Сборник упражнений по всем разделам английской грам- матики. Упражнения основаны на несложной лексике. Они содержат достаточно материала для запоминания основных

On … Saturday she usually goes to …  Philharmonic.  3

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2. On … Saturday she usually goes to … 
3. In … August he has his … birth-
day. He is planning to have … nice party with his 
… friends. 
4. There are three rooms and … kitchen 
in our new flat. 
5. My new dress is made of … silk. 
6. If you want to write something on … blackboard, 
you must have … piece of … chalk. 
7. Are there any 
pupils in … classroom? 
8. I have … new English book. 
I find … book quite fascinating. 
9. There is … garden 
in … front of our school. … garden is not large, but 

it is very nice. 
10. … May is … fifth month of the 
11. … Saturday is … sixth day of the week. 
12. … Sunday is … day off. 13. Today is … ninth of 
… May. Anton has got … new mobile phone. He is 
going to make … phone call to his … grandfather. 
14. This is … nice place. In … June we are going 
there for … holiday. It’ll be … great fun.
Запомните следующие устойчивые словосочетания:
_ work 
_ school
_ work 
_ school
Упражнение 19
Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. This is … classroom. … classroom is large and 
2. There is … picture on … wall. 3. What is … 
date today? — It is … seventh of … December. 
4. … 
third lesson today is … lesson of English. 
5. Pete, 
go to … blackboard. 
6. After … school I usually go 
… home. 
7. My father always comes from … work 
late: at eight o’clock or at … half past eight. But on 
… Friday he comes … home early: at half past four 
or at … quarter to five. On … Saturday and on … 
Sunday he does not go to … work. 
8. My friends live 
in … small town. It is … new town. … streets in … 
town are broad and straight. There are … beautiful 
buildings in them. … town is very green, and so … 
air is fresh. There are … beautiful parks and gardens 
in … town. … people like to go there after … work. 
In … evening you can hear … sounds of … music 
from … parks. There are … schools, … libraries, … 
supermarket, … hospital, … theatre, … cinemas, … 
clinics and … kindergartens in … town. 

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