Ш. Ш. УӘлиханов атындағы тарих және этнология институты

, vol. XIV, no 1, p. 18-19

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1955, vol. XIV, no 1, p. 18-19.
172 D'Encousse H. C. Tzarist education Policy in Turkestan 1867-1917// Central Asian Review.
1963, vol. XI, no 4, p. 374-394.
173 Saussay J. Il'mynkij et la politique de russification des Tatars 1856-1891// Cahiers
du monde russe et sovietique. 1967, vol. 8, s. 404-426. Blank S. National education, Church
and State in Tzarist Nationality Policy: The Il'mynski s y s te m // Canadian-American Slavic
Studies. 1983, vol. 17, s. 466-486.
174 K rein d ler I. N ik olai Il’m ynski and Language planning in the XIXth - Century
R u s s ia // In ternational Journal o f the S o c io lo g y o f Language. 1979, vol. 22, p. 5-26;
Idem . E d u cation in Central A s ia / / Central A sian Su rvey. 1982, vol. 1, no 1. p. 111-
124; Idem . 1. A lty n sa rin , N. Il’m ynski and the Kazakh N a tion al A w a k e n in g // Ibid.
1983, vol. 2, no 3, p. 99-116.
175 Pierce R. Russian Central Asia, p. 250-251; Bacon E. Op. clt., p. 101-103; D'Encausse H. C.
The Stirring o f National feelin g // Allworth E. (ed.) Central Asia. 120 years of Russian Rule.
Durham, L., 1989, s. 172-179.
176 Кар.: Central Asian Review. 1966, vol. XIV, no 1, p. 27-29. 1954, vol. 11, no 4, p. 352-353.
Winner T. G. The Oral Art and Literature o f the Kazakhs o f Russian Central Asia. Durham, 1958,
p. 101-115; Hrebicek L  Euphony in Abai Kunanbayev's Poetry// Asian and African Studies.
1965, no 1, p. 123-130; Idem. Alliterations in Abai Kunanbayev’s Poetry// Archiv Orientalni.
1965, vol. 33, no 1, p. 67-72.
177 Zenkovsky S. A. Pan-Turkism and Islam in Russia. Cambridge (Mass.), 1960, p. 61.
178 Olcott M. B. The Kazakhs, p. 105-107.

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