Социальный работник молодая профессия, которая быстро развивается и охватывает новые сферы жизни. В связи с развитием общества, появлением новых реалий потребность в социальных работниках постоянно растет

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A Noble Profession пособие


I came to study social work as a mature aged student after a career as a Producer/Director at the ABC. I made the decision to change my career because I wanted to pursue a profession that was more in line with my own personal values and ethics, a career that helps people and contributes positively to society. The real catalyst for me came about from volunteer work that I had been doing at a women’s refuge in King’s Cross. While volunteering I witnessed and was inspired by the social workers whose support of women’s empowerment was helping to change lives.

2. _____________________________________

I see social work as invaluable to clients as it offers help without judgement or discrimination. Social work takes the time to listen to a client’s story. It motivates and encourages clients, and gives them the tools to construct their own lives. Social work treats all people with dignity, giving hope, inspiring and lifting the spirits of the disadvantaged, that can have far-reaching and lasting positive impact on their lives.


Success for the profession of social work, would be recognition as a powerful movement, that is leading the transformation of our society towards a fairer and more equitable place for every citizen.


My biggest challenge as a mature aged social work graduate at the moment is finding employment. Even though I have extensive work experience, I face the same challenges as many graduates, in that most positions require two years’ experience in social work.


I have joined the Association’s Environmental Social Work Practice Group, finding it a great opportunity to familiarise myself with the workings of the AASW. I have found the staff there very helpful and it is also a great opportunity to meet social workers from all different practice areas.

a)Why is social work invaluable/life-changing to a client and their family?

b)How do you define success as a social worker/as a profession?

c)What is the biggest challenge for you as a social worker?

d)How has AASW networking formed your career?

e)Why did you decide to become a social worker?

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