of the communicative competences of students in the professional
sphere by promoting the realization of their professional motivation.
1 N.A. Alexeev, 2006. Individual – Centered Teaching: Theory and Practice. Monograph: 332pp. Tynmen. 2 I.A. Zymnyaya. 2000. Pedagogical Psychology. Second Edition: revised. M.,Logos:384pp. 3 Brown, H. Douglas. The Modern Language Journal. pp218-220.