Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов

Exercise 83. Translate the sentences into Russian paying

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Sbornik-uprazhneniy-po-grammatike-angliyskogo-yazyka-dlya-studentov yuristov

Exercise 83. Translate the sentences into Russian paying 
attention to the forms and functions of Participle I:
1. Labour law is a system of rules regulating labour relations.
2. Being recognized by many countries, the principle of peace-
ful co-existence is the most important principle of international law.
3. Being appointed by the General Assembly on the recommen-
dation of the Security Council, the Secretary General serves a five-year 
4. The officer must show the warrant to the person being ar-
rested and must inform him of the cause of the arrest.
5. Having established all the elements of the crime, the investi-
gator committed the case to the court.
6. Having been considered by the International Court, the situ-
ation in the region began to improve.
7. Having been investigated, the case was committed to the 

Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов
8. When leaving the crime scene the criminal left some finger-
9. Having looked through all the papers and letters received on 
that day, the barrister left his office.
10. Being elected for a term of 4 years, the President is to carry 
out the programme of the government.
11. Having been defeated by the opposition, the Government 
had to resign.
12. On Election Day, having decided which candidate is in their 
opinion the best one, the voters go to the polling station and record 
their votes.
13. Being demanded by the lawyer in writing, in the advance of 
the trial the jury was summoned to consider the verdict.
14. Having been incorporated, a limited liability company is not 
allowed to make amendments to its Articles of Association.
15. Having established that the required two-thirds majority of 
votes was not attained, the Board of Directors revoked the resolution.
16. Having worked for a finance company for three years, he 
moved to an insurance company.
17. Having been accused of giving false information during the 
trial, she was brought before the court.
18. Having arrested someone suspected of committing a crime, 
the police must decide if they have enough evidence to make a formal 

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