Summary Approach of the systems to patriotic education of students middle professional educational establishments G.S.Saudabayeva – professor, Abai KazNPU,
М.А.Аitbayeva – acting as professor, Korkyt Ata KSU,
The problems of patriotic education of the young generation are examined in the article. Based on the analyses of
the patriotic literature and on practical experience, the criteria of patriotic courteousness if students are defined in the
The role of middle professional educational releaved in this process, in which education must be organized, planned
and systematized process, leaning on pedagogical principles.The importance of guidance and pedagogical composition
of institution are highlighted. Basic directions of maintenance of patriotic education are determined at the college:
forming at professionally-meaningful qualities of students ; forming of patriotism; forming of positive motivation to
the learning and future successful professional and social self-realization; moral education; forming of healthy way of
life and other principles of patriotic education are releaved. Indicated on importance of the system approach to
education of students. The terms of high efficiency of activity are highlighted on patriotic education of students at the
Keywords: patriotism, patriotic education, methods and forms of patriotic education.