Типовая учебная программа английский язык

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ЕМН. Английский язык. Типовая учебная программа.

The systematization of the units has an interdisciplinary connection with professional educational programs of the specialty: Russian language, Kazakh language, geography, world history, cultural studies, the foundations of political science and sociology

Subject plan of the discipline

Name of units and lesson topics

Number of hours





I Unit. Legend or Truth




Lesson topic-1. Interesting facts about genetics. DNA

Lesson topic -2. Myth busters (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

Lesson topic - 3.Writing an article

II Unit. Natural Disasters




Lesson topic – 4. Causes and consequences of natural disasters (atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere

Lesson topic–5. Focus on Kazakhstan: reporting on the causes and consequences of natural disasters

Lesson topic – 6. Prediction and prevention of natural disasters

III Unit. Virtual reality




Lesson topic-7. Developing and evaluating mobile applications

Lesson topic - 8. Expressing and justifying opinions about 2D games

IV. Organic and non-organic worlds




Lesson topic –9. Discussing the difference between organic and non-organic food

Lesson topic – 10. Analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of befouls Unit revision

V Unit. Reading for pleasure




Lesson topic -11. Learners read a non-fiction text

VI Unit. Capabilities of human brain




Lesson topic – 12. Investigate and report on the functions of the brain

Lesson topic – 13. Multiple intelligences self*study project

Lesson topic – 14. Describing the symptoms of stress and giving advice on how to reduce stress

VII Unit. Breakthrough technologies




Lesson topic – 15. Nanotechnology

Lesson topic – 16. Robotics

VIII Unit. Space X




Lesson topic – 17. Things you did not know about space

Lesson topic – 18. Analysis of sci-fi film from different perspectives (physics, biology, economics)

Lesson topic – 19. Independent project

IX Unit. Making connections in biology




Lesson topic – 20. Introductory lessons

Lesson topic – 21. Journey biological understanding

Lesson topic – 22. Formal and informal writing

X Unit. Investigate and report on animal world bats eagles bees and dolphins




Lesson topic -23. Introduction to the topic

Lesson topic -24. Analyzing the specific features of animals

Lesson topic -25. Presentation of the animals specific features

XI Unit. Human brain




Lesson topic -26. Amazing human brain facts (based on the latest science)

Lesson topic -27. Giving and following instructions (How to use a device)

Lesson topic -28. Using memory techniques

XII Unit. Investigate and report on timekeeping devices/Science video




Lesson topic -29. Introduction to the topic

Lesson topic -30. The history of time keeping devices

Lesson topic -31. Presenting the information through the PPT

XIII Unit. Work and inventions




Lesson topic -32. Investigating the world of work

Lesson topic -33. Considering success in business

Lesson topic -34. Comparing analyzing and ranking inventions. Design your own invention





Lesson topic -35. Intelligent energy storage

Lesson topic -36. Discussing controversial issues
Analyzing academic language

XV Unit. Reading for Pleasure




Lesson topic -37. Learns read non-fiction

XVI Unit. Recent advances in technology




Lesson topic – 38. A variety of technological, mobile and application tools for personal, educational and professional use educational and professional use

Lesson topic – 39. Options for future carees. Producing information leaflets

XVII Unit. Independent project




Lesson topic – 41. Options for future careers
Producing information leaflets

XVIII Unit. The clothes of chemistry




Lesson topic – 42. Introduction to the topic

Lesson topic – 43. Investigating the resources and processes involved in manufacturing clothes

Discipline hours




Training results and assessment criteria


Unit content

Training results

Assessment criteria

Science and scientific phenomena

Interesting facts about genetics. DNA
Myth busters (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

Writing an article

1) Understand specific information and the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics.

  1. Organizing and presenting information clearly to others;

  2. Identify specific information and the main points in topic;

  3. Сriticise on the views of others in a growing variety of talk contexts on topic.

2) Evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk contexts on a growing range of general and curricular topics.

  1. Presenting vocabulary, which is appropriate to topic and genre and which is spelt accurately;

  2. Apply comparative degree adverb structures with regular and irregular adverbs.

  3. Use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world.

3) Understand the detail of an argument in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics.

  1. Employ speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers;

  2. Define the detail of an argument in unsupported extended talk topic;

  3. Analyze talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in talk on topic.

4) Use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world.

  1. Construct talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world;

  2. Practice coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on topic;

  3. Apply a variety of quantifiers for countable and uncountable nouns and a variety of noun phrases on topic.

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