Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку Самара Издательство

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түріУчебное пособие
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Define your issue. It is clear to you what the issue is, but is that also clear to your 
reader? Also, does your reader believe you really know what you are talking about? You 
can support your ethos, or writing persona, by using evidence and explanations through-
out the proposal to back up your assertions. By setting your issue properly, you start con-
vincing the reader that you are the right person to take care of it. Think about the follow-
ing when you plan this part: 
What is the situation this issue applies to? 
What are the reasons behind this? 
Are we sure that those, and not others, are the real reasons? How are we sure of it? 
Has anyone ever tried to deal with this issue before? 
If yes: has it worked? Why? 
If no: why not?  
write a summary obvious to anyone in the field. 
 show that you've conducted in-depth research and evaluation to understand the 

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