So… (as) настолько… (что), (соншалықты); such… (as)… такой (что), (осындай); too слишком to assume

* * * Check up for comprehension

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Ағылшын 14.11.23

* * *
Check up for comprehension
1. What qualities do we expect to find in a successful scientist?
2. Why do we say that a successful scientist is full of curiosity?
3. Why is it difficult to see the underlying relationships?
4. Why is he critical of his own work?
5. Why is it necessary for him to be highly imaginative?
6. Give a Russian equivalent of the title and of the data analysed and the data to be analysed.
Түсінуді тексеріңіз
1. Табысты ғалымнан қандай қасиеттерді табамыз деп күтеміз?
2. Неліктен табысты ғалым қызығушылыққа толы деп айтамыз?
3. Неліктен негізгі қатынастарды көру қиын?
4. Неліктен ол өз жұмысын сынайды?
5. Неліктен оған бай қиял қажет?
6. Атаудың және талданған деректердің, сондай-ақ талданатын деректердің орысша баламасын келтіріңіз.
* * *
1. In a successful scientist, we expect qualities such as curiosity, rigorous observation, critical thinking, objectivity, accuracy, and imagination.
2. A successful scientist is considered full of curiosity because they possess a strong desire to understand how and why the universe works. They actively seek out problems with unsatisfactory explanations, driving their curiosity to explore the unknown.
3. It is difficult to see underlying relationships because the data to be analyzed may not appear interrelated at first glance. The scientist's curiosity leads them to uncover connections that may not be immediately apparent.
4. A successful scientist is critical of their own work because they recognize the inherent limitations and potential biases of the human mind, understanding that humans are the least reliable scientific instruments.
5. It is necessary for a scientist to be highly imaginative because they often deal with complex and incomplete data. Imagination allows them to explore possibilities and fill gaps in understanding, contributing to innovative scientific discoveries.
6. Russian equivalents:
- Title: Научное отношение (Scientific Attitude);
- Data analyzed: анализируемые данные (analyzed data);
- Data to be analyzed: данные для анализа (data to be analyzed).

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