Учебно-методическое пособие, составленное по дисциплине «Домашнее чтение»

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Уч-метод. пособие по Дом. чтению

Assignment № 4 
Retell the story on the part of: 1)Ansley; 2)Adela, 3) Dickey Soames 
Assignment № 5 
Make up the dialogues and the sentences, using the words below: 
As strong as an ox 
As fresh as a cucumber 
As strong as nails 
As busy as a bee 
As sure as fate (as certainly as) 
As thick as thieves (very friendly) 
As hungry as a hunter 
As old as the sea 
As slow as a snail 
Assignment № 6 
True or false 
1 Ainsley read Dickeys letters before throwing them into the fire. 
2 Adela often gave reason for jealousy. 
3 It was a long time since Dicky  Soames had gone away to Australia to join his uncle. 
4 This fact made Ainsley forget his jealousy. 
5 When the working hours were over Ainsley took the letter and left the post-office together 
with his fellow-workers. 
6 The postmaster saw Ainsley getting out of the window and thinking that he had stolen 
something dismissed him. 
7 Ainsley envied Dicky when he learned that the latter had come into his uncles money. 
8 When Ainsley understood that he was to blame for everything he told the truth. 

~ 31 ~ 

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