Восточно-Казахстанский государственный университет
имени С. Аманжолова, г. Усть-Каменогорск, Казахстан
В статье рассмотрены вопросы малого и среднего бизнеса «Дорожная карта биз-
неса 2020» (далее – Программа) разработана для реализации послания Президента Ре-
спублики Казахстан Н.А. Назарбаева народу Казахстана «Новое десятилетие – Новый
экономический подъем – Новые возможности Казахстана» и Стратегического плана раз-
Д.М. РЫСМАТОВА, К.Ж. ШОЛПАНБАЕВА. 2 (66) 2015. С. 399-405
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
вития Казахстана до 2020 года.
Ключевые слова: Дорожная карта Бизнеса-2020, малый средний бизнес, субси-
дирование, инфраструктура.
Мақалада Қазақстан Республикасының президенті Н.А. Назарбаевтың «Жаңа
он жылдық – жаңа экономикалық өрлеу – Қазақстанның жаңа мүмкіндіктері» атты
Қазақстан халқына Жолдауын және Қазақстанның 2020 жылға дейінгі Стратегиялық жо-
спарын жүзеге асыру мақсатында «Бизнес жол картасы-2020» (бұдан әрі – бағдарлама)
шағын және орта бизнестің мәселелері қарастырылған.
Түйін сөздер: Бизнес жол картасы-2020, шағын және орта бизнес, қаражаттандыру,
The paper deals with small and medium-sized businesses «Business Road Map 2020»
(hereinafter – the Program) is designed to implement the message of the President of the Re-
public of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan «New Decade – New Eco-
nomic Growth – New Opportunities of Kazakhstan» and the Strategic Plan of Development
of Kazakhstan till 2020.
Keywords: Business Road Map-2020, small medium businesses, subsidies and infra-
Государственная политика в Республике Казахстан в отношении малого и
среднего бизнеса нацелена на формирование среднего класса, путем развития
малого предпринимательства, ориентированного на создание новых высокотех-
нологичных производств с наибольшей добавленной стоимостью.
Для достижения поставленной цели, как одним из этапов реализации стра-
тегии индустриально-инновационного развития Республики Казахстан преду-
сматривается решение задачи развития инфраструктуры предпринимательства.
Инфраструктура поддержки предпринимательства представляет собой ком-
плекс организаций, обеспечивающих благоприятные условия создания, функци-
онирования и развития частной предпринимательской деятельности.
В Республике Казахстан к подобным организациям можно отнести:
государственные и созданные по инициативе государства организации;
неправительственные организации;
коммерческие организации.
Кроме задач по формированию и реализации государственной политики в
области малого и среднего бизнеса государством выполняются функции по обе-
спечению финансовой поддержки предпринимательства.
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
Рисунок 1 – Система государственной поддержки МСБ
К организациям, выполняющим перечисленные функции, относятся сле-
дующие государственные компании:
АО «Центр инжиниринга и трансферта технологий». Основная цель Цен-
тра состоит в повышении конкурентоспособности, отраслей реального сектора
экономики Казахстана путем организации трансферта новых технологий, а так-
же активизации инновационной деятельности в республике.
АО «Корпорация по развитию и продвижению экспорта «Kaznex» оказы-
вает информационно-аналитическую поддержку Правительству в области фор-
мирования государственной политики, в том числе и по развитию предпринима-
АО «Фонд развития предпринимательства «Даму» – содействие качествен-
ному развитию малого и среднего бизнеса, а также микро финансовых органи-
заций Казахстана в роли интегратора и оператора предоставления финансовых,
консалтинговых услуг.
АО «Национальный инновационный фонд» оказывает финансовую под-
держку инновационных предпринимательских инициатив путем привлечения
инвестиций и финансирования проектов.
АО «Инвестиционный фонд Казахстана» – финансовая поддержка путем
Д.М. РЫСМАТОВА, К.Ж. ШОЛПАНБАЕВА. 2 (66) 2015. С. 399-405
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
инвестирования в уставный капитал предприятий, производящих углубленную
переработку сырья и материалов, с использованием современных и передовых
АО «Банк Развития Казахстана» – финансовая поддержка.
Далее рассмотрим рисунок 2, в котором подробно описана взаимосвязь го-
сударственных органов по развитию МСБ в РК.
Рисунок 2 – Система взаимодействия государственных органов по развитию МСБ в РК
В целях усиления государственной поддержки и активизации развития ма-
лого предпринимательства Президентом Республики Казахстан в марте 1997 г.
был издан указ, который стал основой для создания АО «Фонд развития малого
Во исполнение указа Президента Правительство Республики Казахстан
вынесло постановление «О создании Фонда развития малого предприниматель-
АО «Фонд развития предпринимательства «Даму» – национальный инсти-
тут развития, оператор по управлению активами государства. Миссия Компании
– содействие качественному развитию малого и среднего бизнеса, а также ми-
крофинансовых организаций Казахстана в роли интегратора и оператора предо-
ставления финансовых, консалтинговых услуг.
АО Фонд «Даму» предлагает широкий спектр продуктов и услуг для пред-
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
принимателей: программы кредитования через банки второго уровня, финанси-
рование лизинговых сделок, субсидирование процентных ставок, гарантирова-
ние, обучение основам бизнеса, консультационная поддержка, распространение
информационно-аналитических материалов. Фонд представлен во всех регионах
Казахстана. Региональную сеть составляют 16 филиалов во всех областных цен-
трах, а также в городах Астана и Алматы. Кроме этого, в рамках обучающих
и консультационных программ Фонд «Даму» обеспечивает охват аудиторий во
всех 209 городах и районах Казахстана (рисунок 3).
Рисунок 3 – Фонд «Даму» – Национальный институт развития
Программа «Дорожная карта Бизнеса-2020» с 2011 года осуществляется по
основным четырем направлениям.
Поддержка новых бизнес-инициатив.
Когда у предпринимателей спрашивают, что им мешает развивать бизнес,
очень часто звучит ответ: «Слишком высокие банковские ставки». Государство
не может потребовать от Банков снижения ставок, потому что Банки – это ры-
ночные институты, работающие в конкурентной среде и самостоятельно уста-
навливающие цены на свои услуги. В частности, банковская ставка складывает-
ся из таких составляющих, как уровень инфляции, стоимость привлечения денег
самим Банком, а также плата за риск, который несет Банк при кредитовании.
Д.М. РЫСМАТОВА, К.Ж. ШОЛПАНБАЕВА. 2 (66) 2015. С. 399-405
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
Зато государство может взять на себя выплату части вознаграждения (процент-
ной ставки) по кредитам, выдаваемым на реализацию важных для государства
проектов. Этот механизм называется субсидированием процентной ставки и
широко используется во многих странах мира для поддержки производителей в
приоритетных секторах экономики. В Казахстане субсидии уже выделяются для
предприятий, которые занимаются переработкой сельскохозяйственного сырья.
Теперь снизить стоимость кредитов смогут и другие производственные компа-
Оздоровление предпринимательского сектора.
В годы экономического подъема многие компании брали большие кредиты
на развитие производства, рассчитывая на рост выручки. Но во время кризиса
выручка предприятий снизилась, и сегодня многие из них испытывают затрудне-
ния со своевременным и полным погашением своих обязательств перед Банком.
Тем компаниям, которые имеют ясные перспективы развития, государство наме-
рено помочь, взяв на себя выплату части ставки вознаграждения по кредиту.
Поддержка экспорт ориентированных производств.
Сегодня экспорт нефти и металлов обеспечивает стабильный приток ва-
лютной выручки в Казахстан. А что мы сможем предложить на внешнем рынке
завтра? Это зависит от того, как будут развиваться предприятия не сырьевого
сектора. Государственные программы развития предусматривают много мер
поддержки таких производителей.
Усиление предпринимательского потенциала.
Анализ состояния предпринимательства в республике показывает необхо-
димость повышения образовательного уровня предпринимателей и внедрения
современных моделей ведения бизнеса. С учетом этого, в нынешнем году Про-
грамма «ДКБ-2020» дополнена новым направлением – «Усиление предпринима-
тельского потенциала»:
поддержка начинающих старт-ап проектов;
сервисная поддержка ведения бизнеса;
обучение топ-менеджмента малого и среднего бизнеса;
модернизация и расширение производства путем установления деловых
связей с иностранными партнерами (проект «деловые связи»);
подготовка и переподготовка кадров по востребованным на рынке труда
Экономический эффект от применения мер поддержки Программы «До-
рожная карта бизнеса-2020»:
возможность освоить новое производство;
возможность расширения и модернизации производства;
увеличение объемов производства и оказания услуг;
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
сохранение действующих рабочих мест;
снижение долговой нагрузки (удешевление кредитов, снижение размеров
выплат по банковским кредитам);
высвободившиеся денежные средства в результате субсидирования могут
быть направлены на развитие бизнеса и создание новых рабочих мест;
увеличение налоговых поступлений в бюджет.
Таким образом, в ходе реализации Программы с 2010 года по трем на-
правлениям к субсидированию было одобрено 1068 проектов на общую сумму
342 787,7 млн тенге:
по 1 направлению одобрено 804 предприятия на общую сумму кредитов
149 875,9 млн тенге, подписано 520 договоров субсидирования;
по 2 направлению – 189 предприятий на общую сумму кредитов 143 221,4
млн тенге, подписано 129 договоров субсидирования;
по 3 направлению – 75 предприятий на общую сумму кредитов 49 690,4
млн тенге, подписано 47 договоров субсидирования.
1. http://www.damu.kz - Фонд развития предпринимательства «ДАМУ».
2. http://dkb2020.kz - Дорожная карта бизнеса.
3. http://www.samryk-kazyna.kz сайт АО «Фонд национального благосостояния
4. Указ Президента Республики Казахстан «О Государственной программе по
форсированному индустриально-инновационному развитию Республики Казахстан» на
2010-2014 гг.
5. Ковалев В. В. Финансы организаций (предприятий): учeб. / В.В. Ковалев, Вит.В.
Ковалев. – М.: ТК Велби: Изд-во Проспект, 2006. – 352 с.
6. http://www.e.gov.kz - Электронное Правительство Республики Казахстан.
7. http://www.stat.kz - агентство Республики Казахстан по статистике.
8. http://www.smallbusiness.kz Казахстанский деловой портал поддержки предпри-
нимательства «Малый бизнес в «Казахстане».
1. http://www.damu.kz - Fond razvitija predprinimatel’stva DAMU (in Russ).
2. http://dkb2020.kz - Dorozhnaja karta biznesa (in Russ).
3. http://www.samryk-kazyna.kz sajt AO Fond nacional’nogo blagosostojanija Samruk
Kazyna (in Russ).
4. Ukaz Prezidenta Respubliki Kazahstan O Gosudarstvennoj programme po forsiro-
vannomu industrial’no-innovacionnomu razvitiju Respubliki Kazahstan na 2010-2014 gg. (in
5. Kovalev V.V., Kovalev Vit.V. Finansy organizacij (predprijatij): ucheb. M.: TK Vel-
bi, Izd-vo Prospekt, 2006, 352 (in Russ).
6. http://www.e.gov.kz - Jelektronnoe Pravitel’stvo Respubliki Kazahstan (in Russ).
7. http://www.stat.kz - agentstvo Respubliki Kazahstan po statistike (in Russ).
8. http://www.smallbusiness.kz Kazahstanskij delovoj portal podderzhki predp-
rinimatel’stva Malyj biznes v Kazahstane (in Russ).
Д.М. РЫСМАТОВА, К.Ж. ШОЛПАНБАЕВА. 2 (66) 2015. С. 399-405
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
UDC 314.045:316.32
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Ukraine
The author considers the mechanism of forming the image of Muslims in the modern
Western mass culture as «a subject capable of violence» by method of stereotyping based on
the principle of Eurocentrism, which provides evaluation of Islamic values, cultural and ethi-
cal norms as non-modern. Author also analyzes the policy of multiculturalism as a method of
searching social compromise and combat the spread of Islamophobic sentiments.
Keywords: Violence, mass culture, Islam, globalization, Eurocentrism.
Мақалада автор батыс бұқаралық мәдениетте «зорлық-зомбылыққа қабілетті
субъект» ретінде мұсылман бейнесінің қалыптастыру механизмін стереотиптеу әдісімен
еуроорталық негізінде қарастырады. Бұл өз кезегінде ислам құндылықтарын, мәдени-
этикалық нормаларды зерттеуді талап етеді. Сонымен қатар мультикультурализм саяса-
тын әлеуметтік ымыраға келу және исламофобтік көңіл күй таралуына қарсы тұру әдісі
ретінде зерделейді.
Түйін сөздер: зорлық-зомбылық, бұқаралық мәдениет, ислам, жаһандану,
В статье автор рассматривает механизм формирования образа мусульман в со-
временной западной массовой культуре как «субъекта, способного на насилие» методом
стереотипизации на основе принципа европоцентризма, что предусматривает оценку
исламских ценностей, культурно-этических норм как несовременных. Также анализи-
руется политика мультикультурализма как метода поиска социального компромисса и
противодействия распространению исламофобных настроений.
Ключевые слова: насилие, массовая культура, ислам, глобализация, европоцен-
Many researches of philosophers, sociologists, psychologists and educators were
devoted to the phenomenon of violence as ontological foundation of social existence.
The apogee of dominance of violence in society was the first half of the twentieth cen-
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
tury, especially in the period from World War I to the Second. Awareness of mankind
after the destructive action of violence led to the condemnation of extremist political
movements, the creation of international organizations, intergovernmental formations
to avoid mass annihilation of people and the escalation of violence. However, political
violence prevention methods were not effective as from time to time in different coun-
tries there are outbreaks of violence from the smallest government troops clashes with
protesters to total elimination at the state level representatives of certain social com-
munities along class, racial, ethnic or religious grounds (e.g., regime of the “Khmer
Rouge” genocide in Rwanda, the yugoslav war). However, scientists now actualized
to study the problem of violent social changes in content under the influence of global-
ization. Globalization processes revealed a tendency to assert hidden violence that is
violence with minimal use of physical force. Important role to play in popular culture
produced and disseminated through the mass media norms of behavior consumer life-
styles. A significant number of violent scenes in feature films, the dominance of crime
news in the news creates an image of cruel social environment in which the condition
of survival is meaningless following the existing norms and prejudices of their viola-
tion by others. More and more you can watch producing of the image of the greatest
perpetrator this “social stability” – Muslims. Then, the need for the research is actual-
Violence as a phenomenon is part of the force. Violence is a form of social
relations in which some individuals and their groups and organizations partially or
completely conquer others using methods of coercion and threat to life. Also, violence
is understood as a certain way of human impact on the person to call him for an appro-
priate behavior [1: p. 18]. The term “violence” refers in the socio-philosophical sense
firstly as unjustified and unfair use of force to solve certain social problems, which
usually leads to distortion of posed (even noble) aims and objectives and, secondly,
as forcing (action), which manages a person, group, country to achieve its goals, such
use of force is associated with the direct infliction of physical, mental or moral harm
to another person or state or threat of such injury [2: p. 114]. As it was noted, the vio-
lence is the ontological sign of social life, in fact, pointed out by J. Derrida, life without
violence would be being, which reproduces itself outside the existent: nothing, not his-
tory, not a reproduction, not phenomenal [3: p. 713]. Violence is realized through the
action that has not received approval from the objects to which it directed, their rights
and interests are ignored. Extreme manifestation of violence is war as a complex of
actions, object to which it is directed, is defined as the enemy.
W. Benjamin in his work “Critique of Violence” pointed to the existence of two
kinds of violence: “mythical” and “divine” [4]. The first is a tool for the destruction
of the existing social and legal norms and the establishment of new and second – sup-
port newly established rules, “clear” violence. “Mythical violence” is carried harsh
V. SLyUSAR. 2 (66) 2015. Р. 405-415
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
and even cruel bloody methods which disintegrates society, whose integrity remains
primarily on universal domination of fear. An important way of transition to a “divine
violence” support of its action, which can integrate society, is a “sacrifice” that is form-
ing in the public mind the image of a common enemy, the establishment of “all against
one”. According to the theory of “sacrificial crisis” by René Girard in the transition
to a qualitatively new cultural and social system always comes a social crisis, when
the distinction between impure and purifying violence is lost [5: p. 64]. Overcoming
the crisis occurs through the implementation of socially susceptible “sacrifice” that
is the image of a common enemy forms, against whom are urged all segments of the
population. The overall integrative violence changes the sole destructive one and most
importantly, legally. W. Benjamin emphasized that society does not recognize a single,
individual violence as “... the law consider violence in the hands of the individual as a
threat that undermines the legal order” [4: p. 183]. Thus affirms generally recognized
only common violence, designed to maintain public order, the individual manifesta-
tions of violence are denied, carried out by specific social communities as destructive.
The final act of approval of “divine violence” is to recognize the sacrifice of his guilt.
Processes of globalization have found systemic crisis events, first of all, caused
by social, economic, and cultural inequality of societies interaction of which have
become more powerful because of disappearance of borders, territorial loss of numer-
ous social functions. The ideology of globalism is designed to overcome the crisis
events objectively caused by globalization. A “victim” defined by globalism is “sub-
ject capable of violence”, sacrifice of which would legalize violence. The principal of
resistance to violence changes according to it: if earlier there was a problem to stop the
violence, prevent its escalation, now there is another task to stop violence before its
emergence, remove potential vehicle of instability from society management and as an
ultimate goal to establish the justification of the legitimate violence. “Subject capable
of violence” is not a certain person it is an image produced by the mass culture. In this
image culture of non West European type is fixed as the threat of economic, social
and cultural stability of the West. This subject can be represented by a certain person,
social groups, communities (for example: residents of african-american ghettoes in the
USA), and civilizations (especially Islamic).
The religious basis for the definition of “subject capable of violence” actualized
in decades. The reason for this A. Toffler called the crisis of the modern stage of devel-
opment of Western civilization (the civilization of the second wave), which has been
caused by secularism. As a result, religious extremist currents that want to turn be-
fore industrial fundamentalism, neo-heathen religious movements and nontraditional
beliefs begin to grow. They aim to “quench the religious thirst.” However, religious
passion, whether they are sincere or just mask other feelings can become a toy of
political demagogues and too easily turn into a thirst for violence [6: p. 321]. Current
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role of Islam is not only actualized as of spiritual and cultural factor, but as well as
a mean of civilizational and national identity in a globalized world which denies the
processes of secularization. Islam, according to the famous Ukrainian religious studies
expert A. Kolodny, is a peaceful religion, but it does not tolerate injustice on it self, it
is able to actively protect itself from danger, and it is capable of vengeance [7: p. 102].
However, can not agree with the opinion of A. Toffler that exactly recent memory of
colonialism is the cause of the negative attitude of the Muslim peoples to the western
civilization [6: p. 321]. This position absolutizes political component of the problem,
leaving aside the conflict between the Muslim way of life with forms of spirituality
and vital activity that establish itselves in postmodern society, and penetrate mainly
through youth.
Analyzing the problems of Islam identified by researchers W. Shadid and
P.S. van Koningsveld reasons for the negative attitude of the West towards Muslims
in general, including models such as model of changing relations between superior
and subordinate; model of the clash of civilizations and compulsory enemy; model of
political Islam; model of simplified information and model of increased Muslim immi-
gration in the Western world [8: p. 177], you can focus on the role of mass media in the
formation of a negative image of Muslims. One of the first steps to establishing in the
mass consciousness picture of Muslims as subjects capable of violence was prevalent
in Western mass media before the 1991 war in the Persian Gulf “expert” information
about the Middle East and Arabs. It was argued that there all roads lead to the bazaar,
the Arabs understand only force, brutality and violence – elements of Arab civiliza-
tion, Islam – intolerant, with segregation, “medieval”, fanatical, cruel, antiwomen re-
ligion [9: p. 414]. Most Arabs over the past decades are portrayed solely as rapists and
murderers. Moreover, to this day, according to E. Said, there is no other such ethnic or
religious group, about which it would be allowed to write or say whatever without ex-
posing themselves to danger of categorical refutations and protests [10: p. 372]. At the
same time any other thoughts on this matter are condemned, are exposing to devastat-
ing criticism. After the events of September 11, 2001 Islam became synonymous with
violence. Thus by making a linguistic analysis of the concept of “Islam” in English
journalism, O. Khoroshun claims that in American conceptual space “Islam” causes
negative associations [11]. The image of Muslims as “subjects capable of violence,”
is characterized by integrity that is the whole Islamic world is perceived as homoge-
neous, individual and group differences are erased. Moreover, “it often appears not
as a generalized image, but as a personification of all evil, hostile and violent in the
world” [12: p. 170]. “Other”, which is rated as “the enemy” becomes a potential carrier
of violence, who should be immediately stopped.
It should be noted that not always the mass media realize purposeful forma-
tion of the image of Muslims as “subjects capable of violence.” Thus, the Ukrainian
V. SLyUSAR. 2 (66) 2015. Р. 405-415
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
journalist O. Hnes’ by analyzing form of submission news about events in Islamic
countries by Ukrainian TV channels, concluded that, on the one hand, their informa-
tion is presented without xenophobic ideological partiality against Muslims, on the
other – through the professional stamps and clichés allow information is presented not
objectively not in full [13: p. 128]. Any extraordinary event (explosion, accident, etc.)
in these countries stereotypically served without diligent verification of the facts as a
terrorist act, even if it is everyday cases. Such stereotyping and use of clichés allow
journalists save their time significantly in preparing the materials, the content of which
does not require verification. At the same time, it has a political foundation, since for
stereotyping of Islam in the mass media typical, according to M. Butyrina are “insti-
tutionalization, politicization and desacralization of religion, distortion of its principal
provisions; actualization of biased attitude to Muslims, which negatively affects the
interfaith relations ... typical for media are undifferentiated representation of religion
in the aspect of human spirituality and in terms of externally imposed it of political
speculative claims” [14: p. 120]. Thus, in the mass media associative range is stereo-
typing: “Islam” – “violence,” “Islamic world” – “terrorism”, “a Muslim” – “Believer
capable of violence.” Thus constructed moral panic about the Islamic threat, edit and
spread cover images of Muslims as “the enemy” (replacing the already previously
created image of “Alien”). This in turn actualizes necessity for every Muslim to make
excuses that he is not a terrorist and has no intention to carry out violent acts. On the
background growing phenomenon of apocalyptic theme the spread of Islam is marked
as a “catastrophe” in the same line with the themes of end of the world through the
natural disasters and through invading aliens.
Another way of forming the image of Muslims as “entities capable of Violence”
is the realization of the principle of Eurocentrism, which involves identifying of all
achievements (cultural, economic, political, legislative, etc.) of Western civilization
as exemplary. In this era of globalization increasingly reaching other civilizations,
their traditions and socio-cultural norms are evaluated in the social consciousness of
the West as obsolete, outdated. At the same time, as noted Sadik J. Al-Azm, moder-
nity – is purely European invention, Europe has generally created the modern world,
not in order to appeal to the Arabs, Muslims, or to anyone else for advice, but did so
by expense of all others [15: p. 115-116]. Analysis of Islamic culture based on Euro-
centric principles is not realized to find points of conflict between East and West for its
solving, not to understand the behavior of Muslims, but, above all, to emphasize the
differences and benefits of Western culture [8: p. 176].
“Modern barbarians” also are added to the “subject capable of violence”. Mod-
ern technogenic, virtualized Western culture is influenced heavily by “backward”, in
its opinion, cultures. “New Barbarian” – is the one who is constantly, destroying, look-
ing for ways, even where Western culture sees “irreducible mountains.” New Barbar-
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ians, by M. Hardt and A. Negri, “destroy affirmative violence, paving new paths of
life through its material existence” [16: p. 203]. The problem arises, how “barbarian”
will be able to practise with new developments of the culture. It should be mentioned
that the interaction of “human – technology” under the influence of globalization has
led, in the words of E. Balibar, to the “institutional racization of manual labor” as a
manifestation of “class racism.” Factory Automation has detected a new form of con-
tempt – to mechanized physical labor where a person is an appendage to the machine.
This labor is over-exploitation, in which occurs gradual destruction of the organism
and inhibition of intellectual functions [17: p. 245-246]. Typically, immigrants, among
whom significant portions are Muslims, designed to perform in European countries
such work.
The vast majority of Muslims living in Europe today, moved here in the 60-ies
of XX century. One of the most important reasons was the rapid growth of many Euro-
pean countries, survived two world wars and severe for consequences economic crisis
for a half a century. A need for additional manpower appeared. A number of Western
European countries have passed laws, codes, intergovernmental agreements designed
to attract cheap labor due to immigration from Islamic countries (particular, the law of
Lamin Gueye (1946, French law granting citizenship to residents of French colonies),
British National Act (1948 UK law granting citizenship to residents of Great Britain
colonies), the agreement between Germany and Turkey about hiring labor (1961), the
Code on entry and staying of foreigners and asylum law (France, 2005), the law of
France about immigration and integration (2006, “Sarkozy`s law”)). Many Muslims
originated from the former colonies of Great Britain (Pakistan, Bangladesh), the Neth-
erlands (Indonesia) and France (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco). Colonies will always feed
economy of their oppressors at their own resources. Usually together with the indepen-
dence they have got exhausted emasculated economy, denoted by high unemployment
and low living standards. To escape poverty, representatives of recently colonized peo-
ple migrated to the former colonial countries, agreeing on a much lower salary than the
local population had. Time passed, migrant workers, dropping roots here, were award-
ed an invitation to relocate their families (“family reunification”). And then, with the
adoption of the Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, there were also
large groups of refugees. Also Muslim community was replenished, although in much
smaller number, with students who came to study from Muslim countries. Even the
crisis of 1974 / ‘75 did not stop the inflow of immigrants only slightly slowed down. In
90th, there was another wave of immigration, they have already settled in the southern
European countries because of their geographical proximity to the Muslim countries.
Introduction of Schengen area in the EU contributed to the further migration of Mus-
lims from their densely populated countries in other European countries of Denmark,
Norway, Italy, Spain, Greece and others. Social, cultural and political part of life of
V. SLyUSAR. 2 (66) 2015. Р. 405-415
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
the Muslim community in leading European countries was largely ignored. This led
to a complex of problems: rising unemployment, poor housing conditions, difficulties
in education (especially higher education), the emergence of ghettos – city districts,
where mostly live immigrants from Islamic countries, mainly in social housing, the
right to receive which granted only after a period of residence in the country, for ex-
ample. England – 3-5 years. Riot of Muslim immigrants against defined their place
in society is overcome through forcible “civilize of barbarians” by the society that
involves the assimilation of the next generation of immigrants of European cultural
Increasing number of Muslims in Europe puts a request to search social compro-
mise, and therefore need to demarcate the concepts of “Islam” and “Islamic terrorism”
in the public consciousness. Particular, materials “Religion und Gewalt”, prepared by
the Austrian Institute of Religion and Peace, included specific explanation of the vio-
lence which can appear on religious ground in general and particular in practice of
every religion. Islam, which, however, is listed first (incomprehensible basis of the
line structure), is emphasized that Islam is not a religion of violence and, like all reli-
gions; Islam also presents the ethics of the world, the aim of which is to reduce inter-
personal violence. As for the use of military violence, discussed in Islam, the lack of
them in Christianity is explained with the help of the fact that Jesus did not have any
military power, instead Muhammad, who was a full-fledged political leader [18: p. 10-
11]. Herewith conditions of application of military violence, ads jihad, the distinction
between the concepts of “fundamentalism” and “terrorism” are well-defined.
For example, in 2007 appeared Pakistani movie “Khuda Kay Liye”, in which on
the one hand, Islamic extremism and impunity of crimes of U. S. intelligence are con-
demned and on the other hand the film received many awards and was showed even
in India, where a ban on the demonstration of Pakistani films was existing for 43. And
in 2010, Indian Bollywood presented film “My Name Is Khan”, devoted to a negative
image of Muslims in Western culture and their need to make constant excuses to repre-
sentatives of Western civilization about absence of intention to organize terrorist acts.
The idea of building a European model of Islam which would integrate European
Muslims and help them to adapt to the European Community is more confirmed now.
According to A. Kolodny, the USA takes the leadership of resistance to the Islamic
world, the dissemination with the help of pushing Jewish lobby to it, also the USA
makes an effort to bring European countries to it [7: p. 102]. It can cause the confron-
tation between two civilizations – the Christian and Islamic. Basing on the analysis of
trends in European political processes we can say, in principle, that such model was
not accepted by European democracy supported by Vatican. At the heart of the EU
and many other European countries the principle of tolerance particular to Islam and
many other religions in general is proclaimed. However, intention of the USA to retain
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the role of the “world police” and the imposition of Western values to “non-Western”
civilizations realized with the help of the image of Muslims as the enemy of the West,
spreading confidence of islamophobia, promoting Muslims as “subject capable of vio-
It has led to ambivalent relations to Muslim communities, visible in European
politics today. On the one hand, the community, like other religious communities, has
all necessary conditions for the realization of human rights and religious freedoms,
guaranteed by democratic constitutions of European countries and the “European Con-
vention on Human Rights” (Article 9). Providing conditions for the development of
Islamic culture is a component of the European policy of multiculturalism. But on the
other hand, religion for a Muslim is an important function of his life, and secular insti-
tutions without the authority of religion, perceived as secondary ones. It slows down
the processes of integration of Muslims into European society. There is some distrust
and even aggression from the side of the number of European politicians because of
it. They require to take serious actions to a deeper integration of Muslims in European
society to restrict the immigration of representatives of ethnic groups traditionally
practicing Islam.
Hot debates in academic and political circles in Germany and in whole Europe
was caused by the work “Sarracin`s body” (Thilo Sarrazin) “Germany is liquidated it-
self” (“Deutschland schafft sich ab”), the author said that the immigration of Muslims
(especially Arabs and Turks) had harmful character for German. He said that the main
reason why immigrants could not integrate into the European community was Islamic
culture. Also, in his opinion, the lack of distinction between Islam and radicalism,
fundamentalism and violence, as well as high fertility, low levels of education among
Muslims caused the growth of rejection of them in Europe [19]. Thus, the image of
Muslims as “entities capable of violence”, is added another sign of diversity – the
cause of economic and social instability.
In the European mass-media anti-Muslim attitudes are being claimed more and
more often and Islamophobia (hostility to Islam, anti-Muslim racism) is being con-
firmed [20]. Ambivalence of European policy lies in the fact that on the one hand,
provides legal side of religious activity of Muslims. But at the same time because of
the stereotyping of last ones as entities capable of violence, this activity time to time
labeled as hostile Islamization of Europe. The wish of Swiss Muslim community to
build new minarets triggered protest of the locals, which forbade it with the help of
referendum in November 29, 2009 (57,5% of the participants in the referendum). The
desire of Muslims was regarded as a manifestation of the Swiss Islamic political and
religious aggression and infringement of the country. But at the same time a consider-
able part of the population supported the slogan “The sky of Switzerland is enough
for all”. The fact of holding such a referendum as its results was convicted a number
of European politicians, human rights organizations considering it an obstacle to the
V. SLyUSAR. 2 (66) 2015. Р. 405-415
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
constructive interfaith dialogue. The part of europoliticum emphasized the nonidenti-
cal religious freedoms with the right to build minarets.
Production of the image of Muslims as “subjects capable of violence” has led
to rethinking of another European values. September 20, 2005 the Danish newspaper
“Jyllands-Posten” published the series of 12 cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, in
which was clearly visible the image of Prophet associated with terrorists (e.g., Kurt
Vestergaard depicted Muhammad with a bomb is about to explode, instead turban on
his head). Afterward these cartoons were reprinted in many other western mass-media.
Depiction of Prophet Mohammed is forbidden in Islam, especially his caricature. The
Islamic world recognized it as the top of intolerance from the side of the Danes, in
many Islamic countries were organized mass protests; attacks on the embassies of Eu-
ropean countries, some countries declare the boycott of Danish and Norwegian goods.
The editorship of the newspaper estimated its actions as actions committed in frames
of freedom of speech guaranteeing by the Constitution. Hence, European society be-
gan the discussion about the limits of freedom of speech and religious tolerance.
During the periods of modern transformations, under the influence of globaliza-
tion processes one form of violence, destroying the existing law, changes to another
one, legitimizing and supporting newly installed law. One of the most effective ways
to promote the transition, is to direct the social energy of an unstable society on the
fight with a common enemy for all communities. During the globalization age in the
Western popular culture the image of the common enemy is being produced. It is
the image of the “subject capable of violence”. Muslims are proclaimed one of these
“subjects”. Notwithstanding the fact that Islam is inherently peaceful religion, Western
public opinion with the help of stereotyping methods made an associative image of
Muslims as aggressors, terrorists who can commit an act of violence at any moment.
Mass-media do it both purposefully and with the help of different stated stereotypes.
Creating the image of Muslims as “subject capable of violence” is based on the prin-
ciple of Eurocentrism, defined different from the Western cultural, economic, politi-
cal, legal norms and traditions as imperfect threaten the stability of the West. But the
increasing number of Muslims living in Europe, has led to a reassessment of social
values, has actualized need to find a compromise to reduce the fear of Islam nourish-
ing this image.
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