часть времени
говорил на уроке.
Учитель не
фразы, так как
себя комфортно
на протяжении
Учитель говорил
много в период
урока, повторяя
некоторые фразы
несколько раз.
Учитель большую
часть урока
общалась с
учениками на
русском языке.
английский язык
при общении с
Соблюдать и
учителю и
регламент на
каждом этапе
Какие есть результаты? Следует отметить, что на данном уроке Lesson Study
№2 ученики работали более активно, самое главное, не волновались,
чувствовали себя комфортно на уроке, создавая атмосферу благоприятного
сотрудничества. Вторично спланированный урок членами команды показал и
доказал свою эффективность. Дети читали, писали и говорили на английском
языке, слушали, слышали друг друга, размышляли и обсуждали,
концентрируясь решению определенной проблемы. Самооценивание учащихся
на основе оценивания по критериям с помощью дескрипторов способствовало
объективному, реальному оцениванию учащихся своих знаний. Дети не
завышали себе оценку, чего не было видно на первом уроке. Пробелы и
недочеты, выявленные от первого цикла Lesson Study №1, были исправлены в
период урока второго цикла Lesson Study №2. ПРОГРЕСС ОЩУТИМ, неважно
большой или малый!
Список использованной литературы
Пит Дадли, Lesson Study: теория и практика применения, Методическая библиотека
Центра Педагогического Мастерства, 2013- Астана, с. 26
Руководство для учителя, третий (основной) уровень, издание третье 2012 ‒ Астана: АОО
«Назарбаев Интеллектуальная школа» Центр педагогического мастерства.
Хохотва О., Исследование в действии как инструмент для решения педагогических
проблем, журнал: Педагогический диалог, №2, 2013- Астана, с.192-196.
Бизяева А.А. , Психология думающего учителя: Педагогическая рефлексия, Псков: С. М.
Киров ПМПИ - 2004, с. 216
UDC 81'271; 82.085; 808.5
Assoc. Prof., Candidate of Philological Sciences, A. Ibrayeva,
KazGUU University Astana, Kazakhstan
Аталған мақалада Қазақстан Республикасының тіл саясатының контекстінде шетелдік
білім берудің тиімділігін жүзеге асыруға байланысты,шетелдік білім беру бағыты
шеңберінде қаралған жұмыстардың қысқаша қорытындысы берілген.
В данной статье представлено краткое обобщение работ, связанных с эффективностью
реализации Концепции развития иноязычного образования РК рубежа веков в контексте
языковой политики в Казахстане, рассматриваемых в рамках такого направления, как
иноязычное образование.
Language policy is one of the most important aspects in a social and economic
development of a Kazakhstani society and this element of governmental policy
deserves thorough study and analysis. President Nazarbayev was the initiator of a
unique project called “Trinity of languages” which is being carried out by the
government of the Republic. In his speeches, Nazarbayev covers the issue of
importance and significance of polylingualism in multinational Kazakhstani society.
The idea of trinity of languages in Kazakhstan was made public in 2004 by the head
of the country. Later in his address to the people of Kazakhstan he noted that we
should become a trilingual nation to help meeting country’s ambitious goals and that
it is very important for the future of the country. Afterwards, step-by-step
implementation of the cultural project took its rise. From this very period new
language policy of an independent Kazakhstan begins. The president believes that
every citizen of our country should serve the society for the success of modernization
The analysis of foreign language education in Kazakhstan showed that the
level of foreign language training standards of pupils of secondary schools and of
students of higher institutions does not meet modern requirements. As a result,
leading linguists Kunanbayeva, Karmysova, Ivanova, Arenova, Zhumagulova,
Kuznetsova, Abdygapparova developed “Conception of foreign language education
of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. This Conception was approved by Academic
methodical association of educational organizations under the auspices of Kazakh
university of international relations and world languages named after Abylai-Khan
(protocol #1 dated 25.02.2006) [2]. It was later approved by the Ministry of Science
and Education of Kazakhstan.
“Foreign language education level modeling” was the basis of this Conception.
The given Conception of foreign language education development in the Republic of
Kazakhstan gives the grounding for its development on the whole, creates the basis
for regulation of educational documentation in foreign languages teaching sphere.
This model provides realization of principles of continuity and progressive
development of quality of foreign languages education due to exact amount of levels
and their informative aspect for each type of educational organization.
Nowadays the policy of Kazakhstan is oriented to scientific, technological and
industrial development. It leads to the situation when the country needs specialists,
who can use foreign languages as a tool of establishing professional communication
for effective interchange of experience in the future industrial activity. The situation
becomes difficult with lack of specialists, who can fully ensure teaching of
professionally-oriented foreign language. Students of non-linguistic specialties do not
make a point of importance of this discipline; they do not take an interest in this
subject, which can lead to poor progress in studies. In the context of the research,
made in 2014, rate of poor progress on the subject “Language for Specific Purposes”
in Kazakh Humanities and Law University and Eurasian National University named
after L. Gumilev stands at 54 %. Standard educational programs including all
bachelor programs are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, syllabuses
of the disciplines are being developed, but we should note that the literature and
information proposed in these programs is outdated. It does not reflect realms of the
modern political-economic course of Kazakhstan. There are no electronic textbooks
for students, who are the part of distance education courses.
In this connection, we will cover the following key research questions.
Key research questions:
What are the ways of defining the efficiency of implementation of foreign
language education development Conception in bachelor degree programs in
What are favorable conditions for improving teaching “Professionally-
oriented foreign language”?
How to structure bachelor degree programs so that foreign language
acquisition works more effectively in a higher institution?
What are the factors which influence student’s motivation in learning
professionally-oriented foreign language taking into account their future career?
How to adapt foreign best practices in the development of a model on
effective realization of foreign language education development Conception in
bachelor degree program disciplines?
The answers on the given questions and detailed research of teaching language
for specific purposes, comparative analysis of foreign universities experience,
influence of socio-cultural aspect, technological process, right evaluation etc. will
help to create a full picture and find the ways of implementation of foreign language
education development Conception.
Multilingual education in Kazakhstan has been an issue since 2004.
Kunanbayeva describes the state and gives practical recommendations about how the
foreign language education reform should proceed. Only two years have passed since
the beginning of the realization of the Conception started. And only a few researchers
in Kazakhstan have highlighted this question. They are Samatanova [3], who in her
article describes the necessity of teaching the discipline in universities.
Nurzhunbayeva [4] in her article describes five factors compensating negative impact
of what Michael West [5] would call “Teaching English in difficult circumstances”.
In turn, the question regarding effectiveness of LSP teaching has been well
studied by foreign researchers. Thus, in the article Rob Anderson [6] says that
English language teaching has always been teaching for special purposes, however
since the 1960's, English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has grown to become one of the
most important areas of English as a Second Language. Consequently there has been
a notable increase in courses, materials and methodologies. However, despite its
reasonably long history the ESP community doesn’t seem to have a clear idea of what
ESP means. The study examines the teaching of (ESP) in the tertiary level of the
education system. It considers the emergence of English for Academic Purposes and
how this approach gave way to other approaches, focusing on English for Specific
Academic Purposes. The work discusses factors of the local context; the students, the
institution and issues related to the academic discipline and to assess to what extent
these factors impinge upon methodologies, course design and classroom activities.
Researchers studying the problem of ESP teaching analyze best practices in
countries where English is not the first language just like in Kazakhstan. Rieko
Matsuoka [7] raises the question of exploring the ways in which to enhance the
learners’ attitudes towards learning English based on the questionnaire data from
Japanese college students. The questionnaire items were primarily for investigating
the participants’ socio-psychological attitudes towards English learning including a
digitally oriented learning system in comparison with analogical and face-to-face
interactional approaches.
Socio-cultural aspect describes characteristics of the components of socio-
cultural competence that define stages of this competence formation (motivational,
informative, activity) in teaching a foreign language in high school with the use of
effective methods and technologies are described [8].
In Kazakhstan, as has been mentioned earlier there is a number of problems in
Foreign Language and LSP teaching by means of distanced learning which is
understudied as well. Elisabet Arno-Macia in her work describes the use of different
technologies and modes for effective learning, the analysis of specialized texts, and
the integration into LSP of emerging technologies that have made their way into
social uses [9].
Thus, a detailed study of the experience of teaching LSP, a comparative
analysis of the experience of foreign universities, the influence of socio-cultural
aspects, technological process, the correct assessment of the situation etc. will help
recreate the full picture and find ways to implement the Conception of development
of foreign language education in RK.
Nazarbayev N.A. Novyi Kazakhstan v novom mire // Kazakhstanskaya pravda. - № 33(25278).
— 2007. — 1 March.
Kunanbayeva S.S., Karmyssova M.K., Ivanova A.M., Arenova T.D., Zhumagulova B.S.,
Kuznetsova T.D., Abdygapparova S.K. // Kontseptsiya razvitiya inoyazychnogo obrazovaniya PK -
Almaty: Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages, 2006.
Samatanova A.R “To the question of profession-oriented Fl teaching”, Materialy nauchno
prakticheskoi konferencii “Seifullinskie chtenia -9: novyi vector razvitia vysshego obrazovania I
nauki ‘posvyashennaya dnu pervogo presidenta Respubliki Kazakhstan. – 2013. – t.1, ch.1 – ct.161-
Nurzhumbayeva A.Z. “Specifics of profile-oriented English language teaching for Law
students”, Vestnik PGU #4, 2010 Seria pedagogicheskaya st. 94-101
Law for G. С. S. Е. Shears P. Pitmzn Publishers, 1994. - 133 p
Rob Anderson //«A parallel approach to ESAP teaching», Procedia - Social and Behavioral
Sciences 136 ( 2014 ) 194 – 202
Rieko Matsuoka // «Socio-psychological Analysis of Digital Employment Among Japanese
English Learners», Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 136 ( 2014 ) 54 – 58
Minnisa S. Safina // «Formation of Socio-Cultural Competence in Foreign Language Teaching»,
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 136 ( 2014 ) 80 – 83
ELISABET ARNO–MACIA // «The Role of Technology in Teaching Languages for Specific
Purposes Courses», The Modern Language Journal, 96, Focus Issue, (2012) DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-
RK – Republic of Kazakhstan
FL – Foreign Language
SES – State Educational Standards
MC – Model curriculum
LAP – Language for Academic Purposes
LSP – Language for Specific Purposes
CEFR - Common European Framework of Reference
Professor, Candidate of Philology, B.M. Ibrayeva
University “Bolashak”, Karaganda
Инклюзивті білім беру немесе «білім баршаға» бағдарламасы - барлық балаларға
мектепке дейінгі оқу орындарында, мектепте және мектеп өміріне белсене қатысуға
мүмкіндік береді.
Республикада 18 жасқа дейінгі мүмкіндігі шектеулі 138 513 бала бар, ол барлық
балалар санының 2,8 % құрайды. Қарағанды қаласының №27 жалпы білім беретін орта
мектебі Қарағанды қаласы бойынша инклюзивті білім беруді экспериментке енгізген әзірге
жалғыз мектеп болып табылады. Әр сыныпта дамуы аз ғана көлемде шектелген орта есеппен
алғанда 3 бала бар.№ 27 мектепте 5, 6 және 7 сыныптарда жүргізілген тәжірибе
оқушылардың ағылшын тілін меңгеру деңгейін, нақты сол сыныптардағы интеграциялап
оқытудың артықшылығын және оларды ағылшын тіліне оқытудың тиімді әдістері мен
тәсілдерін анықтауға жол берді.
Инклюзивті сыныптарға сабақ өткізу барысында көптеген қиындықтар кездесті,
мәселен, балалармен түсініспеушілік, материалдарды және тапсырмалар жиынтығын дұрыс
таңдамау, балалардың зейінінің жоқтығы, сыныпта балалардың бірін-бірі түсінбеуі, дамуы
тежелген балалардың психикалық ерекшеліктерін есепке алмау. Аталмыш жаттығу түрлері
мен ойындардың көмегімен балалардың зейінін аудартып, барлық оқушының тапсырманы
орындауын қамтуға тырыстық.
Инклюзивное образование это процесс интегрированного обучения детей с особыми
потребностями, который дает возможность всем учащимся в полном объеме участвовать в
жизни коллектива школы и школьной жизни. В республике насчитывается 138 513 детей до
18 лет с ограниченными возможностями, что составляет 2,8% всех детей. В городе Караганда
есть единственная школа №27 в которой в качестве эксперимента проводится обучение
таких детей. В 5,6,7 классах, где мы проходили педагогическую практику, было по 3 ученика
в каждом классе. При проведении занятий в таких классах существует ряд проблем, которые
нам предстоит преодолеть. Однако, индивидуальный подход, использование игровых
технологий, индивидуальных карточек помогло нам повысить интерес ребят к изучению
английского языка.
For the first time a student from our university had pedagogical practice at
school where learners with specific needs study along with other children. In
Kazakhstan this experience is just being implemented to promote inclusion and equal
opportunity for students attending schools.
There have been many challenges; from
the initial skepticism of some teachers to rejection by some students. [1] In our
Republic the number of children with specific needs under 18 years old is 138 513, it
is 2,8 % from the general amount of children. Among them 93 740 are children of
school age and 44 773 are under school age. In Karaganda there is only one school №
27 where such children can get secondary education. Out of 149 schoolchildren of
this school, 15 are with specific needs.
In school № 27 they study in the 5
, 6
and 7
grades. According to the requirements in every grade there should be only three
children with specific needs. These children suffer from autism and
Down syndrome
There are specific traits of these children - they are stubborn and often refuse to work,
either by themselves or with others. They have problems with concentration. [2] At
the beginning we questioned these children to find out their attitude to learning
English. 46% said that they do not like English classes. We decided to make English
classes more interesting and affordable to these children. We included more games,
individual work, and physical training to English lessons. What activities happened to
be more productive from our pedagogical practice experience? These are the games
which they like most of all:
“Find with eyes”. The teacher puts pictures or toys with animals on the wall.
Then the teacher asks to bring the picture or the toy of the animal she pronounces. ( A
cat, a tiger, a wolf etc.)
“Hear and find out”. The children will listen to different sounds written on the
tape, for example, the sound of the rain or roaring of the tiger. They should say what
these sounds are. ( It’s a tiger. It’s a wolf. It’s a rain)
“Tell the word vice versa”. The teacher tells the word the children should tell it
vice versa for example, dog-god etc.
Children with special needs like to move or do physical activities. For example,
children draw up one by one and listen to the teachers orders ( run, jump, sing, etc)
Legs apart – hands apart
Legs apart – hands together
Legs together – hands together
Hands apart – legs apart
At the end I would like to apply some advice of methodologists and teachers
who have experience learning children with specific needs.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
• Give a plan for each lesson to the learner.
• Warn the learners about any changes to their usual routine – allow the learner
to sit in the same place for each lesson.
• Avoid using too much eye contact as it can cause distress.
• Use simple clear language, avoid using metaphor or sarcasm.
• Create as calm a classroom environment as possible.
Down syndrome
• Use simple familiar language.
• Give learners time to process information.
• Break lessons up into a series of short, varied tasks.
• Accept a variety of ways of recording work such as drawings, diagrams,
photos and video. [3]
Based on educational programs the teacher should make two lesson plans: one
for the class and the other for children with specific needs. The teacher should
differentiate all kinds of class and homework for learners with specific needs and
other children: introduction of the new material, its consolidation and give different-
level tasks in the classroom and for homework. We know that an inclusive classroom
includes poor materials, misunderstandings of parents and teachers, lack of
communication, inappropriate teaching methods and an unsuitable classroom
environment. But we also understand that good teaching strategies and techniques
including the carefully balanced planning, varied learning sequences with clear
achievable objectives will help learners know what is expected from them. It would
be nice if the teacher includes fewer writing tasks and offer more multiple choices,
true and false questions, gap-fills and labeling activities. The teacher would focus on
creative learning and leisure activities with much emphasis given to the use of visuals
and body language to promote understanding and prompt repetition and production.
Participation should be encouraged through positive teaching with little attention to
error and correction. In addition, the teacher should provide equal opportunities for
all learners. And it is very important to explain how the rest of the class should
behave themselves with children with specific needs.
1. Методические рекомендации по организации интегрированного (инклюзивного)
образования детей с ограниченными возможностями в развитии. Письмо МОиН от 16 марта
2009 года № 4-02-4/450
Методические рекомендации по определению детей с аутизмом в организации
образования (Приказ МОиН №4-02-4/1435от 28 мая 2010г.)]
3. Creating an inclusive learning experience for English language learners
with specific needs: Case
studies from around the British Council’s global network.
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