Ғылыми-практикалық конференция (ізденімпаздық жұмыс, зерттеу
жұмысы, рефераттар қорғау, жоба қорғау);
Оқушылардың білім деңгейлерін арттыру (мұражайға бару, белгілі
адамдармен кездесу);
Шеберлер байқауы (ақындар айтысы, шешендер сайысы, би үйірмесі,
шебер қолдар үйірмесі);
Жалпы «Дарынды және талантты баламен жұмыс» және «Оқушылардың
жас ерекшеліктеріне сәйкес білім беру мен оқу» модульдерін сабағыма
кірістірудің арқасында мен
Қиналдым: дарынды оқушыны оқытуға арналған тереңдетілген
бағдарлама құрастырып, тұрақты жұмыс жүргізе алудан;
Үйрендім: дарынды оқушының шығармашылық бағытының ашылуына,
дамуына, қоршаған ортаға және өзін-өзі оқытуына көмек көрсетуді;
Дамытамын: оқушының өз-өзін бағалауын
барлық оқушыны сабақ процесіне тартуға
оқушыларды қызығушылықтарына, хоббилеріне, тандаган пәндеріне
байланысты бөле отыра оқушылардың танымдық іс-әрекеттерін арттыруды
зерттеушілік, жоба қорғау сияқты проблемалық оқытудың әр түрлерін
Пайдаланған әдебиет:
Мұғалімге арналған нұсқаулық, үшінші (негізгі) деңгей
UDC 37.016:802.0
Teacher of English, Zh.Seitbembetova
School-gymnasium # 1 after K. Muhamedjanov, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan
Associated professor, candidate of Philological science M. Jumagulova
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan
Шетел тілін їйрену барысында оќушылар дўрыс ќарым-ќатынас жасау їшін олар
ауызша айтылєан сґзді тыѕдап тїсінулері тиіс. Тіл їйрену тјжірибесін ќалыптастырудыѕ
импрессивті формасы болып саналатын тыѕдап тїсіну даєдысы оќушылардыѕ санасында шет
тіліндегі сґйлеу мјнерін ќабылдау, тїсіну, есте саќтау, дыбыстыќ ерекшеліктер мен екпін
жјне интонациялыќ есту ќабілеттерін дамытуда ќиын да кїрделі процестердіѕ бірі болып
табылады. Аталмыш маќалада оќушылардыѕ тыѕдап тїсіну ќабілеттерін дамытуда тїрлі
жаттыєулар тобын ўсынуєа болатындыєы айтыла келіп, мјтінді тыѕдап тїсінуге арналєан
сабаќ ќўрастырмасы берілген. Маќсаты- тыѕдалєан мјтін бойынша тїрлі тапсырмалар бере
отырып, оќушыларды мјтін мазмўныныѕ басты идеясына байланысты ойларын айтќызу,
ўйымдастырылєан сабаќта тыѕдап тїсіну іскерліктерін ќалыптастырумен бірге білім
алушылардыѕ сґйлеу, оќу, жазу даєдыларын да ќатар дамытуєа болады.
При изучении иностранного языка, обучающиеся должны понимать устную речь в
процессе коммуникации. Навыки аудирования и понимания считаются импрессивными
формами практики изучения языка и являются одними из сложных процессов при
восприятии устной иноязычной речи, звуковых особенностей, ударения, интонации,
произношения и развитии умений аудирования и запоминания. В данной статье
предлагаются различные методические рекомендации по развитию навыков аудирования и
понимания учащихся. Цель разработанного в статье урока – формирование у обучающихся
умений передать основную идею и письменно изложить краткое содержание прослушанного
текста, отвечая на вопросы различных заданий.
На правильно разработанном и организованном в системном и методическом плане
уроке по формированию умений слушания и понимания, можно проводить работу по
развитию навыков говорения, чтения и письма.
Most language programs neglect listening comprehension. It is generally
treated as incidental to speaking, rather than as a foundation for it. Classroom
exercises are mainly speaking exercises in which the student hears an audio stimulus
and then immediately imitates it or make some other oral response. When students
listen to and participate in exercises with partial sentences, backward build-up,
pattern practice, and pronunciation drills they are hearing unnatural speech. As
important as these exercises may be for developing skill in speaking, the question
may well be asked, “When do the students hear the language as it is actually
Texts, guides, and courses of study frequently contain texts for evaluating
progress in listening comprehension, but rarely do they contain specific learning
materials designed for the systematic development of this skill. Until such materials
become available, teachers who wish to do more with listening comprehension can
adapt present materials for this purpose.
The present vogue in learning instruction is centered around memorized texts
and exercises. Within the exercises approach the teacher can take the following steps
to emphasize listening comprehension:
1. Present the texts, in the foreign language, using simple language. Explain the
meaning of some of the new words and expressions that will appear in the text
through information, visual aids, use of synonyms, paraphrasing, etc. The idea, at this
point is not to teach the exact meaning of every new linguistic element in the texts,
but rather to convey the general idea of the content in story form. Further, in order to
provide additional listening comprehension practice, embellish the story by making
up facts about the characters which are not in the texts, using only previously learned
2. Go through the text again, without stopping, to give students a feel for how
the entire story sounds at a normal rate of speed. To ask the students to do such
lexico-grammatical tasks as: a) choose the right sentence which gives the main idea
of the text; b) choose the right answers to questions; c) complete the sentences.
3. Have a “programmed” (in the sense of ‘programmed learning’) true- false
activity based on the text in order to insure comprehension. The teacher presents one
or two lines of the text, followed by a question or a statement. The students make a
written ’yes’ or ‘no’ response. The teacher checks the students' answers, by a show of
hands, and then immediately provides the students with the correct response. Thus,
the teacher is also receiving feedback regarding the students' comprehension. If a
number of students have difficulty with the item, the teacher may wish to reread the
lines of the text that illustrates the correct response or take other task to insure
4. Repeat the entire text again at normal rate of speed (live or tape recording)
without interruption. This time have the students listen to it with their eyes closed.
Having eyes closed helps eliminate distractions, increases listening concentration,
and adds variety to the classroom activities.
5. Try to have a role playing activity on the given text. Assign roles from the
text to individual students or rows of students. Phrase questions in the foreign
language to which students will make ‘yes’ or ‘no’ , or short responses, according to
their assigned roles. Then have the students play themselves or other people, such as
famous personalities, using the same technique. This provides further listening
practice with the same linguistic elements. The change in roles and the corresponding
changes in answers provide variety and prevent boredom.
6. Have students hear the entire text again with their eyes closed, without
interruption, but this time at slightly faster than normal rate of speed. To make this
presentation of the text challenging, inform students that it will be at a faster speed
and that it will be followed by a listening comprehension test. It will be even better if
still another tape can be used of the same test but with voices unfamiliar to the
7. Give a listening comprehension test.
At this point, periodically, recombination listening comprehension practice can
be given, using new words and expressions from other courses of study, motion
pictures or any type of recorded materials which contain for the most part, language
elements previously learned by the students.
Suggestions made in this paper are aimed at having students spend more of their
time listening to natural speech and authentic models of the foreign language. They
underline the need for the systematic development of listening comprehension not
only as a foundation for speaking but also as a skill in its own right.
Text “The Gift”
1. Listen to the text “The Gift” (after O.Henry)
Delia wanted to buy a present for her husband on Christmas but she had no
enough money for that. She counted her money. She had only one dollar and eighty-
seven cents. She sat down on the sofa and burst into tears. There were only two
things of which the family was very proud: Jim’s gold watch and Delia’s hair. She
had beautiful hair. She went to the mirror and let down her hair. It fell to its full
length, below her knees. Delia put on her jacket and her hat and went down the stairs
to the street. She decided to sell her hair. She got twenty dollars and her hair was cut
off. Then she went to the shop to buy a present for Jim. It was a platinum chain for
Jim’s watch. When Jim came home from his work and saw Delia, there was an
expression on his face which frightened her. “You’ve cut off your hair”, said Jim
slowly. He took a package from his coat pocket and gave it to Delia. There were
combs which she had wanted for so long. She knew they were expensive. “My hair
grows very fast, Jim” she said. Then she gave him her present. “Isn’t it beautiful,
Jim?” she asked then. Jim sat down on the sofa and smiled. “Del,” he said, “let’s put
our presents away for a while. I sold the watch to buy your combs”.
2. Repeat the following words and expressions after the announcer then
read them:
to count – считать
to burst into tears – расплакаться
full length - вся длина
to be proud of - гордиться
to cut off - отрезать
platinum chain - цепочка из платины
there was an expression on his face – на его лице было выражение
to frighten - напугать
package - сверток
coms – гребень
3. Choose the most appropriate variant of the sentence that corresponds to
the main idea of the text
The text is about:
a) two real lovers.
b) Christmas presents
c) two young people who were very poor.
4. Choose the right answers
1. Why did Delia burst into tears?
a) Because she had no money to buy a present for her husband.
b) Because she had nothing to eat.
c) Because she had no news dress to wear on holiday.
2. What were two things the family were proud of?
a) Jim’s clock and Delia’s comb.
b) Jim’s watch and Delia’s hair.
c) Jim’s watch and Delia’s brush.
3. How did Delia’s get the money for the present?
a) She asked her friend to borrow the money.
b) She found the money in the street.
c) She got the money for her hair.
4. What did Delia buy for her husband?
a) She bought a platinum chain for Jim’s clock.
b) She bought a platinum chain for Jim’s watch.
c) She bought a gold chain for Jim’s watch.
5. Why did Jim decide to put their Christmas presents away for a while?
a) Because Jim didn’t like his present.
b) Because Delia Didn’t like her present.
c) Because he had no watch and Delia had no long hair.
5. Complete the sentences
a) She sat down on the sofa and ---------- into tears.
b) She let it fall to its --------, below her ----------.
c) There was an --------- on his face which frightened her.
d) He took a ------- from his coat pocket and gave it to Della.
e) There were ---------- which she had wanted for so long.
f) My hair ---------- very fast, Jim.
g) Let’s put our Christmas presents away for a -------- .
6. Do the comprehension test. Agree (+) or disagree (-) with the following
a) Delia burst into tears she had no money.
b) Jim was Delia’s brother.
c) Delia was proud of her watch.
d) Jim was proud of his hair.
e) Delia sold her hair and got twenty dollars.
f) She bought a platinum chain for Jim.
g) There was an expression of happiness on Jim’s face when he saw Delia
h) Jim bought flowers for Delia on Christmas.
i) They decided to put their presents away for a while.
7. Answer the questions
Do you think that Jim and Delia were real lovers?
Can you prove it ?
8. Write down short summary of the text
In conclusion, we must say that ability to listen and understand English speech is
rather important because it is impossible to respond without understanding what have
been said. Teaching listening comprehension is one of the main devices in whole
system of technique and needs close studying.
We hope that the recommended approaches can diminish some of the worries
and frustrations students feel when they are faced with interpreting and answering to
spoken language and so help them to become more active and effective
1. Е.П.Кириллова, Б.Т.Лазарева. «Хрестоматия по методике преподавания английского
языка». М., «Просвещение», 1991г.
2. Т.К. Сигал. «Аудирование для школьников». 7-8 классы, М., Айрис. 2004г.
3.Patricia Wilcox Peterson. «Developing Writing». (Writing Skills Practice Book for Beginners/
Intermediate Students of English as a Foreign Language). Washington D.C. 20547.
4. J.Field. Skills and Strategies: towards a new methodology for listening ELTJ 52/2 Oxford
тілі/Республикалыќ јдістемелік-педагогикалыќ журнал. №1(67),2014.
UDC 37
Paed Dr. Eva Smetanová, PhD.
University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Faculty of Arts,
Department of British and American Studies, Trnava, Slovakia
Сыныпта уәжді оқушының болуы құлшынысты, ынталанған және құштар адаммен
жұмыс істеу демек. Мақала Мак-Грегормен ұсынылған екі уәждемелік теорияға және оларды
оқу процесіне енгізуге арналған.
Наличие в классе мотивированного ученика значит работать с энтузиастичным,
стимулированным и заинтересованным человеком. Статья посвящена двум мотивационным
теориям, выдвинутым Д. Мак-Грегором, а также их внедрению в образовательный процесс.
A lot has been said about motivation - its importance and its role in the
classroom. Once the student is eager to learn something new, he or she would go for
it. Having a motivated learner in the classroom means to have an enthusiastic and
involved person who “cares” about the educational process and tries to make good
use of it. The notion of motivated learners is nice. However, two key questions (asked
by teachers) still remain. Question one: “How to make my students engaged?” And
question two: “How to keep motivated those who – already - are motivated and
willing to cooperate?”
I myself often ask such questions. Upon their admission, tertiary students are
expected to know why they are going to study and how their training and gained
knowledge may be used in the future; thus motivation seems to be natural part of
their studies. Unfortunately, the reality shows that it is not that easy and teachers
sometimes have to face the fact that university is not always a place where students
come challenged and curious or with great expectations. Being interested in the issue,
I have done some research on motivational theories predominantly those used in
business areas and pondered whether they could also be applied to our students. This
paper is going to introduce the conclusion I have come to.
In the second half of the 20
century, the so called humanistic theories of
leadership started to appear. They oppose to the traditional message that people
should be motivated by material incentives and rewards as well as sanctions and
penalties. In the foreground there is the matter of interpersonal relationships and in
particular: the sense of personal development, self-realization, self-reliance and
independence – the point is to do what one knows and enjoys.
D. McGregor (1960, 2006) studied opinions of employers on employees´
motivation and on essence of man. His analyses are introduced in two theories that he
elaborated. His first “Theory X” offers a traditional understanding of work ethic and
man´s effort and highlights that man in his nature is lazy and tries to avoid work. As
he naturally does not like working, he needs to be forced to work using the system of
rewards and punishment and while working, he constantly must be monitored.
McGregor also states that employees try to avoid responsibility and prefer being
controlled. According to this theory, there is just a minor group of people who do not
belong to this category and their role is to lead and manage.
Against Theory X, a new theory – this time more humanistic - the so called
“Theory Y” was constructed. This one is based on confidence and trust in man as
such and on his naturally positive attitude towards work. Theory Y tackles the idea
that for man, work is equally natural as amusement and relaxation; that man accepts
challenges, independence and responsibility with pleasure; and that not only a minor
group but many people have the ability to direct and implement their own decisions.
At the same time McGregor says that institutions nowadays exploit this potential only
in a minimal way and sadly, they still attempt to control individuals.
Though McGregor sympathised with Theory Y, the practice shows that it
cannot be applied to everybody. There are people who really enjoy working with joy
and enthusiasm; however, there are those who need to be pushed and urged. Much
depends on an individual approach of the person: if they perform activities that are
pleasant and close to them, they will use all their energy and love to complete them
and do not need to feel any unnecessary pressure. If they, on the other hand, are asked
to do tasks which are not related to their interests or needs or they do not have any
positive relation to, there is an assumption that they will try to avoid those tasks as
long as possible (until they are made to complete them). A very similar situation is
with leadership or individual decision making: some workers indeed dislike taking
responsibility for decisions. They prefer being told what to do and how to it. At the
same time, nevertheless, they complete their tasks or fulfil their duties
conscientiously. Many of them also do not accept changes with confidence and trust
and prefer standard work activities and rules which they are already familiar with.
Therefore we may assume that none of the described theories can be explicit and
clear: either only good or only bad. There is always a need to take out those elements
that will help make one´s work effective.
The above mentioned theories can easily be applied on learners (regardless
their age) in the classroom and implement within the educational process. The teacher
leads learners, plans a lesson and arranges activities. According to the type of his/her
students – either Theory X or Theory Y students - the teacher decides what teaching
style he/she would choose. Both of the theories seem to have much in common with
either ”teacher-centred approach” (Theory X) or “student-centred approach” (Theory
Y). To choose a teaching style, teachers are affected by motivational factors of their
learners. The results of my research show that if teachers are to teach students who
behave as Theory X people – it means they seem to study and participate only
because they “have to” and need to “survive” the lesson somehow, they (the teachers)
tend to adopt a more authoritative – teacher-centred approach. Even though this type
of education is usually associated with traditional learning, it may not always serve as
a negative example. The teacher in this role could become a mediator – he/she
transfers knowledge, communicates information; stands as a model of the target
language. He/she explains, sets tasks, makes sure everyone uses correct grammar or