Тоб ы: пмд211 Түркістан-2022 Family in modern society

Today, I believe we are in the midst of a spiritual renaissance, the likes of which has not been seen on this planet since the turn of the first millennium

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Today, I believe we are in the midst of a spiritual renaissance, the likes of which has not been seen on this planet since the turn of the first millennium.
True spirituality, whether of the shaman, priest, yogi/yogini or siddha, is always concerned with the search for that which has deepest meaning in life so as to be able to embody it for the benefit of others. Before the first millennium and for the majority of humanity’s history, spirituality had been shamanic. Through the cultivation of psychic-states and visions, as well as a profound connection to nature, shamans had sought to penetrate into a deeper layer of meaning in life for the benefit of the tribe.
Over time, on the basis of this shamanic orientation and seemingly across the world, human spirituality sought to penetrate higher and higher into realms of subtle energy and higher consciousness. These forms of spirituality explored contact with chakras, angels, devas, souls, god, gods and goddesses, lights, sounds and energies (e.g. the mysticism of Ancient Egypt, Vedic India, Jainism). These increasingly became the focus of spirituality.

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