Section III Ex. 1. Make up short dialogues according to the example.
— Where arc you from?
— I’m from Novgorod.
— Oh, I’ve never been to Novgorod, but I know it is a beautiful
— Oh, yes. There are a lot of interesting places there.
Ex. 2. Respond to the following statements:
1. You know, there arc several meanings o f the word “reduction”.
2. However strange it may seem, the term “reduction” has several meanings,
too. 3. Now reduction is regarded by chemists as the addition of electrons
to a substancc.
Ex. 3. Give detailed answers to the questions.
1. Why arc the terms “oxide” and “oxidation” associated with the name
“oxygen”? 2. In what way did the terms “oxidation” and “reduction” changc
throughout the history of chcmistry? 3. What do you understand by these
terms now?
Ex. 4. Discuss the following topics:
1. The Esscncc o f the Processes of Oxidation and Reduction.
2. The Contribution of Various Chemists into the Development of
Redox Chemistry.
3. The Aspccts of Modem Redox Chemistry.