Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку Самара Издательство

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Starting up 
1. Match the words with their Russian equivalents: 
1.   low taxes 
a.  высокий уровень безработицы 
2.   skilled staff 
b. хорошее транспортное сообщение  
3.   low interest rates 
c.  невысокая ставка арендной платы  
4.   cheap rents 
d. курсы обучения 
5.   stable economy 
e.  государственные дотации 
6.   good transport links 
f.  низкие налоги 
7.   training courses 
g. квалифицированный персонал 
8.   high unemployment 
h. невысокий размер процентной ставки 
9.   a strong currency  
i.  устойчивая валюта 
 government grants 
j.  стабильная экономика 
2. Translate from English into Russian: 
1.  First of all that is a cheapness of the earth for the building up, low taxes, close-
ness to the sources of raw material and main markets. 
2. Although the situation is slowly improving, the Municipal Police still 
lacks skilled staff and experience in dealing with these crimes. 
3. In this case, it is entirely possible to have very low interest rates co-exist  with 
strong growth. 
4. They found out about the cheap rent and fired me. 
5. It is said that a stable economy cannot be built in an unstable society. 
6. The hotel has good transport links and is within walking distance of many of the 
city's attractions. 
7. Two training courses are presently ongoing. 
8. We've got contacts throughout Eastern Europe, with workers in areas of high un-
9. Over the longer term, a strong currency promotes efficiency in export industries. 
10. Grants related to income are government grants other than those related to as-
11.A strong currency and low interest rates will continue to support domestic de-
12. It is impossible to combine excellent location and good transport links with 
rather cheap rents in one apartment. 
13.The new and upgraded training course would help this company to have a more 
mobile, integrated and multi-skilled staff. 
14. Regardless of government grants the German economy faced a decade of high 
unemployment and slow growth. 
15. A stable economy of a country is made of low taxes, low interest rates, a strong 
currency and low unemployment.  


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