Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов

УПРАЖНЕНИЯ Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов 7. The convict (to inform

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Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов
7. The convict (to inform) that his appeal against the severity of 
the sentence (to reject) by the higher court the previous day.
8. The public (to inform) that the jury (to find) the accused 
guilty of committing a serious offence.
9. The article said that trial courts (to have) the main burden in 
the administration of justice.
10. The prisoner was sure that his lawyer (to appeal) against 
the severity of the sentence the next week.
11. The case of robbery (to investigate) since September.
12. This week the higher court (to dismiss) the prisoner’s ap-
13. This Wednesday the jurors (to bring in) the verdict of guilty.
14. Last week the offender (to arrest) by the policeman.
15. Two weeks ago this case of murder (to solve) by the police 
Exercise 75. Comment on the use of the Sequence of Tenses 
and translate the sentences into Russian:
1. The judge said that the witness would be interviewed as 
soon as possible.
2. He was sure you would be present at the trial.
3. They believed that the judge had carried out his duty hon-
4. It was announced that the delegation was arriving on time.
5. The judge said that the witness had already been interviewed.
6. Everybody believed the man would be brought to trial.
7. He hoped she was represented by her lawyer.
8. We wanted to know how many cases were tried by a judge 
9. The investigator acknowledged that his work would be of 
great significance for the coming trial.
10. He said that he had passed his exam in Administrative Law 
two years before.
11. The public was informed that the defendant had been found 
guilty and imprisoned in accordance with the law.
12. The article said that capital punishment would be abolished 
the next year.
13. We were told that the verdict was still being discussed by 
the jurors.

A Grammar of English Practice Book for Law Students
14. It was interesting to know that capital punishment in Great 
Britain was abolished in 1969.
15. I could see that the letter had been opened.
16. The government announced that taxes would be raised.
17. I notified my lawyer that I had changed my address.
18. He filed the complaint to the police that his neighbours 
were noisy.
19. He alleged that the police had forced him to confess.
20. The president of the bank said it was vital that anyone with 
a criminal record should not be able to get a job where large sums of 
money were placed in their care.
21. The judge said the prosecution had failed to prove beyond 
reasonable doubt that Mr. Green was guilty.
22. They discovered during the investigation that some money 
was missing.
23. The prosecutor showed the jury how the crime could have 
been committed by Feldman, but he didn’t convince them that Feld-
man was guilty.

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