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A Noble Profession пособие

Exercise 64. Write a 300-word summary of the text using the plan above. See
Appendices. 4. Writing a Summary.

Exercise 65. Read the extract from the article by Jessica Migala published in Health Magazine and do the review of it.

Healthy Eating Habits That Will Change Your Life

Nutrition experts dole out a ton of advice about how to eat well - and, most

importantly, not lose your mind doing it. But there are some tips that stand
the test of time, and that experts themselves follow.

Don’t give anything up: Eat all the foods you enjoy - but the key is to do it
in smaller quantities. The worst thing you can do is be too strict, then rebound
by overeating because you’re not satisfied.

Always have a plan: It’s easy to get sucked into the lure of the restaurant
menu when you’re hungry and everything looks good. You don’t have to order
the plain grilled chicken breast with steamed veggies - that would be boring.
Order what you’d like, but balance the meal out with the rest of the day. Make
sure you’re also fitting in healthy fare like whole grains, fruit, veggies, and nuts
and seeds in the other meals and snacks that day.

Forget calorie counting: Ditching the habit and instead focus on good-foryou foods. Instead of how many calories, ask yourself where the food came from and if it’s nutritious. Healthy, nutrient-rich foods will keep hunger at bay, help maintain stable blood sugar levels, minimize cravings, and help your brain signal your belly when you’re full.

Prep and store: Even more important than shopping for healthy foods:
actually eating them. When you get home from the store or farmer’s market,
wash and chop fruits and veggies right away and store in your fridge. Studies
show that spending more time on food prep is linked to better eating habits.
It’s all about convenience - if they’re ready for you, you’ll grab them in a pinch.

Eat lunch like a king: Your biggest meal should be around noon when your
digestion is at its peak and you can feed your body when it actually needs fuel. But
“big” doesn’t mean burger and fry big. At lunch, emphasize protein and greens.

Drop the food guilt: It’s trendy to think “food should be fuel” or that food
is something that helps you lose (or, ahem, gain) weight. But thinking only in
terms of number on the scale takes away a huge part of what eating is about:
pleasure. It’s true: feeling guilty about your food choices can undermine weight
loss while a celebratory mindset gives you more control over your diet and can
thwart weight gain.

Eat the rainbow: Greens, oranges, reds, purples, yellows... you get the
picture. Eating the rainbow will supply your body with a range of diseasefighting phytonutrients, and will naturally fill you up to help you cut back on
unhealthy foods.

Follow the 80/20 rule… kind of: There are two ways you can think about
80/20 eating. One: eat healthy 80 % of the time and save 20 % for splurges.
That’s great because it stresses how eating is not about perfection, and as we
mentioned earlier, how it can be pleasurable, too.

Another spin on the 80/20 rule: stopping eating when you’re 80 % full. That

means slowing down and checking in periodically throughout the meal about
what your body is saying. Are you getting that “I don’t really need any more”
feeling? Being in tune with your body prevents overeating.

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