IX Международной научно-
практической конференции МАБ
8 февраля 2013 года
Алматы, 2013
УДК 378
ББК 74.58
Р 68
Редакционная коллегия:
1. Редактор - Шакирова С.М., к. филос. н., директор Центра исследований и развития МАБ
2. Общее руководство - Канагатова А.М., д. филос. н., проректор по науке и развитию МАБ
3. Редактирование статей на казахском языке - Абдрасилова Г.З., к. филос. н., доцент МАБ
4. Редактирование статей на английском языке - Кунанбаева л.М., специалист Центра иссле-
дований и развития МАБ
Все статьи прошли проверку на уникальность текста в системе AdvegoPlagiatusv.1.2.
Р 68 Роль инноваций в международном трансфере знаний: Сборник статей IX Международ-
ной научно-практической конференции МАБ «Бизнес и образование: вектор развития» - Алматы,
8 февраля 2013 г./ Международная Академия Бизнеса – с.300.
ISBN 978-601-80340-1-5
УДК 378
ББК 74.58
ISBN 978-601-80340-1-5
Бизнес-образование и управление знаниями
Бизнес-білім беру және білімді басқару
Business Education and Knowledge Management
Агашкина И.И., МАБ
Main components of globalization of higher education
джалмаканов С.Б., КазЭУ им. Т.Рыскулова, Астана
Особенности формирования образовательного маркетинга
Karimova G.I., МАБ
Perspectives of Kazakhstan higher professional education on the competitive market of educational ser-
Кенжеғұлова А.,
Ақтөбе мемлекеттік педагогикалық институты, «Институт-мектеп» ғылыми-педагогикалық
зерттеу орталығының жетекшісі, п.ғ.к., доцент
Киричок О.В., МАБ
Анализ казахстанской модели бизнес-образования: проблемы и перспективы развития
Куликова Ю.П.
PhD, Professor of Business Administration, Эксперт ARMA International, Российская Академия народного
хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте РФ, Председатель Экспертного совета по со-
циальной политике и инновациям Фонда поддержки культурных инициатив, г. Москва
Тулембаева А.Н., Закирова А.Т., МАБ
Бенчлернинг как инновационная технология менеджмента знаний
филина Е.С., МГУ им. Ломоносова, филин С.А., МАБ
Бизнес-образование, соответствующее требованиям работодателя
филин А.С., KIMEP, филин С.А., МАБ
Оценка факторов, влияющих на эффективность краткосрочных программ обучения руководителей и
сотрудников аппарата управления
филина Т.В.,филин С.А., МАБ
Результативность тренинга: Роли в процессе обучения, или Кто отвечает за результаты?
И чем отвечает?
Khalel G., IAB
Higher Education Reforms in Kazakhstan and the Bologna Process
Глобальная конкуренция экономик: технологии, менеджмент, культура, знания
Экономиканың жаһандық бәсекелестігі: технологиялар, менеджмент, мәдениет, білім
Global Economic Competitiveness: Technologies, Management, Culture, Education
Аубакирова ж.Я., Арбашиева А.д., әл-Фараби ат. Қазақ Ұлттық университеті Мемлекеттің
инновациялық стратегиясы: негізгі басымдықтары
Әділхан М., Т. Рысқұлов ат. ҚазЭУ
Қазақстан Республикасындағы шағын және орта бизнестің даму беталысы
Галихузина Р.Г., КГУ, г. Казань
Ислам в современном мире: возможности модернизации
Исабаева А.Б., Алматы гуманитарлы-техникалық университеті
Азық-түлік кластерін басқаруды ұйымдастыру
Ищанов А.у., Мамбеткулова М.К., А.Ясауи атындағы ХҚТУ
Қазақстанның еркін экономикалық аймақтар
Kaumenova A., IAB
Comparing and contrasting HR practices in Russia and the USA based on cultural and institutional factors
Кельбуганова л.ж., Рахимбекова ж.С., КазНТУ им. Сатпаева, МАБ
Система управления качеством в гостиничном секторе Казахстана
Кенжегаранова М.К., Мухсиынов А.О., МАБ
Концептуальные подходы в управлении организационными изменениями
Kunanbaeva L., IAB
Global Conflict Prevention
Никифорова Н.В., МАБ
Гостиничный бизнес в Казахстане: ключевые проблемы и пути их решения
Toiganbayeva A.Y., Bulekbayev S.B., KazUIR&WL
Socio-economical and political modernization of South Korea
Тулембаев А.Н., МАБ
Системное управление проектами государственных программ Республики Казахстан
Тулембаева А.Н., Таласов М.К., МАБ, Департамент по делам обороны г. Астаны
Теоретические аспекты развития военной экономики
Туралиева ж.Т., МАБ
Методы оценки качества управленческого труда и их применение
ускеленова А.Т., МАБ
Женское предпринимательство: реалии и возможности
Хисамова А.И, Пермский институт экономики и финансов
Бизнес-процессы адаптивного управления предприятием в конкурентной среде
Шадиева А. Б., МАБ
Управление изменениями предприятий
Шалбаева Ш.Е., Курмантаева А.ж., ХБА, Абай ат. ҚазҰПУ
Басқарушылық шешімдерді қабылдау үрдісіндегі кешенді амалдарды негіздеуе
Бизнес, власть, общество: корпоративная социальная ответственность, социально-трудовые
конфликты и возможности медиации
Бизнес, билік, қоғам: корпоративтік әлеуметтік жауапкершілік, әлеуметтік-еңбек даулары
және медиация мүмкіндігі
Business, Power, Community: Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Labour Conflicts and the
Possibilities of Mediation
Ахмедьярова М. В., МАБ
Качество жизни: динамика и резервы
Вострикова Н.А., МАБ
Разработка социальных стандартов – вектор социальной модернизации казахстанского общества 122
липовка А.В., МАБ
Корпоративная социальная ответственность: мотивы и цели организаций
Мурсалимова Т.М., МАБ
Проблемы разработки системы статистических показателей социальной ответственности
Тойметов д.Е., Қ. А. Ясауи ат. ХҚТУ
Ауылдық аймақтардағы жергілікті өзін-өзі басқарудың негізгі принциптері
Информационные технологии в экономике, образовании и науке
Экономика, білім беру және ғылымдағы ақпараттық технологиялар
Information Technologies in Econoеmics, Education and Science
Brauweiler H.-Ch., AKAD Hochschule Leipzig, Germany
Modern Blended Learning through Information Technologies Progress – Distant learning as a solution for
vocational study programmes
Закирова А.Т., МАБ,
Роль информационно-коммуникационных технологий (ИКТ) в образовательном секторе
Күншығарова л.Ш., ҚазККА, Алматы
Телекоммуникациялық сала қызметін экономикалық жағынан бағалау
Тулемисова Г.Е., МАБ
Мультисервисные сети или конвергентные коммуникации
Учет, аудит и контроллинг: международные и национальные стандарты и практика
Есеп, аудит және контроллинг: халықаралық және ұлттық стандарттар
және тәжірибе
Accounting, Auditing and Controlling: International and National Standards and Practice
Берлібаева Н.С., Машай Н., ҚазЭУ
Шағын бизнесті тиімді басқарудағы ішкі бақылау мен аудиттің алатын орны
Ердавлетова ф. К., МАБ
Стратегический учет как учетно-аналитическое обеспечение контроллинговых процессов
Исмухамбетова З.Н., МАБ
Методологические основы формирования системы контроллинга на казахстанских предприятиях
Финансово-кредитные системы в экономике, основанной на знаниях
Білімге негізделген экономиканың қаржылық-кредиттік жүйелері
Knowledge-based Financial and Credit Systems in Economics
Арын Ә. А., МАБ
Микрофинансирование в Казахстане: текущее состояние, проблемы развития и новые возможности
Байдәулетова Г.О., АЭСА
Мемлекеттік қаржылық бақылау қызметін жетілдірудің өзекті мәселелері
Бирмагамбетов Т.Б., МАБ
Проблемы формирования понятийного аппарата для бизнеса Казахстана и его влияние на уровень
развития экономических процессов
Брайчева Т.В., СПГУЭФ
Программный бюджет: опыт других стран и проблемы и перспективы внедрения в Россий-
ской Федерации
дробыжев Н.В., МАБ
Стимулирование финансирования инновационных и инфраструктурных проектов в Республике Ка-
захстан в условиях кризиса ликвидности в мировой экономике
жаксыбергенов А.К., МАБ
Инвестиционная стратегия институциональных инвесторов на фондовом рынке Казахстана
Косолапов Г.В., МАБ
Трансформация функций и целей корпораций как фактор развития производственных отношений
Куанышева А. Б., МАБ
Особенности разработки и реализации финансовой стратегии компании
Мадыханова К.А., ХБА
Төлем жүйесіне тиесілі тәуекелдер және оларды басқару әдістері
Садыкова Р.Б., МАБ
Совершенствование рынка корпоративных облигаций Казахстана
Смағұлов А.М., ХБА
Қонақ үй имиджін қалыптастырудағы қызметкерлер жұмысының сапасын жоғарылатудың мәні
Инфраструктура как двигатель инновационного развития
Инфрақұрылым инновациялық дамуды қозғаушы ретінде
Infrastructure as an Engine of Innovation Development
Bergibaev E., Tulembayev A., IAB
Global trends of transport logistics’ development in terms of social modernization
Языки, этика и межкультурные коммуникации в бизнесе
Бизнестегі тілдер, этика және мәдениетаралық қарым-қатынастар
Languages, Ethics and Cross-cultural Communication in Business
Абдрасилова Г.З., ХБА
«Қанша аз ойласам, сонша көп тіршілік етемін»
Абдрасилова Г.З., ХБА
Экзистенциализм – рухани қайшылықтар философиясы
Әкімбекова Г.Ш., ХБА
Мәдениетаралық қарым-қатынастардағы әдеби тілдің рөлі
Бағиева Ш.М., ХБА
Қазақ тілін кәсіби бағытта оқытуда мәтіндерді іріктеу жолдары
Бадагулова Г.М., МАБ
Лингвистические основы проекта «Улытау»
Бегалиева л.Б., ХБА
Адамға қатысты қолданылатын синонимдердің когнитивтік мәні
Боранбаева З. И., МАБ
Дисциплина "Русский язык" для студентов из казахских диаспор дальнего зарубежья
жақыбаева Қ. А., ХБА
Шәкәрім аудармаларының маңыздылығын үйрету
Иманбердиева С.Қ., ХБА
Қазақ өнімдерін латын қарпі негізінде рәсімдеу
Koilybaeva R. K., Central Asian University
How to form the lingua-cultural competences of students in teaching foreign language on the basis of
lingua-cultural aspects of language
Кутыбаев А.д., МАБ
Современные тенденции развития образовательной отрасли и роль иностранного языка в этом
Мусабаева М.д., ХБА
Туған тілдің толғағы (Қазақ орфографиясының кейбір мәселелері жайында)
Мырзаханов Т.А., МАБ
Профессионализмы и метафоричные термины в экономическом дискурсе
Садыр Г.Ә., Садыров Г.А., ХБА, С.Ж.Асфендияров ат. ҚазҰМУ
Оқу мәтінің ерекшеліктері
Солтанбекова Ғ.Ә., ХБА
Қазақ жарнама мәтіндерінде ұлттық мәдениетке қатысты вербалды емес құралдарды қолдану
Hioară N., Chiosea A., Guţu-Gordienco I., Ruga E., ASEM, Chişinău, Moldova
Meaning Subtilities Determining the Completion of Communicative Act
Шахгулари В.В., МАБ
Особенности формирования межкультурной коммуникативной компетентности у будущих
Креативные отрасли и возможности для развития предпринимательства: маркетинг, PR, ре-
клама, искусство
Кәсіпкерлікті дамытуға арналған креативті салалар мен мүмкіндіктер: маркетинг, PR, жарнама,
Creative Industries and Opportunities for Business Development: Marketing, PR, Advertising, Art
Абен А.С., КИСИ
Маркетинг в территориальном управлении Казахстана
давлетова М.Т., УМБ
Совершенствование сбытовой деятельности компании «Крафт Фудс Казахстан»
Мацько В.В., ОмГУ, Омск
Methods of forming the image of the organization by means of social responsibility
Слонимская М.А., ВГТУ, Витебск
Trade-off анализ как метод маркетинговой логистики
Смыкова М.Р., МАБ
Маркетинговый анализ развития туристской инфраструктуры Казахстана
Sokhatskaya N.P., МАБ
Pecualiarities of internal marketing in the hospitality industry in Kazakhstan
Тулембаева А.Н., Бейжанова А.Т., МАБ
Туризмнің дамуын жоғарылатуда маркетингтік технологияларды қолданудың маңыздылығы
Шапошников С.В., МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова
Креативные отрасли как источник устойчивого развития: пример Азии
БИзнЕС-БіліМ БЕРУ жәнЕ
Globalization has become a central component
in a number of academic discussions over the last
few decades. It is a process which has affected
many areas of human life. The research of influ-
ence and consequences of this process is mainly
conducted in politics and economy, but it is not
less meaningful, interesting and topical in the
sphere of higher education which undergoes sig-
nificant change in recent decades.
In the scientific literature there is no a clear
definition of the concept of «globalization of edu-
cation» as well as «globalization” itself. Globaliza-
tion can be viewed as the process of increasing
worldwide convergence, interconnectedness and
interdependence.[1] Similarly, Jane Knight and de
Wit define globalization as “the flow of technol-
ogy, economy, knowledge, people, values, ideas…
across borders”. [2] According to the World Bank,
“Globalization – the growing integration of econo-
mies and societies around the world”.` [3] Secre-
tary General of the UNO defines globalization as
a complex of transboundary interactions not only
between physical bodies, the enterprises, colleges
and the markets, but also between the states. [4]
In the scientific literature there are some ap-
proaches to disclose the concept of globalization
of education. The processes of internationalization,
integration and informatization are considered as
the main aspects or components of globalization
phenomenon. A word-combination «globaliza-
tion of education» cannot be replaced completely
and adequately by any of these four notions. With
the help of internationalization, integration, infor-
mation and westernization the scientists attempt
to give more precise, systematic and clear descrip-
tion of globalization of education.
Internationalization is one of the basic tenden-
cies of modern higher education. There are sev-
eral definitions of internationalization of higher
education. Some authors think that the notions
“globalization of higher education” and “inter-
nationalization of higher education” are used in
the same context. However, as de Wit points out,
internationalization of higher education is “a re-
sponse to globalization (not to be confused with
the globalization process itself) and as including
both international and local elements”. [5] As an-
other definition suggests, internationalization is
“the process of integrating an international, in-
tercultural or global dimension into the purpose,
functions or delivery of post-secondary educa-
tion” (Knight, 2003). As such it is an intrinsic set of
values which seeks to:
▪ internationalize the student experience
(both on and off campus);
▪ enhance the employability of students
through international experience, such as
participation in
▪ mobility programs;
▪ develop the international dimension of the
▪ increase global competitiveness through in-
ternational partnerships, networks and col-
The concept of internationalization of higher
education existed for a long time, practically from
the moment the higher educational institutions in
Europe and in European colonies began to open.
Necessary condition of internationalization pro-
cess is availability of the national state, as inter-
nationalization assumes the communications and
exchange of knowledge and traditions in terms of
distinction of people, their cultures and approach-
es to education and a science.
The process of internationalization of the high-
er school also existed in the Soviet Union which
actively accepted students from the countries
of socialist sector and friendly states, as conse-
quence, creating a favorable image of the coun-
try in foreigners’ opinion. A very important point,
not to be forgotten, is that within the USSR en-
trants could move freely from one Union repub-
lic to another and get education at any university.
After disintegration of the Soviet Union the pro-
cess of internationalization of domestic education
stopped for some time, as the state left not only
the world political ring, but also ceased the regu-
lation of national higher education. Later, this was
one of the reasons for renewal of process of in-
ternationalization in Russia, Kazakhstan and other
former USSR republics. Universities administrators
understood that they themselves should establish
relations with other universities as this would en-
hance the prestige of a higher educational insti-
tution and enable to participate in the important
international conferences as well as in the inter-
national exchange of knowledge and scientific
researches that was always vital for any university
of a high level. Besides, the enhanced prestige of
higher educational institutions attracts not only
domestic entrants but also foreign students, and
this also increases the authority of a higher school
and universities’ financial status.
With the increasing penetration of the market
into higher education system, internationalization
Main components of globalization of higher education
Агашкина И.И.
Международная Академия Бизнеса
has become one of the important factors which
are taken into account by the potential students
when they choose universities. Training abroad
comprises not only an exchange of knowledge
with counterparts from other countries, but also
parallel studying of foreign language what is ex-
tremely important for any professional today.
The Bologna Process became the most im-
portant trend of internationalization of higher
education in Europe, as a response to the process
of globalization. The Bologna process, aiming at
establishing a European Higher Education Area,
is the most important higher education reform
process in Europe. The aims of those reforms is
to create a common system of higher education
with recognizable qualifications, promote and in-
crease students’ mobility to and from Europe and
to make European higher education attractive for
European students and students from other parts
of the world.
The internationalization of higher education is
a prerequisite for international competitiveness
and Kazakhstan national priority. Kazakhstan is
the first Central Asian country to join the Bo-
logna Process and the European Higher Educa-
tion Area. The higher education in Kazakhstan
heads towards the level of the world education
standards. Currently, 60 universities of Kazakh-
stan signed the Great Charter of universities
(Bologna). The country’s best known initiative is
Bolashak Program, which supports study at top
universities in other countries with all expenses
paid, on condition that the students to work in Ka-
zakhstan for the benefit of the national economy.
This program has assisted 2500 students since
being set up in 1994.Bolashak is a long running
program managed by the Centre for International
Programs, on behalf of the Ministry of Education
and Science of Kazakhstan. The program’s ob-
jective is to provide an opportunity for the most
talented students from Kazakhstan to undertake
higher education courses at the best universities
overseas, enabling them to acquire the necessary
skills and knowledge to build a democratic and
prosperous society.
Furthermore, in September 2011 Ministry of
Education and Science developed “The Concept
of academic mobility of university students” in or-
der to improve the quality of the higher educa-
tion. 350 students will receive an opportunity to
study abroad for a semester at the expense of the
national budget this year. Besides, 1493 foreign
scientists and professors are expected to be at-
tracted to work in 27 higher education institutions
of Kazakhstan. [6]
Thus, internationalization of higher education
is not a new process but it has not lost its urgency
and relevance. Internationalization helps modern
universities enter into world university educational
space and actively develop within its frameworks. It
allows higher educational institutions to progress
more dynamically as they can perceive knowledge
of the developed universities, overtaking and even
advancing them on progress.
Even though globalization is not the top form
of internationalization, last-named is essential for
its progress and formation. Though these two
processes do not coincide and in some aspects
they even counter each other [3], globalization
would be impossible without internationalization
of education, as it is two interconnected processes.
The second aspect of globalization and, at the
same time the consequence of internationaliza-
tion, is integration of educational areas of differ-
ent countries. Internationalization of education
doesn’t have sharp time-frame, structure and ob-
ligation. In contrast to this process, integration of
educational system of different countries is initi-
ated by public authorities, and the participants
of educational process - higher institutions – are
presented with a fait accompli and have to real-
ize prescribed direction of development. Hereby,
some researchers consider integration as a more
complicated and serious aspect than internation-
alization as, within its frameworks, there is not just
cooperation and an exchange of knowledge, but
intensification and development of academic com-
munications at the state level and brining them to
the level of integration of national education sys-
tems. Hence, integration is closer to globalization
of higher education system, because it means not
only the programs which are interesting to certain
universities, but coordination and harmonization
of basic features of educational systems. In this
case, national features of educational areas are
erased and sometimes are fully resolved. This is
the biggest disadvantages of higher education
integration approximating it to the main charac-
teristics of globalization – a process of borders
erasing. However, this disadvantage can be lev-
eled considerably with due attention and interest
from higher school representatives and states, as
worldwide directions of integration of education
assume reasonable degree of freedom for preser-
vation of national features of education.
The priority direction of integration is accept-
ance of the all-European and worldwide principles
of construction of higher education system and
signing the Bologna convention agreement.
Due to this process a coordination of a world
policy in area of education, convergence and in-
terrelation of national educational systems and
the origin of tendencies to formation of uniform
educational space can be reached. [5]
One of the major tools in the integration of Ka-
zakhstan into the international educational space
is realization of the Bologna convention. There is
transition to a three-cycle system in higher educa-
tion: “bachelor – master – doctoral studies PhD”,
full transition to the credit technology in higher
education, certification and concrete steps for in-
ternational accreditation of universities, penetra-
tion and improvement of the quality assessment
system, etc. Besides the mission of integration
of Kazakhstan into the international education-
al space, transition to the three-cycle system of
higher education will allow Kazakhstani gradu-
ates to adapt for the international labor markets
because diplomas of higher education would be
One of the major directions of higher educa-
tion development is the issues of international
cooperation in order to integrate Kazakhstan
higher education system into the global level of
educational system. Participation of Kazakhstan in
the EU’s higher education institutions programs
is considered as the most perspective tendency.
At the same time the unique educational project in
the higher education system of Kazakhstan is the
international level Nazarbayev University which
“will be positioned to become the national brand
by harmoniously combining national identity, best
international model of education, science and re-
search practice”( N.A. Nazarbayev). Academic pro-
grams based on the best international practice,
new standards of scientific research, principles of
autonomy and academic freedom approved by
Nazarbayev University are going to be used in all
universities of Kazakhstan I future.
In summary, it is possible to note, that integra-
tion is one of the closest concepts to globaliza-
tion in terms of their characteristics. Nevertheless,
integration and globalization are not considered
the absolute synonyms, especially if to consider
integration as a higher level of internationaliza-
tion. Integration processes in higher education are
extremely important, especially at the state level
as it is difficult to universities to pass themselves to
higher levels of interaction with other educational
Informatization is the third and the most uni-
versally recognized and dynamically developing
process within total globalization. In the modern
society development of means of communication
and data ware are the areas in which industrialized
countries have reached big progress. The adop-
tion of new information technologies into all fields
of activity favored the emergence and develop-
ment of a global process of informatization. In
turn, this process gave a stimulus to developing
informatizaton of education. Informatizaton revo-
lution has caused the necessity of improving new
forms of knowledge translation, as knowledge has
become the main value in conditions of an infor-
mation society. In the digital 21st century high re-
sults in learning and educational process cannot
be achieved without integrating new information
and communication technologies in the education
system. Informatization of education has become
the main factor of globalization in the period of
transition to the global information society.
In modern conditions the main task of educa-
tion is application of new information technolo-
gies of spread of knowledge. In this connection
distance learning has taken hold, being an integral
part of process of globalization alongside with in-
crease of the academic mobility and unification of
educational systems and plans.
One of the most visible manifestations of glo-
balization is the emerging ‘borderless’ electronic
education market which creates the environment
where most of the learners can access their mate-
rials at any time from any place. The huge increase
in the worldwide demand in e-learning is one
of the reasons to trend the learners to get
their opportunity in the globalized world, and this
is possible due to the ICTs facilitation. E-learning
is considered to be one of the most progressive
forms of education that is introduced in education
systems of many countries all over the world. E-
learning in Finland, Ireland and South Korea be-
came the main instrument for modernization of
education and economic growth. Special national
programs on electronic education are realized.
E-learning is quite general practice in the USA,
Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Great Britain.
The principal objective of DE has been the devel-
opment of the individual as a whole. It includes
learners’ cultural, behavioral capacity, under-
standing capability, and rational attitude. Seeing
through globalized telescope, it is viewed that in
the present borderless information society, educa-
tion needs to respond to the additional demands
by raising awareness of environment, peace, cul-
tural and social diversity.
In Kazakhstan informatization of educational
system has been raised to the rank of strategically
important areas of public policy. “The states that
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