Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике

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Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to ways of translation of the
passive voice into Russian:
Indefinite Passive:
1. A lot o f experiments are performed at this laboratory. 2 The result o f the experiment is 
shown in Table 11. 3. Objects with negative stability are called unstable. 4. The growth o f 
population is determined by a large number o f parameters. 5. A more careful approach is needed. 3. 
Information on the situation in the country is needed. 6. The large disagreement between the various 
published data is discussed. 7. The results o f the experiment were recognized by scientists. 8 . 1 was 
advised to attend Professor N ’s lectures. 9. The problem was first recognized in the 19th century. 10. 
The meeting was attended by representatives o f different organizations, 11. Yesterday we were 
given some new articles to translate. 12. A mechanical method was substituted for an electronic 
one. 13. A new theory will be worked out by the members o f our department. 14. My summary in

English will be written in December. 15. I shall be consulted next week. 16. Some pressing 
problems will be discussed at the symposium.
Continuous Passive:
My paper is being analyzed now. 2. The modified method is being used in many practical 
situations nowadays. 3. Presently my friend is being examined in Room 3 1 .4 . All the applicants for 
the job are being interviewed now'. 5. A diagram was being shown on the board when I appeared. 6. 
I was so furious that I scarcely knew what job was being done by me. 7. Science is the means by 
which the whole o f our civilization is rapidly being transformed. 8. Professor N. was being asked 
questions about his experiment at this time yesterday. 9. An important problem was being discussed 
by us when professor came in. 1 0 .1 was being consulted by my advisor when the telephone rang.

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