Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике

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IV. Choose the correct answer.
1. What were the policemen going to do?
a) They were going to rush the place.
b) They were going to open fire.
c) They wanted to retreat.
d) They were going to rush the place but they had to wait.
2. Why couldn't the police have any shooting?
a) There was a hostage in the building.
b) The girl asked them not to shoot.
c) They were waiting for the command.
d) There was a command to cease fire.
3. How did Saunders manage to confuse the fugitive?
a) He kept blowing his whistle continuously.
b) He ordered all the policemen to blow their whistles.
c) He commanded everyone to sing a song.
d) He burst laughing.
4. Why did the fugitive hesitate?
a) He lost his gun in the fog.
b) Suddenly he saw a black cat crossing the road.
c) He couldn’t realize where to go.
d) He couldn’t decide whether to surrender or not.
5. Why was it necessary to the policemen to keep in touch?
a) Not to be lost.
b) Not to fall asleep.
c) To prevent the fugitive from the escape.
d) To open fire in time.
6. What was Saunders's command?
a) «Revolver in hand!»
b) «Cease fire!»
c) «Hands up!»
d) «Hands down!»
Text 10
Mr. Botibol pushed his way through the revolving doors and emerged into the large foyer o f 
the hotel. He took o ff his hat and holding it in front o f him with both hands, he advanced nervously 
a few paces, paused and stood looking around him, searching the faces o f the lunchtime crowd. 
Several people turned and stared at him in mild astonishment, and he heard - or he thought he heard 
- at least one woman's voice saying, «My dear, do look what's just come in!»
At last he spotted Mr. Clements sitting at a small table in the far comer, and he hurried over 
to him. Clements had seen him coming, and now, as he watched Mr. Botibol threading his way 
cautiously between the tables and the people, walking on his toes in such a meek and self-effacing 
manner and clutching his hat before him with both hands, he thought how wretched it must be for 
any man to look as conspicuous and as odd as this Botibol. He resembled, to an extraordinary 
degree, an asparagus. His long narrow stalk did not appear to have any shoulders at all; it merely 
tapered upwards, growing gradually narrower and narrower until it came to a kind o f point at the 
top o f the small bald head. He was tightly encased in a shiny blue double-breasted suit, and this, for 
some curious reason, accentuated the illusion o f a vegetable to a preposterous degree.
Clements stood up, they shook hands, and then at once, even before they had sat down 
again, Mr. Botibol said, «I have decided, yes I have decided to accept the offer which you made to 
me before you left my office last night.»
For some days Cements had been negotiating, on behalf o f clients, for the purchase o f the 
firm known as Botibol & Co., o f which Mr. Botibol was sole owner, and the night before, Clements

had made his first offer. This was merely an exploratory, much-too-low bid, a kind o f signal to the 
seller that the buyers were seriously interested. And by God thought Clements, the poor fool has 
gone and accepted it. He nodded gravely many times in an effort to hide his astonishment and he 
said, «Good, good. I'm so glad to hear that, Mr. Botibol.» Then he signalled a waiter and said, «Two 
large martinis.»

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