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How to write an informal email 
An informal email is a letter that is written in a personal fashion. You can write 
them to relatives or friends, but also really to anyone with whom you have a non-
professional relationship with, although this doesn't exclude business partners or workers 
with whom you're friendly with either.  
The contents of your letter should be written in a personal and friendly tone. How-
ever, it's important to adjust your use of language to the person you are writing to. A 
good way of assessing how you should write is to think about how you would interact 
with each other in real life. Also, the English and the Americans are fond of exchanging 
social niceties. For example, they like asking a few polite questions "How are you?" or 
"How was your holiday?" for example.  
How do you address someone in English? This is fairly straightforward, and it is 
usually not as important as would be with a business or formal letter.  
This heavily depends on how well you know the person in question. Carefully con-
sider your relationship with him or her. You could simply say: "Hi Richard," but it is al-
ways safer to just say "Dear Richard," (Never forget the comma!) 
Sample Opening Sentences  
Your opening should be casual, and not as stiff as they would be in business letters. 
How are you? 

How have you been? 
How is life treating you? 
How are the kids? 
I hope you are doing well 
I hope you, Mike, and the kids are having a great time in. . . 
Closing sentences examples: 
I am looking forward to seeing you. 
I can't wait to see you soon. 
I can't wait to hear from you. 
I am looking forward to hearing from you, I hope to be hearing from you soon. 
See you soon. 
Send my love to. . . 
I hope you are doing well. 
Give my regards to. . . 
In terms of signing off, the choice is yours and you have a lot of freedom here. Here 
are some examples: 
Best wishes, 
Kind regards, 
Best regards, 
Lots of love, 

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