Ш. Уәлиханов атындағы КМУ хабаршысы ISSN 1608-2206 Филология сериясы. № 4, 2019
used to promote Latin graphics. In particular, the names of all programs on the channel "Qazaqstan"
are written in Latin graphics. There are also videos that are being shot in Kazakhstan for the
preaching of several familial Latin graphics, such as the famed family - the Zhugunusovs. Those
who have scientific literacy will make a decision and begin to study the Latin graphics wisely. The
outstanding project based on Latin graphics with sand drawing used for advertisement is also
popular between spectators.
Picture 1 – Advertisements dedicated to Latin graphics (channel "Qazaqstan")
There were shots based on Latin graphics in the programs "Qareket", “Tansholpan” and
"Shakhmat". Today in many regions of the country, various projects implemented for adult
education of Latin alphabet. One of them is widely used program «Qazaq Latyn Keyboard». You
can get more information about that by the following link.
Picture 2 – Kazakh keyboard with Latin letters https://kaztrk.kz/video/latyn-aripterimen-
qazaqsha-pernetaqta-iske-qosyldy-36110 [7]
We can say with certainty that now it is possible to open a special program on high-band
channels and increase interest in Latin graphics. This will be accessible to everybody. Because now
the videos in special channels of youtube still are not available for some people in rural parts of the
Picture 3 – videos to learn Latin graphics
According to the survey, it is also beneficial to use Latin graphics in all the advertisements.
Nowadays the number of spectators of Latin graphics shown in variable message display in the
busses is increasing involuntarily. This also effects on people’s getting used and developing
competence on Latin graphics.
Вестник КГУ им. Ш. Уалиханова ISSN 1608-2206 Серия филологическая, № 4, 2019
Picture 4 –Latin graphics message display in busses
Summarizing the results of the survey, the number of supporters of Latin graphics is growing
over time and is the most effective way to use the Internet as a key ingredient in mastering Latin
graphics. For example, a test site at www.baribar.kz can be used to test people's literacy by adding a
test to their Latin graphics. Unfortunately, as we have already considered, the Internet is not
available in all the regions of Kazakhstan, so in this case it is necessary to rely on the Latin graphics
programs on TV channels.
Switching to the Latin alphabet, though being easy to accept, is not easy to literate. The
ultimate optimistic version is still unsettled. The purposes of moving to the Latin alphabet are:
• spelling (for the development of orthography and orthographic rules for copying the Kazakh
alphabet into Latin script).
• methodological (gradually for the introduction of the Latin alphabet teaching methodology
and its introduction into the educational system).
• terminals (for systematization of terminological base of the Kazakh language based on Latin
• expert-technical (for adaptation of Latin graphics to IT-technologies).
It is clear that the National Commission for the translation of the Kazakh language into Latin
script will specify the stages of the introduction of the new alphabet and determine the goals and
objectives of each stage. The transition to the Latin alphabet is very convenient in solving two
major problems:
1. Removing all sounds in our language and preserving the natural features of the Kazakh
2. The future generation will be able to use the information technologies freely, to reach the
world educational space, to be competitive.
One of the first requirements for the transition to a new alphabet is teaching methodology.
The nationwide dictation held in accordance with the "Plan of actions on the gradual transfer of the
Kazakh language to Latin graphics until 2025". Starting in 2022, elementary school pupils had to
start with Latin alphabet. Textbooks and teaching aids will be translated into Latin until 2024. One
of the most effective methods for learning alphabet is the creation of alphabetical spelling
dictionaries (including electronic) based on Latin alphabet. Literacy is one of the challenges to
moving to the Latin alphabet. Literacy is one of the basic requirements of the language culture of
mass media. Literacy is often associated with knowing spelling and punctuation. Correct writing is
a requirement for learning spelling rules. In addition to studying Latin graphics, visualization will
be effective. This method can be used not only on lessons but also in any of the public places. In the
visual method, of course, visual aids and schemes are used. They should not be less than a few
hours. This is the most effective way to develop readers' interest and develop vocabulary resources.
The method of interpretation is the method used during learning process. In this method, the reader
understands a new word, a new topic or a spelling. This method is reflected in many video clips.
Thus, we find out that the methods of drawing, illustration and interpretation of spelling
dictionary are now used as the main methods of studying Latin graphics and define their advantages
over other methods.
Ш. Уәлиханов атындағы КМУ хабаршысы ISSN 1608-2206 Филология сериясы. № 4, 2019
In conclusion, Latin graphics is one of the key issues in today's society that still requires
comprehensive consideration.
There are still different viewpoints on the transfer to Latin alphabet among Kazakhstani
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