1. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. How many countries has Alice Ashton visited during 35 years as a travel
2. In what manner has she explored Asia, Europe and Africa?
3. What country has she never explored?
4. What is Alice planning to do over the next ten days?
5. Who is Alice going to travel with?
6. What do her grandchildren want to do before they start exploring the rest of the
7. What city have they done a walking tour of?
8. What have they seen and admired?
9. Around what bay have they taken a boat trip?
10. What river have they rafted on?
11. What reserve have they visited? What have they seen?
12. At the campfire of what community have they been guests?
13. What have they learned?
14. What animals have they seen?
15. What has Alice Ashton heard people talk about?
16. What is Uluru?
17. Whom and what are Alice and her grandchildren going to miss?
V. GRAMMAR: THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE (НАСТОЯЩЕЕ СОВЕРШЕННОЕ ВРЕМЯ) 1. УПОТРЕБЛЕНИЕ PRESENT PERFECT PRESENT PERFECT УПОТРЕБЛЯЕТСЯ ДЛЯ ОБОЗНАЧЕНИЯ: 1. действий, которые совершились в прошлом, но результатом связаны с настоящим. Результат действия в прошлом может быть
как материальным, так и в форме опыта и знаний.
а) маркеры времени отсутствуют: Kim has bought a new mobile ['məuba ɪ
l] phone. Ким купила новый сотовый телефон. Simon has traveled a lot. Саймон много путешествовал.