Ш. Ш. УӘлиханов атындағы тарих және этнология институты

Pierce R. A. Russian Central Asia 1867-1917. A study in colonial Rule. Berkeley, Los

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119 Pierce R. A. Russian Central Asia 1867-1917. A study in colonial Rule. Berkeley, Los
Angeles, 1960, p. 13; Idem. The Russian conquest and administration o f Turkestan// Hambly G.
(ed.). Central Asia. N. Y., 1969, p. 208-216.
120 Riasanovsky N. V. Old Russia, the Soviet Union and Eastern E urope// The American
Slavic and East European Review. Oct. 1952, vol. XI, no 3, p. 171-182.
121 Sarkisyanz £. Geschichte der orientalischen Volker Russland bis 1917/ Vorwort von B.
Spuler. München, 1961, s. 324-329; Idem. Russian Conquest in Central Asia //R u ssia in Asia. Ed.
by W. Vucinich. Stanford, 1972, p. 248-288.

122 Go/czewski F. Russlands zentralasiatische Expansion im Lichte der neueren Sowjetischen
Geschichtsinterpretation / / Osteuropa. 1980, no 6, s. 481-493.
123 Қар.: Noddle В. La formation de L' Empire russe: Etudes; notes et documents, bd. 1-2, p.,
1952-1953; Rywkin M. (ed.). Russian Colonial expansion to 1917. L., N .-Y ., 1988.
124 Central Asia: A Century o f Russian rule. N. Y., L., 1967, p. 11, 50, 52.
125 Riasanovsky V. A. Customary law o f the nomadic tribes, p. 71; Pares B. A history o f Russia.
L., 1947, p. 291-293; Central Asia. 120 years o f Russian Rule. Durham, London, 1989.
126 Towle G. The Russians in the East, p. 72.
127 L a n tze ff G. V , Pierce R. Eastward to Empire. Exploration and conquest on the Russian
open Frontier to 1750. Montreal, L., 1973.
128 R iess Ch. A . The H istory o f the Kalmyk Khanate to 1724. Ph. D. D iss. Indiana
U niversity, 1983; K hodorkovsky M. K alm yk-Russian relations, 1670-1679. D evelopm ent o f

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