Социальный работник молодая профессия, которая быстро развивается и охватывает новые сферы жизни. В связи с развитием общества, появлением новых реалий потребность в социальных работниках постоянно растет

Exercise 8. What do you know about the early/ famous social workers from our country o abroad?Prepare a report about one of them

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Exercise 8. What do you know about the early/ famous social workers from our country o abroad?Prepare a report about one of them.

Exercise 9. Render the following article into English.

Text 5

Before you read.

Do you agree that social work some aspects of social wok may be different in different countries?

Read the following text and say what is difference between problems of social work in your country and Singapore.

Problems and Perspectives in social work development.

View from Singapore

With the rapid development in world economy and technology, social work is going to be taken more and more importantly by both the government bodies in various countries and different levels and divisions of the society. Law and order are not the ultimate tools to bring in a more peaceful and justified world. Academics and professionals are exploring in depth to the extensive meaning of the humanitarian development. As a matter of fact, more and more people are taking on actual social worker roles to give their hands to those abandoned or abused kids, the disabled, the old and the poor, and some forgotten corners of this enormous and complex human planet.

In Singapore, the trustworthiness of the social or charity organizations had become a hot public talking point for some periods. When coming to sourcing and managing big-sum charity funds, the credit and honesty of a social worker is at the stake for the public to judge and measure. Where are the possible guidelines for a circumstance like this, the public or the government is going to take the position to settle the problems? By what means? And to what extent should a social worker or an organization have their independent practices?

Reports on unqualified social workers and their misleading or even faulty practices are appearing now and then in various medias. And such improper practices are leading to socially negative consequences. For some cases the needy people could not receive what they really need, yet some cases even lead to damage to the society, for example, according to a Chicago University Social Work Journal, a mentally-disabled man reportedly attacked some people though he was supposed to be under good observance of a specific social worker, and this had led to numerous criticism over and discussion of the qualification and creditability of a social worker or a social work organization. Coincidently just a few weeks ago, an NUS lecturer and a renowned child education social worker was reportedly convicted of child molesting. All these inevitably lead more and bigger question marks to the profession itself.

Besides the above discussed, in the view of the future development of social work, there are many other areas that could and should be reached and explored in terms of improving the quality level and power of social work service. The government body itself shouldn’t let it go alone, and the pubic are to advance their awareness and understanding of social work as part of their life aspects.

As a special and growing division of the world of social science, more attentions are drawn on social work development which is in its vicious progressing as well as much conflictions.

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